All languages combined word senses marked with place category "North America"
Parent categories: America, Earth, Nature
Subcategories: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Countries in North America, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Gibraltar, Greenland, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, Regions of North America, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Maarten, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States, United States Virgin Islands
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 11555 word senses
- A-can-xò … Alabamo (66 senses)
- Alamo … Amerihká ovttastuvvan stáhtat (91 senses)
- Amerika … Andrews (60 senses)
- Aneth … Arkansian (84 senses)
- Arkie … BRB (73 senses)
- BS … Bear Valley Springs (94 senses)
- Beatty … Big Spring (89 senses)
- Biola … Bolivar Peninsula (49 senses)
- Bolt … Buena Vista (111 senses)
- Buff … C-Road (44 senses)
- CA … Campeche (78 senses)
- Campo … Casco (84 senses)
- Cash … Cheyenne (88 senses)
- Chi … Clarksville (74 senses)
- Clay … Commonwealth of Virginia (76 senses)
- Como … Cross Keys (86 senses)
- Crow … Dawson (76 senses)
- Day … District of Columbia (75 senses)
- Dixie … EE. UU. (93 senses)
- EU … Edmundson Acres (58 senses)
- Edna … Everson (104 senses)
- Ewen … Fenwick (44 senses)
- Ferry … Franco-Ontarien (84 senses)
- Frank … Gardnerville Ranchos (81 senses)
- Garey … Gordon (97 senses)
- Gore … Guale (86 senses)
- Guam … Haliimaile (58 senses)
- Hall … Hayfork (88 senses)
- Hays … Hollywood North (79 senses)
- Holt … I.-P.-E. (85 senses)
- IA … Indio Hills (55 senses)
- Indy … Jamestown (74 senses)
- Jamul … Kanatã (106 senses)
- Kane … Kensucky (51 senses)
- Kent … Knowlton (71 senses)
- Knox … Lamont (103 senses)
- Lamy … Lillooet (80 senses)
- Lima … Lookout (55 senses)
- Lorain … ME (73 senses)
- MI … Marley (104 senses)
- Marne … McSwain (68 senses)
- Mead … Metuchen (66 senses)
- Metwe … Minto (89 senses)
- Mio … Moore (85 senses)
- Mora … Mēhiko (78 senses)
- Mĩ … Nelson (59 senses)
- Nemo … Nicasio (80 senses)
- Nice … Northwest Territory (76 senses)
- Norway … O'odham (97 senses)
- OH … Ontário (81 senses)
- Onyx … Padilla (53 senses)
- Page … Perrin (94 senses)
- Perry … Poland China (80 senses)
- Polk … Pāʻia (87 senses)
- Qns … Rawlings (65 senses)
- Ray … Rollins (100 senses)
- Rome … SBA (51 senses)
- SC … San Antonio Heights (77 senses)
- San Ardo … Sattley (82 senses)
- Sauk … Shaver Lake (67 senses)
- Shaw … Soda Springs (86 senses)
- Solis … Stanhope (89 senses)
- Stany … Sultana (72 senses)
- Sumas … TVMA (64 senses)
- TX … Texian (86 senses)
- Texit … Tracyton (73 senses)
- Trail … U.S.A. (92 senses)
- US … USrael (71 senses)
- UT … Valparaiso (82 senses)
- Van … W.Va. (78 senses)
- WA … Waverly (75 senses)
- Waves … Wightmans Grove (86 senses)
- Wigwam … Wyndham (84 senses)
- Wyo. … Zortman (64 senses)
- Zuni … bahamés (73 senses)
- baks … estrecho de Bering (73 senses)
- euro … legua (92 senses)
- lei … pics San Francisco (65 senses)
- pie … usonano (88 senses)
- ušák … Ṣikago (72 senses)
- آلاباما … ألاباما (7 senses)
- ألاسكا … أوتاوا (9 senses)
- أوريغون … الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (11 senses)
- امریکا … بورتوريكو (9 senses)
- بوسطن … جامايكا (7 senses)
- جبرالٹر … سانت كيتس ونيفيس (12 senses)
- شكاقو … كانادا (8 senses)
- كندا … مكسيكي (9 senses)
- مين … نیویورک (10 senses)
- هائیتی … کالیفورنیا (9 senses)
- کانادا … کیوبیک (6 senses)
- ԱՄՆ (Proper name) [Armenian] USA (a country in North America); initialism of Ամերիկայի Միացյալ Նահանգներ (Amerikayi Miacʻyal Nahangner, “United States of America”)
- Ագանյա (Proper name) [Armenian] Hagåtña
- Ալեության կղզիներ (Proper name) [Armenian] Aleutian Islands
- Ալյասկա (Proper name) [Armenian] Alaska (a state of the United States)
- Ամերիկա (Proper name) [Armenian] United States (a country in North America)
- Ամերիկայի Միացյալ Նահանգներ (Proper name) [Armenian] United States of America (a country in North America)
- Բահամյան Կղզիներ (Proper name) [Armenian] Bahamas (an archipelago and country in the Caribbean)
- Բահամներ (Proper name) [Armenian] Bahamas (an archipelago and country in the Caribbean)
- Բարբադոս (Proper name) [Armenian] Barbados (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Բիրմինգհեմ (Proper name) [Armenian] Birmingham (a major city and metropolitan borough of the West Midlands, England)
- Բիրմինգհեմ (Proper name) [Armenian] Birmingham (a city, the county seat of Jefferson County, Alabama, United States)
- Բոստոն (Proper name) [Armenian] Boston (the capital and largest city of Massachusetts, United States)
- Գրանդ Կանյոն (Proper name) [Armenian] Grand Canyon
- Գրենադա (Proper name) [Armenian] Grenada (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Դետրոյտ (Proper name) [Armenian] Detroit (a city in the United States)
- Դոմինիկա (Proper name) [Armenian] Dominica
- Դոմինիկյան Հանրապետություն (Proper name) [Armenian] Dominican Republic (a country in the Caribbean)
- Լաս Վեգաս (Proper name) [Armenian] Las Vegas (a city in the United States)
- Լոս (Proper name) [Armenian] LA, Los Angeles (a large city in California, United States)
- Լոս Անջելես (Proper name) [Armenian] Los Angeles (a large city in California, United States)
- Կալիֆոռնիա (Proper name) [Armenian] California (a state of the United States)
- Կանադա (Proper name) [Armenian] Canada (a country in North America)
- Կապիտոլիում (Proper name) [Armenian] Capitol (US Congress building)
- Կորդիլերյան լեռներ (Proper name) [Armenian] American Cordillera
- Կորդիլերներ (Proper name) [Armenian] American Cordillera
- Կուբա (Proper name) [Armenian] Cuba (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Հայիթի (Proper name) [Armenian] Haiti (a country in the Caribbean)
- Հավայան կղզիներ (Proper name) [Armenian] Hawaii (islands)
- Հուդզոն (Proper name) [Armenian] Hudson (river)
- Հուդզոնի ծոց (Proper name) [Armenian] Hudson Bay
- Հուրոն (Proper name) [Armenian] Lake Huron
- Ճամայկա (Proper name) [Armenian] Jamaica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Մեքսիկա (Proper name) [Armenian] Mexico (a country in North America)
- Միացյալ Նահանգներ (Proper name) [Armenian] United States (a country in North America)
- Նյու Յորք (Proper name) [Armenian] New York City (a city in the United States)
- Չիկագո (Proper name) [Armenian] Chicago (a major city in Illinois, United States)
- Պուերտո Ռիկո (Proper name) [Armenian] Puerto Rico (a commonwealth, island and dependent territory of the United States in the Caribbean)
- Ջիբրալթար (Proper name) [Armenian] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- Ջորջիա (Proper name) [Armenian] Georgia (a state in the Southern United States)
- Սան Խոսե (Proper name) [Armenian] San Jose (a city in California, United States)
- Սան Ֆրանցիսկո (Proper name) [Armenian] San Francisco (a city in the United States)
- Սանդվիչյան կղզիներ (Proper name) [Armenian] Sandwich Islands
- Սուրբ Լավրենտիոսի գետ (Proper name) [Armenian] Saint Lawrence River
- Վանկուվեր (Proper name) [Armenian] Vancouver (a seaport, the largest city in British Columbia, Canada)
- Վանկուվեր (Proper name) [Armenian] Vancouver (a city, the county seat of Clark County, Washington, United States)
- Վաշինգտոն (Proper name) [Armenian] Washington, D.C. (the capital city of the United States)
- Վաշինգտոն (Proper name) [Armenian] Washington (a state of the United States)
- Օտտավա (Proper name) [Armenian] Ottawa (a city in Ontario, Canada; capital city of Canada)
- ամերիկահայ (Noun) [Armenian] American Armenian
- մեքսիկացի (Noun) [Armenian] Mexican
- অন্টারিও (Proper name) [Bengali] Ontario (a province of Canada; capital: Toronto)
- অ্যালবার্টা (Proper name) [Bengali] Alberta (a province of Canada; capital: Edmonton; largest city: Calgary)
- আমেরিকা (Proper name) [Bengali] United States of America (a country in North America)
- এডমন্টন (Proper name) [Bengali] Edmonton (a city, the provincial capital of Alberta, Canada)
- ওয়াশিংটন (Proper name) [Bengali] Washington, D.C. (the capital city of the United States)
- ওয়াশিংটন (Proper name) [Bengali] Washington (a state of the United States)
- ওহাইও (Proper name) [Bengali] Ohio (a state of the United States)
- ওহাইও (Proper name) [Bishnupriya Manipuri] Ohio (a state of the United States)
- কানাডা (Proper name) [Assamese] Canada (a country in North America)
- কানাডা (Proper name) [Bengali] Canada (a country in North America)
- কিউবা (Proper name) [Bengali] Cuba (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- কুইবেক (Proper name) [Bengali] Quebec (a province of Canada; capital: Quebec City; largest city: Montreal)
- কুইবেক (Proper name) [Bengali] Quebec City (the capital of Quebec, Canada)
- ক্যালগারি (Proper name) [Bengali] Calgary (the largest city in Alberta)
- ক্যালিফর্নিয়া (Proper name) [Bengali] California (The most populous state of the United States).
- গুৱাটেমালা (Noun) [Assamese] Guatemala
- জামাইকা (Proper name) [Bengali] Jamaica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- টরন্টো (Proper name) [Bengali] Toronto (the largest city, the provincial capital of Ontario)
- ডোমিনিকা (Proper name) [Bengali] Dominica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- ডোমিনিকান প্রজাতন্ত্র (Proper name) [Bengali] Dominican Republic (a country in the Caribbean)
- ত্রিনিদাদ ও টোবাগো (Proper name) [Bengali] Trinidad and Tobago (a country consisting of two main islands in the Caribbean)
- বার্বাডোস (Proper name) [Bengali] Barbados (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- বাহামা দ্বীপপুঞ্জ (Proper name) [Bengali] Bahamas (an archipelago and country in the Caribbean, North America)
- মেক্সিকো (Proper name) [Assamese] Mexico (a country in North America)
- মেক্সিকো (Proper name) [Bengali] Mexico (a country in North America)
- লাস ভেগাস (Proper name) [Bengali] Las Vegas (a city in the United States)
- সেন্ট কিট্স ও নেভিস (Proper name) [Bengali] Saint Kitts and Nevis (a country consisting of two islands in the Caribbean)
- সেন্ট ভিনসেন্ট ও গ্রেনাডাইন দ্বীপপুঞ্জ (Proper name) [Bengali] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (an archipelago and country in the Caribbean)
- সেন্ট লুসিয়া (Proper name) [Bengali] Saint Lucia (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- হাইতি (Proper name) [Bengali] Haiti (a country in the Caribbean)
- ᑲᓇᑕ (Proper name) [Inuktitut] Canada (a country in North America)
- ᎠᏂᏍᏆᏂᎢ (Proper name) [Cherokee] Mexico
- ᎠᏕᎳᏧᏢᎢ (Noun) [Cherokee] California (a state of the United States)
- ᎣᎦᎳᎰᎹ (Proper name) [Cherokee] Oklahoma (a state of the United States)
- ᎣᎧᎳᎰᎹ (Proper name) [Cherokee] Oklahoma (a state of the United States)
- ᎦᏯᎴᎾ (Proper name) [Cherokee] North Carolina (a state of the United States)
- ᎨᎾᏓ (Proper name) [Cherokee] Canada (a country in North America)
- ᏁᏩᏓ (Proper name) [Cherokee] Nevada (a state of the United States)
- ᏌᏊᎢᏳᎾᎵᏍᏔᏅᏍᎦᏚᎩ ᎾᎿ ᎠᎺᏰᏟ (Proper name) [Cherokee] United States of America (a country in North America)
- ᏐᎦᎴᏂ (Proper name) [Cherokee] South Carolina (a state of the United States)
- ᏔᎾᏏ (Proper name) [Cherokee] Tennessee (a state of the United States)
- ᏣᎳᎫᏪᏘᎢ (Proper name) [Cherokee] North Carolina (a state of the United States)
- 三凡市 … 亞里桑那 (19 senses)
- 企城 … 俄克拉荷馬城 (21 senses)
- 俄勒岡 … 加拿大 (22 senses)
- 加省 … 印第安納波利斯 (25 senses)
- 古巴 … 國會山 (24 senses)
- 圖森 … 墨其西古 (16 senses)
- 墨国 … 央州 (22 senses)
- 央玲崑 … 安納波利斯 (23 senses)
- 密歇根 … 市俄古 (27 senses)
- 布 … 德克薩斯 (23 senses)
- 德州 … 拉斯維加斯 (18 senses)
- 斐匿 … 曼哈頓 (25 senses)
- 朱諾 … 桑港 (17 senses)
- 桜 … 波特蘭 (22 senses)
- 洛城 … 火奴魯魯 (22 senses)
- 火活 … 積彩 (22 senses)
- 米 … 緬因 (25 senses)
- 羅 … 美屬處女群島 (18 senses)
- 美帝 … 肯德基 (22 senses)
- 育空 … 荷里活 (24 senses)
- 華大 … 西雅圖 (23 senses)
- 訪米 … 開曼群島 (20 senses)
- 關島 … 黴國 (35 senses)
- Ілліной … Агая (14 senses)
- Агаё … Американські Вірґінські Острови (19 senses)
- Америке … Багамські Острови (18 senses)
- Багамы … Вајоминг (18 senses)
- Вермонт … Джорджія (23 senses)
- Джуно … Зєдинєни Америцки Держави (17 senses)
- Илиноис … Квибек (16 senses)
- Квинс … Лос-Анжелес (18 senses)
- Луизиана … Миссури (20 senses)
- Мисури … Небраска (14 senses)
- Невада … Оклахома (18 senses)
- Окленд … Пуерто-Рико (24 senses)
- Пуэбла … САД (11 senses)
- САЩ … Сент-Кіттс і Невіс (21 senses)
- Сент-Люсия … Теннессі (16 senses)
- Техас … Форт-Ворт (17 senses)
- Хаваи … багамський (23 senses)
- бакс … кубинський (20 senses)
- матрас … Ҳаити (18 senses)
- აიდაჰო (Proper name) [Georgian] Idaho (a state of the United States)
- აიოვა (Proper name) [Georgian] Iowa (a state of the United States)
- ალაბამა (Proper name) [Georgian] Alabama (a state of the United States)
- ალასკა (Proper name) [Georgian] Alaska (a state of the United States)
- ამერიკა (Proper name) [Georgian] America, United States of America (a country in North America)
- ამერიკა (Proper name) [Laz] United States of America (a country in North America)
- ამერიკალი (Adjective) [Laz] American
- ამერიკაშ აკოართაფილი შტატეფი (Proper name) [Mingrelian] United States of America (a country in North America)
- ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატები (Proper name) [Georgian] United States of America (a country in North America)
- ამერიკული ინგლისური (Proper name) [Georgian] American English
- ანტიგუა და ბარბუდა (Proper name) [Georgian] Antigua and Barbuda (a country in the Caribbean)
- არიზონა (Proper name) [Georgian] Arizona (a state of the United States)
- არკანზასი (Proper name) [Georgian] Arkansas (a state of the United States)
- არუბა (Proper name) [Georgian] Aruba (an island, dependent territory, and constituent country of the Netherlands, in the Caribbean Sea)
- აშშ (Proper name) [Georgian] USA (a country in North America); initialism of ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატები (ameriḳis šeertebuli šṭaṭebi, “United States of America”)
- ბარბადოსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Barbados (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- ბაჰამის კუნძულები (Proper name) [Georgian] Bahamas (an archipelago and country in the Caribbean)
- ბირმინგემი (Proper name) [Georgian] Birmingham (a major city and metropolitan borough of the West Midlands, England)
- გიბრალტარი (Proper name) [Georgian] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- გრენადა (Proper name) [Georgian] Grenada (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- დასავლეთი ვირჯინია (Proper name) [Georgian] West Virginia (a state of the United States)
- დელავერი (Proper name) [Georgian] Delaware (a state of the United States)
- დომინიკა (Proper name) [Georgian] Dominica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- დომინიკელთა რესპუბლიკა (Proper name) [Georgian] Dominican Republic (a country in the Caribbean)
- ვაიომინგი (Proper name) [Georgian] Wyoming (a state of the United States)
- ვაშინგტონი (Proper name) [Georgian] Washington (a state of the United States)
- ვაშინგტონის შტატი (Proper name) [Georgian] Washington (a state of the United States)
- ვერმონტი (Proper name) [Georgian] Vermont (a state of the United States)
- ვირჯინია (Proper name) [Georgian] Virginia (a state of the United States)
- ვისკონსინი (Proper name) [Georgian] Wisconsin (a state of the United States)
- იამაიკა (Proper name) [Georgian] Jamaica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- ილინოისი (Proper name) [Georgian] Illinois (a state of the United States)
- ინდიანა (Proper name) [Georgian] Indiana (a state of the United States)
- იუტა (Proper name) [Georgian] Utah (a state of the United States)
- კალიფორნია (Proper name) [Georgian] California (a state of the United States)
- კანადა (Proper name) [Georgian] Canada (a country in North America)
- კანადური ინგლისური (Proper name) [Georgian] Canadian English
- კანზასი (Proper name) [Georgian] Kansas (a state of the United States)
- კენტუკი (Proper name) [Georgian] Kentucky (a state of the United States)
- კოლორადო (Proper name) [Georgian] Colorado (a state of the United States)
- კონექტიკუტი (Proper name) [Georgian] Connecticut (a state of the United States)
- კუბა (Proper name) [Georgian] Cuba (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- ლოს-ანჯელესი (Proper name) [Georgian] Los Angeles (a large city in California, United States)
- ლოს-ანჯელესი (Proper name) [Mingrelian] Los Angeles (a large city in California, United States)
- ლუიზიანა (Proper name) [Georgian] Louisiana (a state of the United States)
- მასაჩუსეტსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Massachusetts (a state of the United States)
- მენი (Proper name) [Georgian] Maine (a state of the United States)
- მერილენდი (Proper name) [Georgian] Maryland (a state of the United States)
- მექსიკა (Proper name) [Georgian] Mexico (a country in North America)
- მინესოტა (Proper name) [Georgian] Minnesota (a state of the United States)
- მისისიპი (Proper name) [Georgian] Mississippi (a state of the United States)
- მისური (Proper name) [Georgian] Missouri (a state of the United States)
- მიჩიგანი (Proper name) [Georgian] Michigan (a state of the United States)
- მონრეალი (Proper name) [Georgian] Montreal (the largest city in Quebec, Canada)
- მონტანა (Proper name) [Georgian] Montana (a state of the United States)
- ნებრასკა (Proper name) [Georgian] Nebraska (a state of the United States)
- ნევადა (Proper name) [Georgian] Nevada (a state of the United States)
- ნიუ-იორკი (Proper name) [Georgian] New York (a state of the United States)
- ნიუ-იორკი (Proper name) [Georgian] New York City (a large city in New York, United States)
- ნიუ-იორკი (Proper name) [Mingrelian] New York (a state of the United States)
- ნიუ-იორკი (Proper name) [Mingrelian] New York City (a large city in New York, United States)
- ნიუ-იორკის შტატი (Proper name) [Georgian] New York (a state of the United States)
- ნიუ-მექსიკო (Proper name) [Georgian] New Mexico (a state of the United States)
- ნიუ-ჯერსი (Proper name) [Georgian] New Jersey (a state of the United States)
- ნიუ-ჰემფშირი (Proper name) [Georgian] New Hampshire (a state of the United States)
- ოკლაჰომა (Proper name) [Georgian] Oklahoma (a state of the United States)
- ორეგონი (Proper name) [Georgian] Oregon (a state of the United States)
- ოჰაიო (Proper name) [Georgian] Ohio (a state of the United States)
- პენსილვანია (Proper name) [Georgian] Pennsylvania (a state of the United States)
- როდ-აილენდი (Proper name) [Georgian] Rhode Island (a state of the United States)
- სამხრეთი დაკოტა (Proper name) [Georgian] South Dakota (a state of the United States)
- სამხრეთი კაროლინა (Proper name) [Georgian] South Carolina (a state of the United States)
- სან-დიეგო (Proper name) [Georgian] San Diego (a large city in California, United States)
- სან-ფრანცისკო (Proper name) [Georgian] San Francisco (a large city in California, United States)
- სან-ფრანცისკო (Proper name) [Mingrelian] San Francisco (a large city in California, United States)
- სან-ხოსე (Proper name) [Georgian] San Jose (a large city in California, United States)
- სან-ხოსე (Proper name) [Mingrelian] San Jose (a large city in California, United States)
- სენტ-ვინსენტი და გრენადინები (Proper name) [Georgian] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (an archipelago and country in the Caribbean)
- სენტ-კიტსი და ნევისი (Proper name) [Georgian] Saint Kitts and Nevis (a country consisting of two islands in the Caribbean)
- სენტ-ლუსია (Proper name) [Georgian] Saint Lucia (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- ტენესი (Proper name) [Georgian] Tennessee (a state of the United States)
- ტეხასი (Proper name) [Georgian] Texas (a state of the United States)
- ტრინიდადი და ტობაგო (Proper name) [Georgian] Trinidad and Tobago (a country consisting of two main islands in the Caribbean)
- უაიომინგი (Proper name) [Georgian] Wyoming (a state of the United States)
- უისკონსინი (Proper name) [Georgian] Wisconsin (a state of the United States)
- ფილადელფია (Proper name) [Georgian] Philadelphia (a large city in Pennsylvania, United States)
- ფლორიდა (Proper name) [Georgian] Florida (a state of the United States)
- შეერთებული შტატები (Proper name) [Georgian] United States (a country in North America)
- ჩიკაგო (Proper name) [Georgian] Chicago (a large city in Illinois, United States)
- ჩრდილოეთი დაკოტა (Proper name) [Georgian] North Dakota (a state of the United States)
- ჩრდილოეთი კაროლინა (Proper name) [Georgian] North Carolina (a state of the United States)
- ჯორჯია (Proper name) [Georgian] Georgia (a state in the Southern United States)
- ჰავაი (Proper name) [Georgian] Hawaii (a state of the United States)
- ჰაიტი (Proper name) [Georgian] Haiti (a country in the Caribbean)
- Άγιος Βικέντιος και Γρεναδίνες (Proper name) [Greek] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (an archipelago and country in the Caribbean)
- Άγιος Χριστόφορος και Νέβις (Proper name) [Greek] Saint Kitts and Nevis (a country consisting of two islands in the Caribbean)
- Άρκανσας (Proper name) [Greek] Arkansas (a state in the eastern United States)
- Όμαχα (Proper name) [Greek] Omaha (a city in Nebraska, United States)
- Αγία Λουκία (Proper name) [Greek] Saint Lucia (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Αλάσκα (Proper name) [Greek] Alaska (a state in the northern United States)
- Αλαμπάμα (Proper name) [Greek] Alabama (a state on the south coast of the United States)
- Αμερική (Proper name) [Greek] The United States of America
- Ανγκουίλα (Proper name) [Greek] Anguilla (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, in the Caribbean Sea)
- Αντίγκουα και Μπαρμπούντα (Proper name) [Greek] Antigua and Barbuda (a country in the Caribbean)
- Αριζόνα (Proper name) [Greek] Arizona (a state in the western United States)
- Αρούμπα (Proper name) [Greek] Aruba (an island, dependent territory, and constituent country of the Netherlands, in the Caribbean Sea)
- Αϊντάχο (Proper name) [Greek] Idaho (a state of the United States)
- Αϊτή (Proper name) [Greek] Haiti (a country in the Caribbean)
- Αϊόβα (Proper name) [Greek] Iowa (a state in the central United States)
- Βανκούβερ (Proper name) [Greek] Vancouver (a seaport, the largest city in British Columbia, Canada)
- Βανκούβερ (Proper name) [Greek] Vancouver (a city, the county seat of Clark County, Washington, United States)
- Βερμούδες (Proper name) [Greek] Bermuda (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Ocean)
- Βιρτζίνια (Proper name) [Greek] Virginia (a state of the United States; official name: Commonwealth of Virginia).
- Βραχώδη Όρη (Proper name) [Greek] Rocky Mountains (mountain range in the west of the United States and Canada)
- Βρετανικές Παρθένοι Νήσοι (Proper name) [Greek] British Virgin Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean)
- Γιβραλτάρ (Proper name) [Greek] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- Γρενάδα (Proper name) [Greek] Grenada (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Δομινικανή Δημοκρατία (Proper name) [Greek] Dominican Republic (a country in the Caribbean)
- ΗΠΑ (Proper name) [Greek] USA (a country in North America); initialism of Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής (Inoménes Politeíes Amerikís, “United States of America”)
- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες (Proper name) [Greek] United States (a country in North America)
- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής (Proper name) [Greek] United States of America (a country in North America)
- Ιλινόις (Proper name) [Greek] Illinois (a state in the central United States)
- Ιντιάνα (Proper name) [Greek] Indiana (a state in the central United States)
- Κάνσας (Proper name) [Greek] Kansas (a state in the central United States)
- Καλιφόρνια (Proper name) [Greek] California (a state on the west coast of the United States)
- Καναδάς (Proper name) [Greek] Canada (a country in North America)
- Κεμπέκ (Proper name) [Greek] Quebec (a province of Canada)
- Κεμπέκ (Proper name) [Greek] Quebec, Quebec City (the capital city of the province of Quebec, Canada)
- Κεντάκι (Proper name) [Greek] Kentucky (a state in the eastern United States)
- Κολοράντο (Proper name) [Greek] Colorado (a state on the west coast of the United States)
- Κονέκτικατ (Proper name) [Greek] Connecticut (a state on the east coast of the United States)
- Κούβα (Proper name) [Greek] Cuba (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Λίνκολν (Proper name) [Greek] Lincoln (The capital city of Nebraska, and the county seat of Lancaster County).
- Λαμπραντόρ (Proper name) [Greek] Labrador
- Λας Βέγκας (Proper name) [Greek] Las Vegas (A desert city, the county seat of Clark County, Nevada, United States)
- Λουιζιάνα (Proper name) [Greek] Louisiana (a state on the south coast of the United States)
- Μέιν (Proper name) [Greek] Maine (a state on the east coast of the United States)
- Μέριλαντ (Proper name) [Greek] Maryland (a state on the east coast of the United States)
- Μίσιγκαν (Proper name) [Greek] Michigan (a state in the central United States)
- Μανχάταν (Proper name) [Greek] Manhattan (a borough of New York City, New York, United States)
- Μασαχουσέτη (Proper name) [Greek] Massachusetts (a state on the east coast of the United States)
- Μαϊάμι (Proper name) [Greek] Miami (a city, the county seat of Miami-Dade County, Florida).
- Μεξικό (Proper name) [Greek] Mexico, United Mexican States (a country in North America; official name: Estados Unidos Mexicanos; capital and largest city: Mexico City)
- Μιζούρι (Proper name) [Greek] Missouri (a state in the central United States)
- Μινεσότα (Proper name) [Greek] Minnesota (a state in the central United States)
- Μισισίπι (Proper name) [Greek] Mississippi (a state on the south coast of the United States)
- Μοντσερράτ (Proper name) [Greek] Montserrat (an island and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean)
- Μπαρμπάντος (Proper name) [Greek] Barbados (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Μπαχάμες (Proper name) [Greek] Bahamas (an archipelago and country in the Caribbean)
- Νέα Γη (Proper name) [Greek] Newfoundland
- Νέα Σκωτία (Proper name) [Greek] Nova Scotia (a province of Canada)
- Νέα Υόρκη (Proper name) [Greek] New York (a city on the east coast of the United States)
- Νέα Υόρκη (Proper name) [Greek] New York (a state on the east coast of the United States)
- Νήσοι Κέιμαν (Proper name) [Greek] Cayman Islands (three islands constituting an overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean Sea)
- Νεβάδα (Proper name) [Greek] Nevada (a state in the western United States)
- Νησιά Κέυμαν (Proper name) [Greek] Cayman Islands (three islands constituting an overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean Sea)
- Ντέλαγουερ (Proper name) [Greek] Delaware (a state on the east coast of the United States)
- Ντομίνικα (Proper name) [Greek] Dominica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Ολύμπια (Proper name) [Greek] Olympia (The state capital of Washington, and the county seat of Thurston County)
- Ουάσιγκτον (Proper name) [Greek] Washington (a state of the United States)
- Πουέρτο Ρίκο (Proper name) [Greek] Puerto Rico (a commonwealth, island and dependent territory of the United States in the Caribbean)
- Σάντα Λουσία (Proper name) [Greek] Saint Lucia (a country in the Caribbean)
- Σάρλοτ (Proper name) [Greek] Charlotte (The largest city in North Carolina, United States and the county seat of Mecklenburg County).
- Σαιντ Κιτς και Νέβις (Proper name) [Greek] Saint Kitts and Nevis (a country consisting of two islands in the Caribbean)
- Σαν Φρανσίσκο (Proper name) [Greek] San Francisco (a city and county in California, United States)
- Σικάγο (Proper name) [Greek] Chicago (a large city, the county seat of Cook County, in northeastern Illinois, United States)
- Ταμπάσκο (Proper name) [Greek] Tabasco (a state of Mexico)
- Τζαμάικα (Proper name) [Greek] Jamaica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- Τζόρτζια (Proper name) [Greek] Georgia (a state in the Southern United States)
- Τορόντο (Proper name) [Greek] Toronto (the capital city of Ontario, Canada, and largest city in Canada)
- Φλόριντα (Proper name) [Greek] Florida (a state on the south coast of the United States)
- Χαβάη (Proper name) [Greek] Hawaii (a state of the United States, in the Pacific Ocean)
- ελληνοαμερικανικός (Adjective) [Greek] Greco-American, Greek-American (relating to both Greece and America)
- અમેરિકા (Proper name) [Gujarati] America (the United States of America, a country in North America)
- અમેરિકા (Proper name) [Gujarati] America (the United States of America, a country in North America); Ellipsis of સંયુકત રાજ્ય અમેરિકા (sãyukat rājya amerikā)
- કેનેડા (Proper name) [Gujarati] Canada (a country in North America)
- ન્યૂયોર્ક (Proper name) [Gujarati] New York (the largest city in the state of New York, and the largest city in the United States, a metropolis extending into neighboring New Jersey); New York (a state of the United States)
- બોસ્ટન (Proper name) [Gujarati] Boston (the capital and largest city of Massachusetts, United States)
- મેક્સિકો (Proper name) [Gujarati] Mexico (a country in North America)
- સંયુકત રાજ્ય અમેરિકા (Proper name) [Gujarati] United States of America (a country in North America)
- ਓਹਾਇਓ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Ohio (a state of the United States)
- ਕੈਨੇਡਾ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Canada (a country in North America)
- ਟੈਕਸਸ (Noun) [Punjabi] Texas (a state of the United States)
- ਮੈਕਸੀਕੋ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Mexico (a country in North America)
- ਸੰਯੁਕਤ ਰਾਜ ਅਮਰੀਕਾ (Proper name) [Punjabi] United States of America (a country in North America)
- 가나다 … 노스캐롤라이나 (12 senses)
- 누나부트 … 댈러스 (9 senses)
- 델라웨어 … 메릴랜드 (17 senses)
- 메인 … 몽고메리 (7 senses)
- 미국 … 바하마 (12 senses)
- 밴쿠버 … 서스캐처원 (13 senses)
- 성조기 … 아이오와 (12 senses)
- 아이티 … 앨러배마 (12 senses)
- 앨버타 … 와이오밍 (12 senses)
- 워싱턴 … 죠지아 (14 senses)
- 주노 … 콜로라도 (13 senses)
- 쿠바 … 휴스턴 (17 senses)
- אַלאַבאַמאַ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Alabama (a state of the United States)
- אַלאַסקאַ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Alaska (a state of the United States)
- אַמעריקע (Proper name) [Yiddish] America, United States of America (a country in North America)
- אַריזאָנאַ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Arizona (a state of the United States)
- אַרקענסאָ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Arkansas (a state of the United States)
- אָהײַאָ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Ohio (a state of the United States)
- אוהיו (Proper name) [Hebrew] Ohio
- אוטווה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Ottawa (a city in Ontario, Canada; capital city of Canada)
- אונטערמאַנהעטן (Noun) [Yiddish] Lower Manhattan
- אונטריו (Proper name) [Hebrew] Ontario (a province in eastern Canada)
- אורגון (Proper name) [Hebrew] Oregon (A state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States)
- אלסקה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Alaska (a state of the United States, formerly a territory)
- אמריקה (Proper name) [Hebrew] United States of America (a country in North America, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and including Alaska, Hawaii, and several territories)
- ארה״ב (Proper name) [Hebrew] US (a country in North America); abbreviation of אַרְצוֹת הַבְּרִית (ar'tsót hab'rít, “United States”)
- ארצות הברית (Proper name) [Hebrew] United States of America
- אײַדאַהאָ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Idaho (a state of the United States)
- באָסטאָן (Proper name) [Yiddish] Boston (the capital and largest city of Massachusetts, United States)
- בוסטון (Proper name) [Hebrew] Boston (The capital and largest city of Massachusetts, the informal capital of New England, and the county seat of Suffolk County)
- בראָנקס (Proper name) [Yiddish] the Bronx (a borough of New York City, New York, United States)
- ברבדוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Barbados (an island and country in the Caribbean).
- ברונקס (Proper name) [Ladino] The Bronx (a borough of New York City, New York, United States)
- ברוקלין (Proper name) [Yiddish] Brooklyn (a borough of New York City, New York, United States)
- ג׳מייקה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Jamaica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- דזשאָרדזשיע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Georgia (a state in the Southern United States)
- דעטרויט (Proper name) [Yiddish] Detroit (a city in Michigan, United States)
- האַוואַיִ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Hawaii (US state)
- האַוואַיִש (Adjective) [Yiddish] Hawaiian
- וואַשינגטאָן (Proper name) [Yiddish] Washington (a state of the United States)
- וושינגטון (Proper name) [Hebrew] Washington (a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States)
- וושינגטון די. סי. (Proper name) [Hebrew] Washington, D.C. (the capital city of the United States, formally known as the District of Columbia)
- טאָראָנטאָ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Toronto (the capital city of Ontario, Canada, and largest city in Canada)
- טורונטו (Proper name) [Hebrew] Toronto (The capital city of Ontario, Canada and largest city in Canada)
- טקסס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Texas (a state in the south-central region of the United States)
- יאָרק (Proper name) [Yiddish] New York City (a major city in New York state)
- יוטה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Utah (a state in the western United States)
- לאָס־אַנדזשעלעס (Proper name) [Yiddish] Los Angeles (a large city in California, United States)
- מאַנהעטן (Proper name) [Yiddish] Manhattan (a borough and island in New York City, New York, United States)
- מאָנטרעאָל (Proper name) [Yiddish] Montreal (the largest city in Quebec, Canada)
- מיזורי (Proper name) [Hebrew] Missouri (a state in the Midwestern region of the United States)
- מיזורי (Proper name) [Yiddish] Missouri (a state in the Midwestern region of the United States)
- מיסיסיפי (Proper name) [Hebrew] Mississippi (a state of the United States); Mississippi (a major river in the United States, that flows from north-central Minnesota into the Gulf of Mexico)
- מישיגן (Proper name) [Hebrew] Michigan (a state of the United States)
- מעקסיקע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Mexico (a country in North America)
- מקסיקו (Proper name) [Hebrew] Mexico (a country in North America, located south of the United States, and northwest of Guatemala and Belize from Central America)
- ניו אָרלינס (Proper name) [Yiddish] New Orleans (a city in Louisiana, United States)
- ניו יורק (Proper name) [Hebrew] New York City (The largest city in the United States, situated in the state of New York at the mouth of the Hudson River on the northeastern Atlantic Coast. It consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island.)
- ניו יורק (Proper name) [Hebrew] New York (a state of the United States)
- ניו־יאָרק (Proper name) [Yiddish] New York City (a major city in New York state, United States)
- ניו־יאָרק (Proper name) [Yiddish] New York (a state of the United States)
- סאַן פֿראַנציסקאָ (Proper name) [Yiddish] San Francisco (a city in California)
- סינסינאַטי (Proper name) [Yiddish] Cincinnati (a city in Ohio)
- סנטה פה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Santa Fe (The capital city of New Mexico and the county seat of Santa Fe County); Santa Fe (a province in the center-east of Argentina)
- סנטה פה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Santa Fe (The capital city of New Mexico and the county seat of Santa Fe County); Santa Fe (the capital city of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina, in full, Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz)
- פֿאַראייניקטע שטאַטן (Proper name) [Yiddish] United States (a country in North America)
- פֿאַראייניקטע שטאַטן פֿון אַמעריקע (Proper name) [Yiddish] United States of America (a country in North America)
- פֿילאַדעלפֿיע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Philadelphia (the largest city in Pennsylvania, United States)
- פֿש״אַ (Proper name) [Yiddish] USA (a country in North America); abbreviation of פֿאַראייניקטע שטאַטן פֿון אַמעריקע (fareynikte shtatn fun amerike, “United States of America”)
- פילדלפיה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Philadelphia (The largest city in Pennsylvania, United States, and the county seat of coterminous Philadelphia County; former capital of the United States)
- פלורידה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Florida (a state of the United States)
- קאַליפֿאָרניע (Proper name) [Yiddish] California (a state of the United States)
- קאַנאַדע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Canada (a country in North America)
- קובה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Cuba (a country, and the largest island (based on land area) in the Caribbean)
- קליבלנד (Proper name) [Hebrew] Cleveland (a large city, the county seat of Cuyahoga County, Ohio)
- קנדה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Canada (a country in North America)
- קנזס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Kansas (A state of the midwest United States)
- שיקאַגאָ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Chicago (a major city in Illinois, United States)
- ಅಲಾಸ್ಕ (Proper name) [Kannada] Alaska (a state of the United States)
- ಹವಾಯಿ (Proper name) [Kannada] Hawaii (a state of the United States)
- アイオワ … アリゾナ (18 senses)
- アルバ … インディアナポリス (14 senses)
- ウィニペグ … オハイオ州 (15 senses)
- オハカ … カーライル (19 senses)
- キューバ … ケベック・シティー (16 senses)
- ケルビン … サンアントニオ (20 senses)
- サンタフェ … ジャマイカ (17 senses)
- ジュノー … セントビンセント及びグレナディーン諸島 (16 senses)
- セントポール … チヤパス (14 senses)
- ツーソン … トレントン (17 senses)
- トロイ … ニューヨーク (23 senses)
- ネイビス … ノースダコタ (11 senses)
- ハイチ … バーブーダ (21 senses)
- バーボン … フェニックス (19 senses)
- フォーク … プロビデンス (15 senses)
- ヘレナ … ポートランド (14 senses)
- ポ市 … メイヨー (16 senses)
- メイン … ランカシャー (19 senses)
- ランシング … ヴィクトリア (18 senses)
- កាណាដា … គុយបា (10 senses)
- ចចា … ដាកូតាខាងជើង (9 senses)
- ដេឡាវែរ … ទ្រីនីតេ និងតូបាហ្គោ (9 senses)
- នូណាវូត … ផេនស៊ីលវ៉ានៀ (6 senses)
- ផ្លរីដា … ម៉ានីតូបា (9 senses)
- ម៉ារីលែន … វីស្កុនស៊ីន (12 senses)
- វឺជីញ៉ា … សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក (6 senses)
- សាក្រាមេនតូ … ហូណូលូលូ (10 senses)
- ហៃទី … អាម៉េរិក (8 senses)
- អាយអូវ៉ា … អ៊ីលីណយ (13 senses)
- ການາດາ (Proper name) [Lao] Canada (a country in North America)
- ກາລິຟໍເນຍ (Proper name) [Lao] California (a state of the United States)
- ຄອນແນດທິຄັດ (Proper name) [Lao] Connecticut (a state of the United States)
- ຈໍເຈຍ (Proper name) [Lao] Georgia (a state in the Southern United States)
- ນອດດາໂກຕາ (Proper name) [Lao] North Dakota (a state of the United States)
- ນອດແຄໂຣໄລນາ (Proper name) [Lao] North Carolina (a state of the United States)
- ນິວເຈີຊີ (Proper name) [Lao] New Jersey (a state of the United States)
- ນິວເມັກຊິໂກ (Proper name) [Lao] New Mexico (a state of the United States)
- ນີວຢອກ (Proper name) [Lao] New York (a state of the United States)
- ນີວຢອກ (Proper name) [Lao] New York City (a city in the United States)
- ນີວຢອກຊິຕິ (Proper name) [Lao] New York City (a city in the United States)
- ຟລໍຣິດາ (Proper name) [Lao] Florida (a state of the United States)
- ມອນທານາ (Proper name) [Lao] Montana (a state of the United States)
- ມາຣີແລນ (Proper name) [Lao] Maryland (a state of the United States)
- ມິຊິແກນ (Proper name) [Lao] Michigan (a state of the United States)
- ມິດຊູຣີ (Proper name) [Lao] Missouri (a state of the United States)
- ມິນນິໂຊຕາ (Proper name) [Lao] Minnesota (a state of the United States)
- ລອດແອນເຈລິດ (Proper name) [Lao] Los Angeles (a city in the United States)
- ສະຫະລັດອະເມລິກາ (Proper name) [Lao] United States of America (a country in North America)
- ອາຣິໂຊນາ (Proper name) [Lao] Arizona (a state of the United States)
- ອາລາບາມາ (Proper name) [Lao] Alabama (a state of the United States)
- ອາລາສກາ (Proper name) [Lao] Alaska (a state of the United States)
- ອາເມລິກາ (Proper name) [Lao] United States of America (a country in North America)
- ອິນດີແອນາ (Proper name) [Lao] Indiana (a state of the United States)
- ອໍຣິກອນ (Proper name) [Lao] Oregon (a state of the United States)
- ຮາວາຍ (Proper name) [Lao] Hawaii (a state of the United States)
- ເຄນທັກກີ (Proper name) [Lao] Kentucky (a state of the United States)
- ເຊົາດາໂກຕາ (Proper name) [Lao] South Dakota (a state of the United States)
- ເຊົາແຄໂຣໄລນາ (Proper name) [Lao] South Carolina (a state of the United States)
- ເດລາແວ (Proper name) [Lao] Delaware (a state of the United States)
- ເນວາດາ (Proper name) [Lao] Nevada (a state of the United States)
- ເພນຊິນເວເນຍ (Proper name) [Lao] Pennsylvania (a state of the United States)
- ເມນ (Proper name) [Lao] Maine (a state of the United States)
- ເມັກຊິໂກ (Proper name) [Lao] Mexico (a country in North America)
- ເວີມອນ (Proper name) [Lao] Vermont (a state of the United States)
- ແຄນຊັດ (Proper name) [Lao] Kansas (a state of the United States)
- ແຄລິຟໍເນຍ (Proper name) [Lao] California (a state of the United States)
- ໂຄໂລຣາໂດ (Proper name) [Lao] Colorado (a state of the United States)
- ໂຣດໄອແລນ (Proper name) [Lao] Rhode Island (a state of the United States)
- ໂອກລາໂຮມາ (Proper name) [Lao] Oklahoma (a state of the United States)
- ໂອໄຮໂອ (Proper name) [Lao] Ohio (a state of the United States)
- ໄອດາໂຮ (Proper name) [Lao] Idaho (a state of the United States)
- ໄອໂອວາ (Proper name) [Lao] Iowa (a state of the United States)
- അമേരിക്ക (Proper name) [Malayalam] USA (a country in North America)
- ഗ്രീൻലാന്റ് (Proper name) [Malayalam] Greenland (a territory, island, and special administrative region in Denmark)
- ꯌꯨꯑꯦꯁꯑꯦ (Proper name) [Manipuri] USA; America (country).
- ꯑꯃꯦꯔꯤꯀꯥ (Proper name) [Manipuri] America; USA (country).
- ကနေဒါ (Proper name) [Burmese] Canada (a country in North America)
- ကာလီဖိုးနီးယား (Proper name) [Burmese] California (a state of the United States)
- ကျူးဘား (Proper name) [Burmese] Cuba (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- ဂျမေကာ (Proper name) [Burmese] Jamaica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- ဆန်ဖရန်စစ္စကို (Proper name) [Burmese] San Francisco (a city in California, United States)
- ထရီနီဒတ်နှင့် တိုဘက်ဂို (Proper name) [Burmese] Trinidad and Tobago (a country consisting of two main islands in the Caribbean)
- ဒိုမီနီကန်သမ္မတ (Proper name) [Burmese] Dominican Republic (a country in the Caribbean)
- နယူးယောက် (Proper name) [Burmese] New York (a state of the United States)
- ဘဟားမား (Proper name) [Burmese] Bahamas (an archipelago and country in the Caribbean)
- မက္ကဆီကို (Proper name) [Burmese] Mexico (a country in North America)
- မိူင်းဢမေႇရီႉၵႃႉ (Proper name) [Shan] America, United States of America (a country in North America)
- လော့စ်အိန်ဂျယ်လိစ် (Proper name) [Burmese] Los Angeles (a city in California, United States)
- ဝါရှင်တန် (Proper name) [Burmese] Washington (a state of the United States)
- ဟေတီ (Proper name) [Burmese] Haiti (a country in the Caribbean)
- အမေရိက (Proper name) [Burmese] America, United States of America (a country in North America)
- အမေရိကန်ပြည်ထောင်စု (Proper name) [Burmese] United States of America (a country in North America)
- အော့တဝ (Proper name) [Burmese] Ottawa (the capital city of Canada)
- ଜାମାଇକା (Proper name) [Odia] Jamaica (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- එක්සත් ජනපදය (Proper name) [Sinhalese] United States (a country in North America)
- කැනඩාව (Proper name) [Sinhalese] Canada (a country in North America)
- මෙක්සිකෝව (Proper name) [Sinhalese] Mexico (a country in North America)
- ꠇꠤꠃꠛꠣ (Proper name) [Sylheti] Cuba (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- அமெரிக்க ஐக்கிய நாடு (Proper name) [Tamil] United States of America (a country in North America)
- அமெரிக்கா (Proper name) [Tamil] USA (a country in North America)
- அலாஸ்கா (Proper name) [Tamil] Alaska (a state of the United States)
- கனடா (Proper name) [Tamil] Canada (a country in North America)
- అట్లాంటా (Proper name) [Telugu] Atlanta (the capital and largest city of Georgia, United States and the county seat of Fulton County, Georgia)
- అమెరికా (Proper name) [Telugu] United States of America (a country in North America, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and including Alaska, Hawaii, and several territories)
- అమెరికా సంయుక్త రాష్ట్రాలు (Proper name) [Telugu] United States of America (a country in North America, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and including Alaska, Hawaii, and several territories)
- అలబామా (Proper name) [Telugu] Alabama (a state of the United States); Alabama (a river in Alabama; flowing 318 miles from the confluence of the Tallapoosa and Coosa near Coosada until its confluence with the Tombigbee, forming the Mobile, near Calvert)
- అలాస్కా (Proper name) [Telugu] Alaska (a state of the United States, formerly a territory)
- ఆరిజోనా (Proper name) [Telugu] Arizona (a state in the southwestern United States, established 1912)
- ఇండియానా (Proper name) [Telugu] Indiana (a state of the United States)
- కాలిఫోర్నియా (Proper name) [Telugu] California (a state of the United States)
- కెంటకీ (Proper name) [Telugu] Kentucky (a state of the United States)
- కొలరాడో (Proper name) [Telugu] Colorado (A state in the western United States, the 38th state); Colorado (A major river of western North America, running from the Rocky Mountains in the United States to the Gulf of California in Mexico.)
- క్యూబా (Proper name) [Telugu] Cuba (an island and country in the Caribbean)
- గ్రాహం (Proper name) [Telugu] name of different cities in the United States of America
- చికాగో (Proper name) [Telugu] Chicago (a large city in Illinois, United States)
- జార్జియా (Proper name) [Telugu] Georgia (a state in the Southern United States)
- న్యూ ఆర్లియన్సు (Proper name) [Telugu] New Orleans (the largest city in Louisiana, United States)
- న్యూయార్క్ (Proper name) [Telugu] New York City (a city in the United States)
- న్యూయార్క్ (Proper name) [Telugu] New York (a state of the United States)
- ఫీనిక్స్ (Proper name) [Telugu] Phoenix (the capital city of Arizona, United States)
- ఫ్లోరిడా (Proper name) [Telugu] Florida (a state of the United States)
- వర్జీనియా (Proper name) [Telugu] Virginia (a state of the United States)
- ކިއުބާ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Cuba (a country and island in North America)
- ކެނެޑާ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Canada (a country in North America)
- އެމެރިކާ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] America, United States of America (a country in North America)
- މެކްސިކޯ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Mexico (a country in North America)
- กือราเซา … นอร์ทแคโรไลนา (11 senses)
- นิวยอร์ก … บาร์เบโดส (7 senses)
- บาฮามาส … ยิบรอลตาร์ (12 senses)
- ยูทาห์ … สหรัฐฯ (8 senses)
- สาธารณรัฐโดมินิกัน … อินดีแอนา (11 senses)
- อินทรี … เซนต์คิตส์และเนวิส (10 senses)
- เซนต์ลูเชีย … เพนซิลเวเนีย (12 senses)
- เมน … เฮเลนา (7 senses)
- แคนซัส … แอนติกาและบาร์บูดา (11 senses)
- แอริโซนา … ไอโอวา (12 senses)
- ཀུ་བ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Cuba (a country in North America)
- ཁ་རོ་ལི་ན་ལྷོ་ཕྱོགས (Proper name) [Tibetan] South Carolina (a state of the United States)
- ཁན་སཱ་སི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Kansas (a state of the United States)
- ཁེ་ན་ཏྲ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Canada (a country in North America)
- ཁོ་ལོ་ར་ཌོ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Colorado (a state of the United States)
- ཁོ་ས་ཏ་རི་ཁ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Costa Rica (a country in North America)
- ཁྰ་ལེ་ཧྥོར་ནི་ཡ (Proper name) [Tibetan] California (a state of the United States)
- གི་རི་ན་ཌ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Grenada (a country in North America)
- གུ་ཝེ་ཐི་མ་ལ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Guatemala (a country in North America)
- ཇ་མའི་ཀ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Jamaica (a country in North America)
- ཋེག་ཟ་སི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Texas (a state of the United States)
- ཌོ་མི་ནི་ཀ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Dominica (a country in North America)
- ཌོ་མི་ནི་ཀན་སྤྱི་མཐུན་རྒྱལ་ཁབ (Proper name) [Tibetan] the Dominican Republic (a country in North America)
- ཏྲི་ནི་ཌད་དང་ཏྲོ་བེ་གོ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Trinidad and Tobago (a country in North America)
- ཐེན་ནེ་སི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Tennessee (a state of the United States)
- དྷེའི་ལ་ཝར (Proper name) [Tibetan] Delaware (a state of the United States)
- ནི་ཀ་ར་གུ་ཝ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Nicaragua (a country in North America)
- ནུ་མེག་སི་ཀོ (Proper name) [Kurtöp] New Mexico (a state of the United States)
- ནེ་བ་ད (Proper name) [Tibetan] Nevada (a state of the United States)
- ནེའུ་ཇེར་སས (Proper name) [Tibetan] New Jersey (a state of the United States)
- ནེའུ་ཡོར་ཀ (Proper name) [Tibetan] New York (a state of the United States)
- ནེའུ་ཡོར་ཀ (Proper name) [Tibetan] New York City (a city in New York, United States)
- ནེའུ་ཧམ་ཕུ་ཤར (Proper name) [Tibetan] New Hampshire (a state of the United States)
- པ་ན་མ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Panama (a country in North America)
- ཕེན་སུལ་ཝེ་ནའི་ཡ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Pennsylvania (a state of the United States)
- བ་ཧ་མཱ་སི (Proper name) [Tibetan] the Bahamas (a country in North America)
- བར་བ་ཌོ་སི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Barbados (a country in North America)
- བེ་ལི་ཛི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Belize (a country in North America)
- བོ་སེ་ཊོན (Proper name) [Tibetan] Boston (the capital city of Massachusetts, United States)
- མ་རིས་ལེན་ཌ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Maryland (a state of the United States)
- མི་ཅི་གྷན (Proper name) [Tibetan] Michigan (a state of the United States)
- མི་སི་སི་ཕི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Mississippi (a state of the United States)
- མེག་སི་ཀོ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Mexico (a country in North America)
- མེག་སི་ཀོ་གསར་མ (Proper name) [Tibetan] New Mexico (a state of the United States)
- མོན་ཏཱ་ན (Proper name) [Tibetan] Montana (a state of the United States)
- ཝ་ཡོ་མིང (Proper name) [Tibetan] Wyoming (a state of the United States)
- ཝ་ཤིན་ཏྲོན (Proper name) [Tibetan] Washington (a state of the United States)
- ཝིར་ཇི་ནི་ཡ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Virginia (a state of the United States)
- ཝིས་སི་ཁོན་སིན (Proper name) [Tibetan] Wisconsin (a state of the United States)
- འཇོར་ཇི་ཡ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Georgia (a state in the Southern United States)
- ཡུ་ཊ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Utah (a state of the United States)
- ཡོ་བ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Iowa (a state of the United States)
- ལུའི་ཟི་ཨཱན་ནཱ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Louisiana (a state of the United States)
- སེན་ཊ་ལུ་ཤི་ཡ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Saint Lucia (a country in North America)
- སེན་ཊི་ཀི་ཊི་སི་དང་ནེ་བི་སི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Saint Kitts and Nevis (a country in North America)
- སེན་ཊི་བིན་སེན་ཊི་དང་གི་རི་ན་ཌིན་སི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (a country in North America)
- ཧ་ཝ་ཡི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Hawaii (a state of the United States)
- ཧའི་ཏི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Haiti (a country in North America)
- ཧོང་དུ་ར་སི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Honduras (a country in North America)
- ཧྥོ་ལོ་རི་ཌ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Florida (a state of the United States)
- ཨ་བུ་ཀ་ཀི (Proper name) [Kurtöp] Albuquerque (a city in New Mexico, United States)
- ཨ་མི་རི་ཀ (Proper name) [Dzongkha] the United States (a country in North America)
- ཨ་མེ་རི་ཀ (Proper name) [Tibetan] the United States (a country in North America)
- ཨ་མེ་རི་ཁ་རྒྱལ་ཕྲན་མཉམ་འབྲེལ་རྒྱལ་ཁབ (Proper name) [Tibetan] the United States of America (a country in North America)
- ཨ་རི་ཟོ་ན (Proper name) [Kurtöp] Arizona (a state of the United States)
- ཨ་ལ་པ་མ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Alabama (a state of the United States)
- ཨར་ཁན་སཱ་སི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Arkansas (a state of the United States)
- ཨིན་ཌི་ཡཱ་ན (Proper name) [Tibetan] Indiana (a state of the United States)
- ཨིལ་སལ་ཝ་ཌོར (Proper name) [Tibetan] El Salvador (a country in North America)
- ཨེན་ཊི་གུའ་དང་བར་བུ་ཌ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Antigua and Barbuda (a country in North America)
- ཨོ་ཏ་ཝ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Ottawa (a city in Ontario, Canada; capital city of Canada)
- ཨོ་ཧེའོ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Ohio (a state of the United States)
- ཨྰ་རི་ཟོ་ནྰ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Arizona (a state of the United States)
- 'Amirika … .bb (8 senses)
- .bm … .gl (10 senses)
- .gu … 110 (10 senses)
- 112 … 9-1-1 (10 senses)
- 911 … ʻIowa (10 senses)
- ʻOhaio … ܓܪܒܐ ܐܡܝܪܝܟܐ (10 senses)
- ܟܘܒܐ … एडमंटन (10 senses)
- ओटावा … जॉर्जिया (10 senses)
- टोरंटो … वॉशिंगटन डी॰ सी॰ (12 senses)
- शिकागो … 🇺🇸 (11 senses)
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This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-26 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (ce0be54 and f2e72e5).
The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.