"Serbia" meaning in All languages combined

See Serbia on Wiktionary

Noun [interlingua]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-ia-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Categories (other): Interlingua, Interlingua (indeks)

Noun [język albański]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-sq-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Related terms: serb [adjective], serb [noun, masculine]
Categories (other): Język albański, Albański (indeks)

Noun [język angielski]

IPA: ˈsɜː.bi.ə, ˈsɝ.bi.ə [US] Audio: En-us-Serbia.ogg , LL-Q1860 (eng)-Soundguys-Serbia.wav
  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-en-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Related terms: Serbian [noun], Serb, Serbian [adjective]
Categories (other): Angielski (indeks)

Noun [język baskijski]

Audio: LL-Q8752 (eus)-Xabier Cañas-Serbia.wav
  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-eu-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Related terms: serbiar [adjective], serbiar [noun], serbiera
Categories (other): Baskijski (indeks)

Noun [język farerski]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-fo-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Related terms: serbi [noun, masculine], serbiskur [adjective]
Categories (other): Język farerski, Farerski (indeks)

Noun [język fiński]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-fi-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Related terms: serbia [noun], serbialainen, serbia [adjective], serbialainen
Categories (other): Język fiński, Fiński (indeks)

Noun [język galicyjski]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-gl-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Categories (other): Galicyjski (indeks)

Noun [język grenlandzki]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-kl-noun-6HOcg5V2
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated

Noun [język hiszpański]

IPA: ˈseɾ.βja Audio: LL-Q1321 (spa)-Rodelar-Serbia.wav
  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-es-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Related terms: Serbia y Montenegro [history], serbio [adjective], serbio [noun, masculine], serbia [feminine]
Categories (other): Hiszpański (indeks)

Noun [język norweski (bokmål)]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-nb-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Related terms: serber [noun], serbisk [adjective]
Categories (other): Norweski (bokmål) (indeks)

Noun [język norweski (nynorsk)]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-nn-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Categories (other): Norweski (nynorsk) (indeks)

Noun [język polski]

IPA: ˈsɛrbʲja, serbʹi ̯a [Slavic-alphabet] Audio: Pl-Serbia.ogg
Forms: Serbii [genitive, singular], Serbii [dative, singular], Serbię [accusative, singular], Serbią [instrumental, singular], Serbii [locative, singular], Serbio [vocative, singular], Serbie [potential, rare, nominative, plural], Serbii / przest. Serbij [potential, rare, genitive, plural], Serbiom [potential, rare, dative, plural], Serbie [potential, rare, accusative, plural], Serbiami [potential, rare, instrumental, plural], Serbiach [potential, rare, locative, plural], Serbie [potential, rare, vocative, plural]
  1. kraj w Europie, powstał po rozpadzie Serbii i Czarnogóry
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-pl-noun-epewsPt8 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Related terms: serbski [noun, masculine, inanimate], Serb [masculine], Serbka [feminine], serbski [adjective] Translations: Сербия (Serbija) (abazyński), Сербиа (Serbia) (abchaski), Serwië (afrykanerski), Sirwiya (ajmara), Serbia [feminine] (albański), ሰርቢያ (särbiya) (amharski), Serbia (angielski), صربيا (ṣirbiyā) (arabski), Serbia [feminine] (aragoński), ܨܪܒܝܐ (ṣerbiyā) (aramejski), Sãrghia [feminine] (arumuński), Serbia [feminine] (asturyjski), Сербия (Serbija) (awarski), Serbiya (azerski), سئربییا (azerski), Sɛrɛbi (bambara), Serbia (baskijski), Сербия (baszkirski), সার্বিয়া (sārbiyā) (bengalski), Сербія [feminine] (białoruski), Сэрбія [feminine] (białoruski (taraszkiewica)), Srbija [feminine] (bośniacki), Serbia (bretoński), Сърбия (Sărbija) [feminine] (bułgarski), Срь́бїꙗ (Srĭ́bïja) [feminine] (cerkiewnosłowiański), Сербия (Serbija) (chakaski), Srbija [feminine] (chorwacki), Серби (czeczeński), Srbsko [neuter] (czeski), ᏎᎸᏈᏯ (czirokeski), سربیا (serbiyā) (dari), Serbien [neuter] (dolnoniemiecki), Serbiska [feminine] (dolnołużycki), Serbien [neuter] (duński), Serbio (esperanto), Serbujo (esperanto), Serbia (estoński), Serbia [neuter] (farerski), Serbia (fiński), Serbie [feminine] (francuski), Sèrbie [feminine] (franko-prowansalski), Serbie [feminine] (friulski), Servje (fryzyjski), Serbien (fryzyjski saterlandzki), Serbiya (gagauski), Serbia [feminine] (galicyjski), Serbia (grenlandzki), სერბეთი (serbeṭi) (gruziński), სერბია (serbia) (gruziński), Sevia (guarani), સર્બિયા (sarbiyā) (gudźarati), Serbiska [feminine] (górnołużycki), Sèbi (haitański), סרביה (serbyah) (hebrajski), सर्बिया (sarbiyā) (hindi), Serbia [feminine] (hiszpański), Sabia (igbo), Serbia (indonezyjski), Serbia (interlingua), an tSeirb (irlandzki), an tSeirbia (irlandzki), Serbía (islandzki), Сербия (Serbija) (jakucki), セルビア (japoński), Serbia (jawajski), סערביע (serbye) [feminine] (jidysz), Sèrbie [feminine] (jèrriais), Сербиэ (Serbiă) (kabardyjski), ಸರ್ಬಿಯ (sarbiya) (kannada), Сербия (Serbija) (karaczajsko-bałkarski), Serbiya (karakałpacki), Сербія (Serbija) [feminine] (karpatorusiński), Serbskô [feminine] (kaszubski), Sèrbia [feminine] (kataloński), Сербия (kazachski), Сербия (Serbija) (kałmucki), Sirbya (keczua), ស៊ែរប៊ី (særbī) (khmerski), ស៊ឺបៀ (sʉ̄bie) (khmerski), Сербия (kirgiski), Сербия (Serbija) (komi), Sırbistan (krymskotatarski), Сербия (Serbija) (kumycki), Sirbistan (kurmandżi), Serbia (kweński), סירביה [feminine] (ladino), Serbia [feminine] (ladyński), ແຊກບີ (sǣkbī) (laotański), სირბისტანი (lazyjski), სერბია (lazyjski), Сербия (Serbija) (lezgiński), Servië [neuter] (limburski), Serbia (lingala), Serbija [feminine] (litewski), Serbij (liwski), Serbien [neuter] (luksemburski), Србија (Srbija) [feminine] (macedoński), സെര്ബിയ (serbiya) (malajalam), Serbia (malajski), ސާބިއާ (sābiā) (malediwski), Serbia (malgaski), Serbja [feminine] (maltański), yn Serb (manx), Сербий (Serbij) (maryjski), სერბეთი (serbeṭi) (megrelski), სერბია (serbia) (megrelski), Серби (Serbi) (mongolski), Serbia (nahuatl), सर्बिया (sarbiyā) (nepalski), Servië [neuter] (niderlandzki), Serbien [neuter] (niemiecki), Serbie [feminine] (normandzki), Serbia [neuter] (norweski (bokmål)), Serbia [neuter] (norweski (nynorsk)), Serbia [neuter] (norweski (riksmål)), Serbia (novial), Σερβία (Servía) [feminine] (nowogrecki), ସର୍ବିଆ (sôrbiā) (orija), Սերբիա (Serbia) (ormiański), Серби (Serbi) (osetyjski), سربيا (sərbiyā) (paszto), ਰਬੀਆ (sarbīā) (pendżabski), صربستان (serbestân) (perski), Sérvia [feminine] (portugalski), Сербия (Serbija) (południowoałtajski), Serbia [feminine] (prowansalski), Serbien (północnofryzyjski), Serbia [feminine] (romansz), Serbiya (romski), Сербия [feminine] (rosyjski), Serbia [feminine] (rumuński), Serbia [feminine] (sardyński), Србија (Srbija) [feminine] (serbski), Serbia (slovio), Serbzem (slovio), Seerbiya (somalijski), سربیا (sirbiya) (sorani), سربستان (sirbistan) (sorani), Serbiya (suahili), Serbia [feminine] (sycylijski), සර්බියාව (sarbiyāva) (syngaleski), an t-Sèarb (szkocki gaelicki), Seirbia (szkocki gaelicki), Serbien [neuter] (szwedzki), Srbsko [neuter] (słowacki), Srbija [feminine] (słoweński), Сербия (tadżycki), เซอร์เบีย (sə̄[r]biya) (tajski), ⵙⵉⵔⴱⵢⴰ (tamazight), செர்பியா (Cerpiyā) (tamilski), Serbiä (tatarski), Сербия (tatarski), సెర్బియా (Serbiyā) (telugu), Sérvia (tetum), Sırbistan (turecki), Serbiýa (turkmeński), Сербия (Serbija) (tuwiński), སེར་བྷི་ཡ (ser.bī.ya) (tybetański), Сербия (Serbija) (udmurcki), سېربىيە (ujgurski), Сербія [feminine] (ukraiński), سربیا (sarbiyā) (urdu), Serbiya (uzbecki), Särbän (volapük), Serbiä (võro), Serbia (walijski), Serbeye [feminine] (waloński), Serbii (wepski), Seerbi (wolof), Szerbia (węgierski), Serbia [feminine] (włoski), سربیا (sarbiyā) (zachodniopendżabski), Sırbıstan (zazaki), iSeviya (zulu), Serbia [feminine] (łaciński), Serbeja [feminine] (łatgalski), Serbija [feminine] (łotewski), Serbėjė [feminine] (żmudzki)
Categories (other): Polski (indeks)

Noun [język rumuński]

Audio: LL-Q7913 (ron)-KlaudiuMihaila-Serbia.wav
  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-ro-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Categories (other): Rumuński (indeks)

Noun [język włoski]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-it-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Related terms: serba [noun, feminine], serbo [masculine], serbo [adjective]
Categories (other): Włoski (indeks)

Noun [język łaciński]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-la-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Categories (other): Łaciński (indeks)

Noun [slovio]

  1. Serbia
    Sense id: pl-Serbia-slovio-noun-6HOcg5V2 Topics: geography, political-science
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Categories (other): Slovio (indeks)
  "categories": [
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Polski (indeks)",
      "orig": "polski (indeks)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
  "forms": [
      "form": "Serbii",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbii",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbię",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbią",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbii",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbio",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbie",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbii / przest. Serbij",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbiom",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbie",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbiami",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbiach",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "form": "Serbie",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
  "lang": "język polski",
  "lang_code": "pl",
  "notes": [
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "text": "zobacz też: Indeks: Polski - Kraje Europy"
      "text": "por. Czarnogóra • Serbia i Czarnogóra"
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_text": "rzeczownik",
  "raw_tags": [
  "related": [
      "tags": [
      "word": "serbski"
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serb"
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbka"
      "tags": [
      "word": "serbski"
  "senses": [
      "examples": [
          "text": "Węgry graniczą z Austrią, Słowacją, Ukrainą, Rumunią, Serbią, Chorwacją i Słowenią."
      "glosses": [
        "kraj w Europie, powstał po rozpadzie Serbii i Czarnogóry"
      "id": "pl-Serbia-pl-noun-epewsPt8",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "topics": [
  "sounds": [
      "audio": "Pl-Serbia.ogg",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/1/13/Pl-Serbia.ogg/Pl-Serbia.ogg.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Pl-Serbia.ogg"
      "ipa": "ˈsɛrbʲja"
      "ipa": "serbʹi ̯a",
      "tags": [
  "tags": [
  "translations": [
      "lang": "abazyński",
      "lang_code": "cau",
      "roman": "Serbija",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Сербия"
      "lang": "abchaski",
      "lang_code": "ab",
      "roman": "Serbia",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Сербиа"
      "lang": "afrykanerski",
      "lang_code": "af",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serwië"
      "lang": "ajmara",
      "lang_code": "ay",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Sirwiya"
      "lang": "albański",
      "lang_code": "sq",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "amharski",
      "lang_code": "am",
      "roman": "särbiya",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "ሰርቢያ"
      "lang": "angielski",
      "lang_code": "en",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "arabski",
      "lang_code": "ar",
      "roman": "ṣirbiyā",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "صربيا"
      "lang": "aragoński",
      "lang_code": "an",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "aramejski",
      "lang_code": "arc",
      "roman": "ṣerbiyā",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "ܨܪܒܝܐ"
      "lang": "arumuński",
      "lang_code": "rup",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Sãrghia"
      "lang": "asturyjski",
      "lang_code": "ast",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "awarski",
      "lang_code": "av",
      "roman": "Serbija",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Сербия"
      "lang": "azerski",
      "lang_code": "az",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbiya"
      "lang": "azerski",
      "lang_code": "az",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "سئربییا"
      "lang": "bambara",
      "lang_code": "bm",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Sɛrɛbi"
      "lang": "baskijski",
      "lang_code": "eu",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "baszkirski",
      "lang_code": "ba",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Сербия"
      "lang": "bengalski",
      "lang_code": "bn",
      "roman": "sārbiyā",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "সার্বিয়া"
      "lang": "białoruski",
      "lang_code": "be",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Сербія"
      "lang": "białoruski (taraszkiewica)",
      "lang_code": "be-tarask",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Сэрбія"
      "lang": "bośniacki",
      "lang_code": "bs",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Srbija"
      "lang": "bretoński",
      "lang_code": "br",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "bułgarski",
      "lang_code": "bg",
      "roman": "Sărbija",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Сърбия"
      "lang": "cerkiewnosłowiański",
      "lang_code": "cu",
      "roman": "Srĭ́bïja",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Срь́бїꙗ"
      "lang": "chakaski",
      "lang_code": "kjh",
      "roman": "Serbija",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Сербия"
      "lang": "chorwacki",
      "lang_code": "hr",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Srbija"
      "lang": "czeczeński",
      "lang_code": "ce",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Серби"
      "lang": "czeski",
      "lang_code": "cs",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Srbsko"
      "lang": "czirokeski",
      "lang_code": "chr",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "ᏎᎸᏈᏯ"
      "lang": "dari",
      "lang_code": "prs",
      "roman": "serbiyā",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "سربیا"
      "lang": "dolnołużycki",
      "lang_code": "dsb",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbiska"
      "lang": "dolnoniemiecki",
      "lang_code": "nds",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbien"
      "lang": "duński",
      "lang_code": "da",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbien"
      "lang": "esperanto",
      "lang_code": "eo",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbio"
      "lang": "esperanto",
      "lang_code": "eo",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbujo"
      "lang": "estoński",
      "lang_code": "et",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "farerski",
      "lang_code": "fo",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "fiński",
      "lang_code": "fi",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "francuski",
      "lang_code": "fr",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbie"
      "lang": "franko-prowansalski",
      "lang_code": "frp",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Sèrbie"
      "lang": "friulski",
      "lang_code": "fur",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbie"
      "lang": "fryzyjski",
      "lang_code": "fy",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Servje"
      "lang": "fryzyjski saterlandzki",
      "lang_code": "stq",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbien"
      "lang": "gagauski",
      "lang_code": "gag",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbiya"
      "lang": "galicyjski",
      "lang_code": "gl",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "górnołużycki",
      "lang_code": "hsb",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbiska"
      "lang": "grenlandzki",
      "lang_code": "kl",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbia"
      "lang": "gruziński",
      "lang_code": "ka",
      "roman": "serbeṭi",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "სერბეთი"
      "lang": "gruziński",
      "lang_code": "ka",
      "roman": "serbia",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "სერბია"
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      "lang_code": "gn",
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      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "an t-Sèarb"
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      "sense_index": "1.1",
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      "word": "سربیا"
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      "word": "Serbiya"
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      "word": "Serbiä"
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      "lang_code": "cy",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Serbia"
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      "tags": [
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      "lang_code": "vep",
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      "word": "Serbii"
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      "tags": [
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      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Seerbi"
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      "lang_code": "pnb",
      "roman": "sarbiyā",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "سربیا"
      "lang": "zazaki",
      "lang_code": "zza",
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "word": "Sırbıstan"
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      "word": "iSeviya"
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      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "tags": [
      "word": "Serbėjė"
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  "categories": [
    "rumuński (indeks)"
  "lang": "język rumuński",
  "lang_code": "ro",
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_text": "rzeczownik",
  "raw_tags": [
  "senses": [
      "glosses": [
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "topics": [
  "sounds": [
      "audio": "LL-Q7913 (ron)-KlaudiuMihaila-Serbia.wav",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/6/6c/LL-Q7913_(ron)-KlaudiuMihaila-Serbia.wav/LL-Q7913_(ron)-KlaudiuMihaila-Serbia.wav.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/6/6c/LL-Q7913_(ron)-KlaudiuMihaila-Serbia.wav/LL-Q7913_(ron)-KlaudiuMihaila-Serbia.wav.ogg",
      "wav_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/LL-Q7913 (ron)-KlaudiuMihaila-Serbia.wav"
  "tags": [
  "word": "Serbia"

  "categories": [
    "włoski (indeks)"
  "lang": "język włoski",
  "lang_code": "it",
  "notes": [
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "text": "zobacz też: Indeks: Włoski - Kraje Europy"
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_text": "rzeczownik",
  "raw_tags": [
  "related": [
      "tags": [
      "word": "serba"
      "tags": [
      "word": "serbo"
      "tags": [
      "word": "serbo"
  "senses": [
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      "sense_index": "1.1",
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  "tags": [
  "word": "Serbia"

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  "lang": "język łaciński",
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  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_text": "rzeczownik",
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  "tags": [
  "word": "Serbia"

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  "lang": "slovio",
  "lang_code": "slovio",
  "notes": [
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "text": "zobacz też: Indeks: Slovio - Kraje Europy"
  "pos": "noun",
  "pos_text": "rzeczownik",
  "raw_tags": [
  "senses": [
      "glosses": [
      "sense_index": "1.1",
      "topics": [
  "word": "Serbia"

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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-01 from the plwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (7c21d10 and f2e72e5). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.