sotaventeaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeaban > Template:forma verbo
sucintas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintas > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeabais > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearé > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeen > Template:forma verbo
sotaventees (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventees > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeasteis > Template:forma verbo
sotaventaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventaban > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearas > Template:forma verbo
sucintás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintás > Template:forma verbo
sucinta (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucinta > Template:forma verbo
sobrepintasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sobrepintasen > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearais > Template:forma verbo
sucintan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintan > Template:forma verbo
sotaventean (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventean > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearías > Template:forma verbo
sollíspese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sollíspese > Template:forma verbo
sotaventear (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventear > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
sucintáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintáis > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeéis > Template:forma verbo
sotaventaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventaste > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeará > Template:forma verbo
sotaventaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventaron > Template:forma verbo
sotavente (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotavente > Template:forma verbo
sotavente (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotavente > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearían > Template:forma verbo
sucintabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintabas > Template:forma verbo
sucintaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaron > Template:forma verbo
sotaventases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventases > Template:forma verbo
sucintaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaste > Template:forma verbo
sollisparais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sollisparais > Template:forma verbo
sucintaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaréis > Template:forma verbo
sollispare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sollispare > Template:forma verbo
sollispare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sollispare > Template:forma verbo
sucintemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintemos > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearan > Template:forma verbo
sotaventéese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventéese > Template:forma verbo
sucintabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintabais > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeares > Template:forma verbo
taperujes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujes > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeés > Template:forma verbo
sucintará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintará > Template:forma verbo
sucintó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintó > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
sucintábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintábamos > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeareis > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeaseis > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeases > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearen > Template:forma verbo
sucintaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaríamos > Template:forma verbo
sucintaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaremos > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeasen > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeate > Template:forma verbo
sucintaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaban > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeásemos > Template:forma verbo
sucinten (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucinten > Template:forma verbo
sucintarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintarás > Template:forma verbo
sucintés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintés > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeamos > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeamos > Template:forma verbo
sotaventee (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventee > Template:forma verbo
sotaventee (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventee > Template:forma verbo
sucintar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
sotavéntate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotavéntate > Template:forma verbo
sucintasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintasteis > Template:forma verbo
sollisparen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sollisparen > Template:forma verbo
sotaventare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventare > Template:forma verbo
sotaventare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventare > Template:forma verbo
sucintaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaras > Template:forma verbo
sotaventaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventaran > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeáremos > Template:forma verbo
sotaventaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventaremos > Template:forma verbo
sotaventéense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventéense > Template:forma verbo
sucintéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintéis > Template:forma verbo
sucintases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintases > Template:forma verbo
sucintarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintarían > Template:forma verbo
taperujas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujas > Template:forma verbo
taperujo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujo > Template:forma verbo
sollispe (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sollispe > Template:forma verbo
sollispe (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sollispe > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearía > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearía > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeó > Template:forma verbo
sucintares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintares > Template:forma verbo
taperujabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujabais > Template:forma verbo
sucintaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaran > Template:forma verbo
sucintamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintamos > Template:forma verbo
sucintamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintamos > Template:forma verbo
taperuja (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperuja > Template:forma verbo
sucíntese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucíntese > Template:forma verbo
sucintásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintásemos > Template:forma verbo
taperujabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujabas > Template:forma verbo
sucintando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
taperujé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujé > Template:forma verbo
taperujáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujáis > Template:forma verbo
taperujarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujarás > Template:forma verbo
sucintasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintasen > Template:forma verbo
sucintes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintes > Template:forma verbo
sucintaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaba > Template:forma verbo
sucintaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaba > Template:forma verbo
sucíntate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucíntate > Template:forma verbo
sucintaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaseis > Template:forma verbo
sucintáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintáremos > Template:forma verbo
taperujábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujábamos > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeara > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeara > Template:forma verbo
taperujaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaste > Template:forma verbo
sucintaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaos > Template:forma verbo
sobrepintaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sobrepintaron > Template:forma verbo
taperujará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujará > Template:forma verbo
taperujarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujarán > Template:forma verbo
sobrepintara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sobrepintara > Template:forma verbo
sobrepintara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sobrepintara > Template:forma verbo
sotaventease (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventease > Template:forma verbo
sotaventease (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventease > Template:forma verbo
sucintarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintarán > Template:forma verbo
taperujarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujarías > Template:forma verbo
sucinte (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucinte > Template:forma verbo
sucinte (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucinte > Template:forma verbo
sotaventéate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventéate > Template:forma verbo
sucintaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaría > Template:forma verbo
sucintaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaría > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeare > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeare > Template:forma verbo
taperujemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujemos > Template:forma verbo
taperujasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujasteis > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeaos > Template:forma verbo
sucintate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintate > Template:forma verbo
sollispaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sollispaseis > Template:forma verbo
taperujarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujarían > Template:forma verbo
taperujaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaban > Template:forma verbo
taperujaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaríais > Template:forma verbo
sucíntense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucíntense > Template:forma verbo
taperujan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujan > Template:forma verbo
taperujaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaremos > Template:forma verbo
taperujaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaréis > Template:forma verbo
sucintareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintareis > Template:forma verbo
taperujó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujó > Template:forma verbo
taperujaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaras > Template:forma verbo
sucintarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintarais > Template:forma verbo
sucintara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintara > Template:forma verbo
sucintara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintara > Template:forma verbo
sucintaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaré > Template:forma verbo
taperujen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujen > Template:forma verbo
taperujaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaríamos > Template:forma verbo
taperujaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaran > Template:forma verbo
taperujés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujés > Template:forma verbo
taperujares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujares > Template:forma verbo
taperujar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
sotaventase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventase > Template:forma verbo
sotaventase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventase > Template:forma verbo
taperujareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujareis > Template:forma verbo
sucintémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintémonos > Template:forma verbo
taperujaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaron > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearán > Template:forma verbo
tapirujás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujás > Template:forma verbo
taperujases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujases > Template:forma verbo
tapirujas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujas > Template:forma verbo
taperujarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujarais > Template:forma verbo
tapirujan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujan > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearéis > Template:forma verbo
sucinté (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucinté > Template:forma verbo
tapiruja (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapiruja > Template:forma verbo
sucintase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintase > Template:forma verbo
sucintase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintase > Template:forma verbo
tapirujé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujé > Template:forma verbo
taperujate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujate > Template:forma verbo
taperujasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujasen > Template:forma verbo
tapirujáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujáis > Template:forma verbo
tapirujabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujabas > Template:forma verbo
taperújate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperújate > Template:forma verbo
taperújese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperújese > Template:forma verbo
sotaventara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventara > Template:forma verbo
sotaventara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventara > Template:forma verbo
taperujando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
sucintáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintáramos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujabais > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeáramos > Template:forma verbo
taperujaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaban > Template:forma verbo
taperujaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaba > Template:forma verbo
taperujaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaba > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaron > Template:forma verbo
sucintare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintare > Template:forma verbo
sucintare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintare > Template:forma verbo
taperujaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaría > Template:forma verbo
taperujaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaría > Template:forma verbo
taperujamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujamos > Template:forma verbo
taperujamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujamos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaste > Template:forma verbo
tapirujó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujó > Template:forma verbo
taperujáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujáremos > Template:forma verbo
taperujándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
taperuje (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperuje > Template:forma verbo
taperuje (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperuje > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeabas > Template:forma verbo
sucintándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
tapirujábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujábamos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaré > Template:forma verbo
sotaventearíamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventearíamos > Template:forma verbo
taperujás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujás > Template:forma verbo
tapirujarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujarían > Template:forma verbo
tapirujemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujemos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaremos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujasteis > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaréis > Template:forma verbo
tapirujen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujen > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaras > Template:forma verbo
tapirujará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujará > Template:forma verbo
tapirujéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujéis > Template:forma verbo
taperujase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujase > Template:forma verbo
taperujase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujase > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeémonos > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaríais > Template:forma verbo
tapirujar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
tapirujases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujases > Template:forma verbo
tapujas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujas > Template:forma verbo
tapujás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujás > Template:forma verbo
taperujare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujare > Template:forma verbo
taperujare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujare > Template:forma verbo
tapirujarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujarais > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaran > Template:forma verbo
tapujaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaseis > Template:forma verbo
tapirujares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujares > Template:forma verbo
tapujé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujé > Template:forma verbo
sucintaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaríais > Template:forma verbo
tapirujo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujo > Template:forma verbo
tapirujáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujáramos > Template:forma verbo
taperujaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaré > Template:forma verbo
tapujáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujáis > Template:forma verbo
tapirújate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirújate > Template:forma verbo
sucintaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintaren > Template:forma verbo
tapirujareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujareis > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaba > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaba > Template:forma verbo
tapujabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujabais > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaseis > Template:forma verbo
tapujó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujó > Template:forma verbo
tapirujate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujate > Template:forma verbo
taperujara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujara > Template:forma verbo
taperujara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujara > Template:forma verbo
tapujabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujabas > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaos > Template:forma verbo
tapujábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujábamos > Template:forma verbo
tapujaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaras > Template:forma verbo
tapujaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaban > Template:forma verbo
tapirujásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujásemos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaren > Template:forma verbo
tapirujasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujasen > Template:forma verbo
tapujarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujarás > Template:forma verbo
taperujaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaren > Template:forma verbo
tapirújese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirújese > Template:forma verbo
tapirujamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujamos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujamos > Template:forma verbo
tapujaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaron > Template:forma verbo
tapujen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujen > Template:forma verbo
tapujéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujéis > Template:forma verbo
tapujará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujará > Template:forma verbo
tapujases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujases > Template:forma verbo
tapujarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujarías > Template:forma verbo
tapujarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujarais > Template:forma verbo
sucintarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sucintarías > Template:forma verbo
tapujar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
tapiruje (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapiruje > Template:forma verbo
tapiruje (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapiruje > Template:forma verbo
tapujando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
tapujaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaríamos > Template:forma verbo
tapujaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaremos > Template:forma verbo
tapujemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujemos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaría > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaría > Template:forma verbo
tapujés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujés > Template:forma verbo
tapirujándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
tapujarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujarán > Template:forma verbo
tragueo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueo > Template:forma verbo
tapirujarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujarás > Template:forma verbo
tapujaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaríais > Template:forma verbo
tapujares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujares > Template:forma verbo
tapirujes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujes > Template:forma verbo
tapujate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujate > Template:forma verbo
tapujáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujáramos > Template:forma verbo
tapujásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujásemos > Template:forma verbo
traguea (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguea > Template:forma verbo
tapuja (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapuja > Template:forma verbo
tragueás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueás > Template:forma verbo
tapujaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaos > Template:forma verbo
tapujaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaren > Template:forma verbo
tapujasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujasen > Template:forma verbo
tapujasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujasteis > Template:forma verbo
taperujéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujéis > Template:forma verbo
traguean (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguean > Template:forma verbo
tapujes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujes > Template:forma verbo
tragueó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueó > Template:forma verbo
tapujamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujamos > Template:forma verbo
tapujamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujamos > Template:forma verbo
tapújese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapújese > Template:forma verbo
tragueaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueaste > Template:forma verbo
tapirujase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujase > Template:forma verbo
tapirujase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujase > Template:forma verbo
tragueáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueáis > Template:forma verbo
tragueará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueará > Template:forma verbo
tapujémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujémonos > Template:forma verbo
traguearás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearás > Template:forma verbo
tragueabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueabas > Template:forma verbo
tragueaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueaban > Template:forma verbo
tragueabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueabais > Template:forma verbo
traguearé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearé > Template:forma verbo
tapujándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
tapujaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaba > Template:forma verbo
tapujaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaba > Template:forma verbo
tapujaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaran > Template:forma verbo
traguearon (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearon > Template:forma verbo
traguearías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearías > Template:forma verbo
tragueasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueasteis > Template:forma verbo
tragueemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueemos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujare > Template:forma verbo
tapirujare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujare > Template:forma verbo
tapujan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujan > Template:forma verbo
tragueen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueen > Template:forma verbo
taperujáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujáramos > Template:forma verbo
tapuje (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapuje > Template:forma verbo
tapuje (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapuje > Template:forma verbo
traguearán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearán > Template:forma verbo
tragueábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueábamos > Template:forma verbo
taperujásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujásemos > Template:forma verbo
traguearíais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearíais > Template:forma verbo
traguees (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguees > Template:forma verbo
traguear (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguear > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
traguearían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearían > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeaba > Template:forma verbo
sotaventeaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sotaventeaba > Template:forma verbo
tapujaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaría > Template:forma verbo
tapujaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaría > Template:forma verbo
tapirujaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujaríamos > Template:forma verbo
tragueaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueaseis > Template:forma verbo
tragueáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueáramos > Template:forma verbo
tapirújense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirújense > Template:forma verbo
tragueases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueases > Template:forma verbo
traguearas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearas > Template:forma verbo
tapujaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaré > Template:forma verbo
tapujare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujare > Template:forma verbo
tapujare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujare > Template:forma verbo
tragueasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueasen > Template:forma verbo
trascartás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartás > Template:forma verbo
tragueásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueásemos > Template:forma verbo
tragueéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueéis > Template:forma verbo
trascartan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartan > Template:forma verbo
trascarto (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascarto > Template:forma verbo
tragueáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueáremos > Template:forma verbo
traguearais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearais > Template:forma verbo
taperujémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujémonos > Template:forma verbo
tragueate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueate > Template:forma verbo
tapujareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujareis > Template:forma verbo
traguearen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearen > Template:forma verbo
tragueando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
taperujaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperujaseis > Template:forma verbo
tapirujarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujarías > Template:forma verbo
tapirujando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
tragueares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueares > Template:forma verbo
tapirujara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujara > Template:forma verbo
tapirujara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujara > Template:forma verbo
trascarta (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascarta > Template:forma verbo
tapujáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujáremos > Template:forma verbo
traguearía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearía > Template:forma verbo
traguearía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearía > Template:forma verbo
tapirujés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujés > Template:forma verbo
trascartabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartabas > Template:forma verbo
tragueándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
traguéense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguéense > Template:forma verbo
trascartaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaste > Template:forma verbo
tragueés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueés > Template:forma verbo
trascartó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartó > Template:forma verbo
trascartabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartabais > Template:forma verbo
traguee (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguee > Template:forma verbo
traguee (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguee > Template:forma verbo
trascartarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartarías > Template:forma verbo
trascartaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaban > Template:forma verbo
trascartábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartábamos > Template:forma verbo
trascartarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartarás > Template:forma verbo
trascartáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartáis > Template:forma verbo
tragueamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueamos > Template:forma verbo
tragueamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueamos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujáremos > Template:forma verbo
tapirujarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujarán > Template:forma verbo
trascartaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaréis > Template:forma verbo
tapujaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaste > Template:forma verbo
trascarté (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascarté > Template:forma verbo
trascartarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartarais > Template:forma verbo
tragueémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueémonos > Template:forma verbo
trascartar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
trascartaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaron > Template:forma verbo
trascartes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartes > Template:forma verbo
trascartés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartés > Template:forma verbo
traguearéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearéis > Template:forma verbo
trascartaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaríamos > Template:forma verbo
trascartemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartemos > Template:forma verbo
tragueara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueara > Template:forma verbo
tragueara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueara > Template:forma verbo
tragueaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueaba > Template:forma verbo
tragueaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueaba > Template:forma verbo
trascartéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartéis > Template:forma verbo
trascartarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartarían > Template:forma verbo
trascartarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartarán > Template:forma verbo
trascartares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartares > Template:forma verbo
trascartaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaríais > Template:forma verbo
trascartasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartasen > Template:forma verbo
trascartaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaran > Template:forma verbo
trascartases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartases > Template:forma verbo
trascarten (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascarten > Template:forma verbo
traguease (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguease > Template:forma verbo
traguease (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguease > Template:forma verbo
tapirujémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapirujémonos > Template:forma verbo
trascartáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartáramos > Template:forma verbo
tapujaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujaréis > Template:forma verbo
trasconejas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejas > Template:forma verbo
trascartaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaseis > Template:forma verbo
taperújense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: taperújense > Template:forma verbo
trascártense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascártense > Template:forma verbo
tragueé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueé > Template:forma verbo
trascartando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasconejo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejo > Template:forma verbo
tragueas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueas > Template:forma verbo
traguearan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearan > Template:forma verbo
trascartáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartáremos > Template:forma verbo
trascartaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaos > Template:forma verbo
trasconeja (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconeja > Template:forma verbo
trascártate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascártate > Template:forma verbo
trascartamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartamos > Template:forma verbo
trascartamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartamos > Template:forma verbo
tapujase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujase > Template:forma verbo
tapujase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujase > Template:forma verbo
traguearemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearemos > Template:forma verbo
tragueaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueaos > Template:forma verbo
trascartaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaren > Template:forma verbo
tapújate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapújate > Template:forma verbo
tapújense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapújense > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaré > Template:forma verbo
trascártese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascártese > Template:forma verbo
trasconejabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejabas > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaban > Template:forma verbo
trasconejan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejan > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaste > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaréis > Template:forma verbo
trascarte (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascarte > Template:forma verbo
trascarte (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascarte > Template:forma verbo
trasconejen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejen > Template:forma verbo
trascartándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
tapujara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujara > Template:forma verbo
tapujara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujara > Template:forma verbo
trasconejábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejábamos > Template:forma verbo
trasconejé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejé > Template:forma verbo
trasconejará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejará > Template:forma verbo
trasconejarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejarías > Template:forma verbo
trasconejes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejes > Template:forma verbo
trascartémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartémonos > Template:forma verbo
traguearíamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguearíamos > Template:forma verbo
trasconejabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejabais > Template:forma verbo
trasconejó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejó > Template:forma verbo
trascartas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartas > Template:forma verbo
traguéese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguéese > Template:forma verbo
trascartaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaré > Template:forma verbo
tapujarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujarían > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaríamos > Template:forma verbo
trasparento (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparento > Template:forma verbo
trasconejarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejarían > Template:forma verbo
trasconejar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
trasparentabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentabais > Template:forma verbo
trasconejases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejases > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaríais > Template:forma verbo
trasconejéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejéis > Template:forma verbo
trascartase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartase > Template:forma verbo
trascartase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartase > Template:forma verbo
traguéate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: traguéate > Template:forma verbo
trasconejarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejarás > Template:forma verbo
trasconejasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejasen > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaras > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaste > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaren > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaran > Template:forma verbo
trasconejásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejásemos > Template:forma verbo
trasconejareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejareis > Template:forma verbo
trascartara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartara > Template:forma verbo
trascartara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartara > Template:forma verbo
trasparentáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentáis > Template:forma verbo
trasconejasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejasteis > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaseis > Template:forma verbo
trasconéjate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconéjate > Template:forma verbo
trasparentan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentan > Template:forma verbo
trascartasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartasteis > Template:forma verbo
trasconejáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejáramos > Template:forma verbo
trasconejares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejares > Template:forma verbo
trasconejemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejemos > Template:forma verbo
trasconejés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejés > Template:forma verbo
trasparenté (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparenté > Template:forma verbo
trascartate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartate > Template:forma verbo
trasconéjese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconéjese > Template:forma verbo
trasparentó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentó > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaremos > Template:forma verbo
trascartare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartare > Template:forma verbo
trascartare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartare > Template:forma verbo
trascartásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartásemos > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaban > Template:forma verbo
trasconejándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasparentarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentarán > Template:forma verbo
trasconéjense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconéjense > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaron > Template:forma verbo
trasparentarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentarías > Template:forma verbo
trasparentabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentabas > Template:forma verbo
trasconeje (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconeje > Template:forma verbo
trasconeje (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconeje > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaría > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaría > Template:forma verbo
trasparenten (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparenten > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaré > Template:forma verbo
trasparentarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentarás > Template:forma verbo
trasconejamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejamos > Template:forma verbo
trasconejamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejamos > Template:forma verbo
trascartaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaremos > Template:forma verbo
trasparentasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentasteis > Template:forma verbo
trasparenta (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparenta > Template:forma verbo
trascartaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaras > Template:forma verbo
trasparentábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentábamos > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaron > Template:forma verbo
trasconejáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejáis > Template:forma verbo
trasparentar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
trasconejémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejémonos > Template:forma verbo
trascartaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaría > Template:forma verbo
trascartaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaría > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaos > Template:forma verbo
trasparentarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentarían > Template:forma verbo
trascartaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaba > Template:forma verbo
trascartaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartaba > Template:forma verbo
trasparentés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentés > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaríamos > Template:forma verbo
trasparentases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentases > Template:forma verbo
trasparentéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentéis > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaras > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaren > Template:forma verbo
trasparentas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentas > Template:forma verbo
trascartará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartará > Template:forma verbo
trasparentarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentarais > Template:forma verbo
trasparentando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trastrababais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrababais > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaseis > Template:forma verbo
trastrabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabas > Template:forma verbo
trastraba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastraba > Template:forma verbo
trasconejase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejase > Template:forma verbo
trasconejase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejase > Template:forma verbo
trastrabo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabo > Template:forma verbo
trastrabáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabáis > Template:forma verbo
trasparentares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentares > Template:forma verbo
trascartareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trascartareis > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaseis > Template:forma verbo
trastrabés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabés > Template:forma verbo
trastrabás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabás > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaos > Template:forma verbo
trasparentáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentáramos > Template:forma verbo
trasparentasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentasen > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaba > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaba > Template:forma verbo
trasconejando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasparéntate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparéntate > Template:forma verbo
trastraban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastraban > Template:forma verbo
trastrabó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabó > Template:forma verbo
trastraben (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastraben > Template:forma verbo
trastrababan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrababan > Template:forma verbo
trasparentate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentate > Template:forma verbo
trasparéntese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparéntese > Template:forma verbo
trasconejara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejara > Template:forma verbo
trasconejara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejara > Template:forma verbo
trasconejare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejare > Template:forma verbo
trasconejare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejare > Template:forma verbo
trastrabasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabasteis > Template:forma verbo
trastrabéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabéis > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaran > Template:forma verbo
tragueare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueare > Template:forma verbo
tragueare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueare > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaron > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaremos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabarías > Template:forma verbo
trasparentáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentáremos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaréis > Template:forma verbo
trasparentará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentará > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaba > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaba > Template:forma verbo
trasparentándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trastrabar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaría > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaría > Template:forma verbo
trastrabarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabarás > Template:forma verbo
trasparentémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentémonos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabarían > Template:forma verbo
trastrabemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabemos > Template:forma verbo
trastrababas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrababas > Template:forma verbo
trastrabábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabábamos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaríais > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaréis > Template:forma verbo
trastrabarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabarán > Template:forma verbo
trasveno (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasveno > Template:forma verbo
trasvenás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenás > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaré > Template:forma verbo
tragueareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tragueareis > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaras > Template:forma verbo
trasvenas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenas > Template:forma verbo
trastrabases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabases > Template:forma verbo
trasparentás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentás > Template:forma verbo
trasvenáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenáis > Template:forma verbo
trasvenan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenan > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaran > Template:forma verbo
trastrabé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabé > Template:forma verbo
trasvené (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvené > Template:forma verbo
trastrabares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabares > Template:forma verbo
trastrabasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabasen > Template:forma verbo
trasconejarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejarán > Template:forma verbo
trasparentara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentara > Template:forma verbo
trasparentara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentara > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaos > Template:forma verbo
trasconejás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejás > Template:forma verbo
trastrabate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabate > Template:forma verbo
trastrabareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabareis > Template:forma verbo
trasconejáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejáremos > Template:forma verbo
trasconejate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejate > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaré > Template:forma verbo
trasvenabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenabas > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaren > Template:forma verbo
trasvenó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenó > Template:forma verbo
trasparentare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentare > Template:forma verbo
trasparentare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentare > Template:forma verbo
trasparentemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentemos > Template:forma verbo
trasparéntense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparéntense > Template:forma verbo
trastrabáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabáramos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabáremos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenarías > Template:forma verbo
trastrabásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabásemos > Template:forma verbo
trastrábense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrábense > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaban > Template:forma verbo
trastrábate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrábate > Template:forma verbo
trasparentase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentase > Template:forma verbo
trasparentase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentase > Template:forma verbo
trasvenarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenarían > Template:forma verbo
trasvenarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenarán > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaréis > Template:forma verbo
trasparentareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentareis > Template:forma verbo
trastrababa (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrababa > Template:forma verbo
trastrababa (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrababa > Template:forma verbo
trasvenará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenará > Template:forma verbo
trasvenasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenasteis > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaron > Template:forma verbo
trasvenarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenarás > Template:forma verbo
trastrabe (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabe > Template:forma verbo
trastrabe (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabe > Template:forma verbo
trasvenemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenemos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaría > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaría > Template:forma verbo
trasvenen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenen > Template:forma verbo
trasparentaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentaríais > Template:forma verbo
trasvenes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenes > Template:forma verbo
trasvenés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenés > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaríamos > Template:forma verbo
trasvénense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvénense > Template:forma verbo
trasvenases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenases > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaríais > Template:forma verbo
trasvenar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaras > Template:forma verbo
trasconejarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejarais > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaste > Template:forma verbo
trastrabaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabaríamos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabarais > Template:forma verbo
trasvinás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinás > Template:forma verbo
trastrábese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrábese > Template:forma verbo
trasvenares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenares > Template:forma verbo
trasvinas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinas > Template:forma verbo
trastrabase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabase > Template:forma verbo
trastrabase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabase > Template:forma verbo
trasvenarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenarais > Template:forma verbo
trasvina (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvina > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaren > Template:forma verbo
trasvénese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvénese > Template:forma verbo
trastrabara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabara > Template:forma verbo
trastrabara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabara > Template:forma verbo
trasvenáremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenáremos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenáramos > Template:forma verbo
trasvinabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinabais > Template:forma verbo
trastrabamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabamos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabamos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenate > Template:forma verbo
trasconejaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasconejaremos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenasen > Template:forma verbo
trasparentásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentásemos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabémonos > Template:forma verbo
trasvénate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvénate > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaré > Template:forma verbo
trasviné (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasviné > Template:forma verbo
trasvinabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinabas > Template:forma verbo
trasvenareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenareis > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaríais > Template:forma verbo
trasvene (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvene > Template:forma verbo
trasvene (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvene > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaban > Template:forma verbo
trasvines (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvines > Template:forma verbo
trastrabándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasvinasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinasteis > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaste > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaremos > Template:forma verbo
trasvinarías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinarías > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaría > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaría > Template:forma verbo
trasvenémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenémonos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasvinará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinará > Template:forma verbo
trasvinés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinés > Template:forma verbo
trasvinen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinen > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaríamos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabará > Template:forma verbo
trasvinemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinemos > Template:forma verbo
trasvinarían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinarían > Template:forma verbo
trasvinéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinéis > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaras > Template:forma verbo
trasvinando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasvinásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinásemos > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaréis > Template:forma verbo
trastrabes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabes > Template:forma verbo
trasvinamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinamos > Template:forma verbo
trasvinamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinamos > Template:forma verbo
trasvinarán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinarán > Template:forma verbo
trasvinan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinan > Template:forma verbo
trasvenase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenase > Template:forma verbo
trasvenase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenase > Template:forma verbo
trasvena (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvena > Template:forma verbo
trasvináis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvináis > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaba > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaba > Template:forma verbo
trasvinases (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinases > Template:forma verbo
trasvinar (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinar > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
trasvenara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenara > Template:forma verbo
trasvenara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenara > Template:forma verbo
trasvinarais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinarais > Template:forma verbo
trasvinares (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinares > Template:forma verbo
trasvináramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvináramos > Template:forma verbo
trasvinarás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinarás > Template:forma verbo
trasvinate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinate > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaseis > Template:forma verbo
trasvinasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinasen > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaseis > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaren > Template:forma verbo
trasvinareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinareis > Template:forma verbo
trasparentamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentamos > Template:forma verbo
trasparentamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparentamos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenábamos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenamos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenamos > Template:forma verbo
trasvínate (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvínate > Template:forma verbo
trasvenabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenabais > Template:forma verbo
trasvínese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvínese > Template:forma verbo
trasvínense (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvínense > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaba > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaba > Template:forma verbo
trasvinándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasparente (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparente > Template:forma verbo
trasparente (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasparente > Template:forma verbo
trasvenásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenásemos > Template:forma verbo
trasvenare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenare > Template:forma verbo
trasvenare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenare > Template:forma verbo
trasvine (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvine > Template:forma verbo
trasvine (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvine > Template:forma verbo
trasvinó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinó > Template:forma verbo
trasvinémonos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinémonos > Template:forma verbo
trastrabare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabare > Template:forma verbo
trastrabare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trastrabare > Template:forma verbo
trasvino (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvino > Template:forma verbo
escalofriándose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: escalofriándose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaría > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaría > Template:forma verbo
resal (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: resal > Template:f.v
trasvenaremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaremos > Template:forma verbo
trasvinábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinábamos > Template:forma verbo
tapujo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tapujo > Template:forma verbo
trasvinara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinara > Template:forma verbo
trasvinara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinara > Template:forma verbo
resale (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: resale > Template:forma verbo
resale (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: resale > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaran > Template:forma verbo
temples (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: temples > Template:forma verbo
templen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: templen > Template:forma verbo
templen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: templen > Template:forma verbo
trasvenaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenaste > Template:forma verbo
trasvenéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvenéis > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaron > Template:forma verbo
trasvinare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinare > Template:forma verbo
trasvinare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinare > Template:forma verbo
trasvinaran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinaran > Template:forma verbo
trasvináremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvináremos > Template:forma verbo
trasvinase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinase > Template:forma verbo
trasvinase (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: trasvinase > Template:forma verbo
bandejas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: bandejas > Template:forma verbo
bandas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: bandas > Template:forma verbo
sacaliñas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sacaliñas > Template:forma verbo
tollas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tollas > Template:forma verbo
tollas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tollas > Template:forma verbo
cuchillas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: cuchillas > Template:forma verbo
comedias (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: comedias > Template:forma verbo
auras (Francés forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: auras > Template:f.v
cuta (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: cuta > Template:forma verbo
cuta (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: cuta > Template:forma verbo
cuta (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: cuta > Template:forma verbo
cutas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: cutas > Template:forma verbo
sustrayéndose (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sustrayéndose > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
sustrayendo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: sustrayendo > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
substrayendo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: substrayendo > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
murmureo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureo > Template:forma verbo
afiches (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: afiches > Template:forma verbo
afiches (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: afiches > Template:forma verbo
afiches (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: afiches > Template:forma verbo
introducere (Latín forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: introducere > Template:infinitivo > Template:forma verbo
invine (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invine > Template:forma verbo
invengo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invengo > Template:forma verbo
invenimos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenimos > Template:forma verbo
invendré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendré > Template:forma verbo
invinieron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinieron > Template:forma verbo
inviniste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniste > Template:forma verbo
invendrás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendrás > Template:forma verbo
invino (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invino > Template:forma verbo
inveníais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inveníais > Template:forma verbo
invendrá (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendrá > Template:forma verbo
inveníamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inveníamos > Template:forma verbo
invengas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invengas > Template:forma verbo
invinisteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinisteis > Template:forma verbo
invendrías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendrías > Template:forma verbo
invinimos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinimos > Template:forma verbo
invenías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenías > Template:forma verbo
invengás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invengás > Template:forma verbo
invén (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invén > Template:forma verbo
invendrían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendrían > Template:forma verbo
murmureá (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureá > Template:forma verbo
invendríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendríamos > Template:forma verbo
invenid (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenid > Template:forma verbo
invinieras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinieras > Template:forma verbo
invenían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenían > Template:forma verbo
invienen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invienen > Template:forma verbo
invendréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendréis > Template:forma verbo
invendríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendríais > Template:forma verbo
invení (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invení > Template:forma verbo
invinieses (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinieses > Template:forma verbo
inviniéramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniéramos > Template:forma verbo
murmureabas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureabas > Template:forma verbo
murmureáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureáis > Template:forma verbo
invienes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invienes > Template:forma verbo
invinierais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinierais > Template:forma verbo
inviniendo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniendo > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
invinieres (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinieres > Template:forma verbo
murmureas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureas > Template:forma verbo
inviniésemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniésemos > Template:forma verbo
invenís (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenís > Template:forma verbo
invenís (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenís > Template:forma verbo
invinieren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinieren > Template:forma verbo
murmurean (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurean > Template:forma verbo
murmureás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureás > Template:forma verbo
inviniereis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniereis > Template:forma verbo
inviniesen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniesen > Template:forma verbo
invinieseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinieseis > Template:forma verbo
inviene (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviene > Template:forma verbo
inviene (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviene > Template:forma verbo
murmureabais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureabais > Template:forma verbo
murmureábamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureábamos > Template:forma verbo
murmurearán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearán > Template:forma verbo
murmurearé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearé > Template:forma verbo
murmureará (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureará > Template:forma verbo
murmureó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureó > Template:forma verbo
invendría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendría > Template:forma verbo
invendría (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendría > Template:forma verbo
murmureasteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureasteis > Template:forma verbo
murmurearon (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearon > Template:forma verbo
invenía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenía > Template:forma verbo
invenía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenía > Template:forma verbo
tañí (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañí > Template:forma verbo
murmureé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureé > Template:forma verbo
invengan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invengan > Template:forma verbo
invengan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invengan > Template:forma verbo
murmurearéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearéis > Template:forma verbo
murmurearás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearás > Template:forma verbo
murmurearíamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearíamos > Template:forma verbo
tañías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañías > Template:forma verbo
murmurearíais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearíais > Template:forma verbo
murmurearían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearían > Template:forma verbo
tañíais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañíais > Template:forma verbo
tañed (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañed > Template:forma verbo
murmureés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureés > Template:forma verbo
tañiste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañiste > Template:forma verbo
murmurearan (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearan > Template:forma verbo
murmureéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureéis > Template:forma verbo
inviniera (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniera > Template:forma verbo
inviniera (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniera > Template:forma verbo
murmureando (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureando > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
tañían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañían > Template:forma verbo
murmuread (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmuread > Template:forma verbo
invenga (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenga > Template:forma verbo
invenga (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenga > Template:forma verbo
invenga (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invenga > Template:forma verbo
murmurearas (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearas > Template:forma verbo
tañeríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeríais > Template:forma verbo
fraño (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: fraño > Template:forma verbo
frañemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañemos > Template:forma verbo
murmurearías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearías > Template:forma verbo
tañeríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeríamos > Template:forma verbo
invendrán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invendrán > Template:forma verbo
tañeron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeron > Template:forma verbo
tañerán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañerán > Template:forma verbo
murmureáramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureáramos > Template:forma verbo
tañeras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeras > Template:forma verbo
tañerá (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañerá > Template:forma verbo
murmureareis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureareis > Template:forma verbo
tañeses (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeses > Template:forma verbo
tañisteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañisteis > Template:forma verbo
inviniere (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniere > Template:forma verbo
inviniere (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniere > Template:forma verbo
murmurea (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurea > Template:forma verbo
murmurea (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurea > Template:forma verbo
tañéremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañéremos > Template:forma verbo
tañeremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeremos > Template:forma verbo
invinieran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invinieran > Template:forma verbo
tañéramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañéramos > Template:forma verbo
frañéis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañéis > Template:forma verbo
murmureaseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureaseis > Template:forma verbo
murmurearais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearais > Template:forma verbo
frañen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañen > Template:forma verbo
tañerais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañerais > Template:forma verbo
tañeran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeran > Template:forma verbo
frañes (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañes > Template:forma verbo
murmureaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureaba > Template:forma verbo
murmureaba (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureaba > Template:forma verbo
murmureásemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureásemos > Template:forma verbo
frañiste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañiste > Template:forma verbo
murmurearen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearen > Template:forma verbo
frañeron (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeron > Template:forma verbo
frañó (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañó > Template:forma verbo
tañeseis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeseis > Template:forma verbo
frañías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañías > Template:forma verbo
frañeréis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeréis > Template:forma verbo
tañereis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañereis > Template:forma verbo
tañeré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeré > Template:forma verbo
frañimos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañimos > Template:forma verbo
frañían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañían > Template:forma verbo
tañeren (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeren > Template:forma verbo
tañía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañía > Template:forma verbo
tañía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañía > Template:forma verbo
frañí (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañí > Template:forma verbo
frañíamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañíamos > Template:forma verbo
inviniese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniese > Template:forma verbo
inviniese (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: inviniese > Template:forma verbo
frañeré (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeré > Template:forma verbo
frañeremos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeremos > Template:forma verbo
frañerán (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañerán > Template:forma verbo
frañisteis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañisteis > Template:forma verbo
frañerían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañerían > Template:forma verbo
invengáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invengáis > Template:forma verbo
frañerá (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañerá > Template:forma verbo
murmureen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureen > Template:forma verbo
murmureen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureen > Template:forma verbo
murmurease (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurease > Template:forma verbo
murmurease (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurease > Template:forma verbo
frañeras (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeras > Template:forma verbo
frañáis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañáis > Template:forma verbo
frañé (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañé > Template:forma verbo
murmureemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureemos > Template:forma verbo
murmureemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureemos > Template:forma verbo
murmureara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureara > Template:forma verbo
murmureara (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureara > Template:forma verbo
murmureaban (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureaban > Template:forma verbo
frañés (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañés > Template:forma verbo
frañerais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañerais > Template:forma verbo
murmurearía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearía > Template:forma verbo
murmurearía (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmurearía > Template:forma verbo
frañeríais (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeríais > Template:forma verbo
frañeses (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeses > Template:forma verbo
frañeres (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeres > Template:forma verbo
frañéramos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañéramos > Template:forma verbo
murmureasen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureasen > Template:forma verbo
frañeran (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeran > Template:forma verbo
murmureaste (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureaste > Template:forma verbo
tañeres (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañeres > Template:forma verbo
tañimos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañimos > Template:forma verbo
tañimos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañimos > Template:forma verbo
frañendo (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañendo > Template:gerundio > Template:forma verbo
tañerías (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañerías > Template:forma verbo
frañésemos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañésemos > Template:forma verbo
murmureamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureamos > Template:forma verbo
murmureamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureamos > Template:forma verbo
frañereis (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañereis > Template:forma verbo
frañeríamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañeríamos > Template:forma verbo
tañerían (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: tañerían > Template:forma verbo
murmureare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureare > Template:forma verbo
murmureare (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: murmureare > Template:forma verbo
frañesen (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañesen > Template:forma verbo
frañás (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: frañás > Template:forma verbo
invengamos (Español forma verbal) too many args (3) in argument reference: ('leng', '', 'es') Path: invengamos > Template:forma verbo
This page is a part of the machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-01-10 from the eswiktionary dump dated 2025-01-01 using wiktextract (df33d17 and 4ed51a5). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.