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inflection table

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inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural'

házimozi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: házimozi

öltöző (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: öltöző

öltöző (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: öltöző

órái (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: órái

háziegér (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: háziegér

lovagrend (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lovagrend

testtartás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: testtartás

kizáró (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kizáró

előválasztás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: előválasztás

elavuló (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: elavuló

vadgesztenye (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vadgesztenye

törött (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: törött

vallástudomány (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vallástudomány

hozzáértés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hozzáértés

érrendszer (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: érrendszer

adathalászat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: adathalászat

légzési (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: légzési

légzőszervi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: légzőszervi

eksztázis (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: eksztázis

odaadás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: odaadás

karám (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: karám

melege (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: melege

haladási (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: haladási

bénulás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: bénulás

száznyolcvan (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: száznyolcvan

száznyolcvan (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: száznyolcvan

nyújtás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nyújtás

útdíj (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: útdíj

intézés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: intézés

hepehupa (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hepehupa

hepehupás (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hepehupás

szívós (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szívós

tónus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tónus

várományosa (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: várományosa

bóbita (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: bóbita

főügyész (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: főügyész

öttusa (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: öttusa

aminosav (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: aminosav

biokémiai (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: biokémiai

halacska (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: halacska

világpolgár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: világpolgár

kecsege (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kecsege

éger (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: éger

dundi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: dundi

kulturálatlan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kulturálatlan

metropolisztérség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: metropolisztérség

ajánló (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ajánló

ajánló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ajánló

szuvas (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szuvas

gyopár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gyopár

giroszkóp (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: giroszkóp

e-mail-cím (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: e-mail-cím

kétsoros (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kétsoros

antimagnetikus (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: antimagnetikus

süllyesztett (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: süllyesztett

tallér (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tallér

kolonc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kolonc

szfalerit (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szfalerit

kovácsmesterség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kovácsmesterség

gátlástalanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gátlástalanabb

leggátlástalanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: leggátlástalanabb

kötbér (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kötbér

hasüreg (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hasüreg

hashártya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hashártya

hashártyagyulladás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hashártyagyulladás

fakalán (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fakalán

benti (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: benti

tősgyökeres (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tősgyökeres

borult (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: borult

fizetendő (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fizetendő

kondenzcsík (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kondenzcsík

nyomatékos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nyomatékos

iskolái (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: iskolái

oltásellenes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: oltásellenes

észrevétlen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: észrevétlen

zsákbamacska (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: zsákbamacska

ufó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ufó

kézé (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kézé

lábé (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lábé

leckekönyv (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: leckekönyv

tüze (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tüze

nőm (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nőm

nőd (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nőd

nőtök (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nőtök

ragozott (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ragozott

e-cigaretta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: e-cigaretta

vagyonadó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vagyonadó

improduktív (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: improduktív

üzemi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: üzemi

ugyanő (Hungarian pronoun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ugyanő

adattárház (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: adattárház

kétkerekű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kétkerekű

figyelmetlenség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: figyelmetlenség

turmalin (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: turmalin

Náci (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Náci

állhatatosság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: állhatatosság

önátadás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: önátadás

egységállapot (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: egységállapot

lazulás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lazulás

lazítás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lazítás

képességfejlesztés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: képességfejlesztés

lemondás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lemondás

versenyszellem (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: versenyszellem

igazságérzet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: igazságérzet

önbizalom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: önbizalom

szereplőtípus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szereplőtípus

lapú (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lapú

elölt (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: elölt

lápú (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lápú

mértékletes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: mértékletes

tévedhetetlen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tévedhetetlen

fagyott (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fagyott

mértékletesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: mértékletesebb

legmértékletesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: legmértékletesebb

áttekinthetőbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: áttekinthetőbb

legáttekinthetőbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: legáttekinthetőbb

hangszínezet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hangszínezet

lábgomba (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lábgomba

tyúkszem (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tyúkszem

lépfene (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lépfene

mitesszer (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: mitesszer

földpát (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: földpát

véradás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: véradás

krizopráz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: krizopráz

anorák (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: anorák

háromjegyű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: háromjegyű

lexéma (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lexéma

lompos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lompos

vízmérték (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vízmérték

krampusz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: krampusz

pornófüggőség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: pornófüggőség

lapostetű (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lapostetű

lapostetű (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lapostetű

képzelőerő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: képzelőerő

gombabetegség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gombabetegség

bőrgomba (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: bőrgomba

hüvelygomba (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hüvelygomba

szömörcsöggomba (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szömörcsöggomba

élesztőgomba (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: élesztőgomba

penészgomba (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: penészgomba

gombakalap (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gombakalap

kígyóméreg (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kígyóméreg

szitok (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szitok

szömörcsög (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szömörcsög

képzelő (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: képzelő

talpnyalás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: talpnyalás

szélkakas (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szélkakas

óriáskerék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: óriáskerék

nyugtalan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nyugtalan

gulyáságyú (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gulyáságyú

egyenesség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: egyenesség

tarokk (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tarokk

skíz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: skíz

pagát (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: pagát

jöhető (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: jöhető

drágakő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: drágakő

féldrágakő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: féldrágakő

buktató (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: buktató

hangulatkép (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hangulatkép

gejl (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gejl

sorsjegy (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: sorsjegy

füllentés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: füllentés

részesített (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: részesített

beálló (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: beálló

rezgőmozgás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rezgőmozgás

rezgő (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rezgő

egérpad (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: egérpad

kötésű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kötésű

fedelű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fedelű

táblás (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: táblás

Nur-Szultan (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nur-Szultan

gránátvető (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gránátvető

Phnompen (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Phnompen

napkitörés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: napkitörés

Addisz-Abeba (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Addisz-Abeba

Aszmara (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Aszmara

milliomodik (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: milliomodik

milliomodik (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: milliomodik

Kuvaitváros (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kuvaitváros

Panamaváros (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Panamaváros

Szanaa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szanaa

vető (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vető

gránát (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gránát

gránát (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gránát

adagoló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: adagoló

álomszuszék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: álomszuszék

szuszék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szuszék

szeszkazán (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szeszkazán

méregzsák (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: méregzsák

szentfazék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szentfazék

hétalvó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hétalvó

vetésforgó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vetésforgó

patyolattiszta (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: patyolattiszta

holdrengés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: holdrengés

vécékefe (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vécékefe

vécépapír (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vécépapír

céltábla (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: céltábla

metanyelvi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: metanyelvi

személyű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: személyű

Kerekes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kerekes

periferikus (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: periferikus

tragacs (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tragacs

kémlelőnyílás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kémlelőnyílás

kütyü (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kütyü

sztenderd (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: sztenderd

halálraítélt (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: halálraítélt

nagyszoba (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nagyszoba

légszomj (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: légszomj

dúc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: dúc

dúc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: dúc

felépítmény (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: felépítmény

glaukóma (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: glaukóma

glaukómás (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: glaukómás

márga (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: márga

édeskevés (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: édeskevés

édeskevés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: édeskevés

keserűség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: keserűség

óramű (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: óramű

jelenléti (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: jelenléti

lélekjelenlét (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lélekjelenlét

édesítőszer (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: édesítőszer

pacsi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: pacsi

sugárhajtómű (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: sugárhajtómű

városközpont (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: városközpont

talapzat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: talapzat

cégalapítás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: cégalapítás

zöm (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: zöm

nagytakarítás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nagytakarítás

Harkiv (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Harkiv

osztálykirándulás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: osztálykirándulás

Tiszabecs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tiszabecs

fizetésképtelenség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fizetésképtelenség

agytröszt (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: agytröszt

tröszt (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tröszt

kerékagy (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kerékagy

sorozás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: sorozás

züllött (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: züllött

égőáldozat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: égőáldozat

rakétavető (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rakétavető

szívmegállás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szívmegállás

felsőtest (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: felsőtest

elhalás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: elhalás

repesz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: repesz

atomháború (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: atomháború

kardcsörtetés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kardcsörtetés

uszító (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: uszító

uszító (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: uszító

előtér (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: előtér

agyelszívás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: agyelszívás

alkotott (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: alkotott

galád (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: galád

vurstli (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vurstli

Emese (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Emese

éhezés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: éhezés

felújítandó (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: felújítandó

rendőrállam (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rendőrállam

irredentizmus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: irredentizmus

Turán (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Turán

atyafiság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: atyafiság

Dél-Oszétia (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dél-Oszétia

kiirthatatlan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kiirthatatlan

béketárgyalás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: béketárgyalás

hamuzsír (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hamuzsír

neonáci (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: neonáci

neonáci (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: neonáci

Kocs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kocs

hangtál (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hangtál

segítője (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: segítője

segítőtársa (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: segítőtársa

ellentmondó (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ellentmondó

megterhelő (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: megterhelő

siklóvasút (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: siklóvasút

nácitlanítás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nácitlanítás

golyóálló (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: golyóálló

matrjoska (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: matrjoska

kerülendő (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kerülendő

robbanóeszköz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: robbanóeszköz

Naprendszer (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Naprendszer

világnézet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: világnézet

üszök (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: üszök

palotaforradalom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: palotaforradalom

középérték (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: középérték

térköz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: térköz

irgalom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: irgalom

könyörület (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: könyörület

robotrepülőgép (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: robotrepülőgép

éltes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: éltes

Molotov-koktél (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Molotov-koktél

aknászhajó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: aknászhajó

szavazólap (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szavazólap

szavazócédula (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szavazócédula

papírlap (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: papírlap

ballisztikus (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ballisztikus

ballisztikus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ballisztikus

lánctalp (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lánctalp

túlélő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: túlélő

kínzás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kínzás

Béni (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Béni

Háry (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Háry

kézelő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kézelő

vállas (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vállas

lápos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lápos

szíja (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szíja

szír (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szír

meghagyott (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: meghagyott

hadviselés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hadviselés

himlő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: himlő

mákos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: mákos

járóka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: járóka

vélekedés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vélekedés

vészmadár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vészmadár

disszidens (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: disszidens

torkolat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: torkolat

erőszaktevő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: erőszaktevő

viharmadár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: viharmadár

hojsza (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hojsza

rendűség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rendűség

firhang (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: firhang

százéves (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: százéves

Kármán (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kármán

demilitarizálás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: demilitarizálás

ajtócsengő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ajtócsengő

abroncsnyomás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: abroncsnyomás

folyóvíz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: folyóvíz

kikötőváros (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kikötőváros

jóslás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: jóslás

vadászpuska (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vadászpuska

zászlóshajó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: zászlóshajó

rejtjel (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rejtjel

hálád (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hálád

hálám (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hálám

nyulunk (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nyulunk

anyaföld (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: anyaföld

őshaza (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: őshaza

beszállókártya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: beszállókártya

kifejezhető (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kifejezhető

menhely (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: menhely

menedékkérő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: menedékkérő

légió (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: légió

elhagyható (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: elhagyható

hordható (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hordható

viselhető (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: viselhető

impresszív (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: impresszív

szűre (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szűre

hegye (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hegye

gyes (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gyes

csalit (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: csalit

zsombék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: zsombék

Gyál (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyál

acélmű (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: acélmű

vészjelzés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vészjelzés

jogállam (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: jogállam

jogállamiság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: jogállamiság

szűrötök (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szűrötök

szűrük (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szűrük

fogantyú (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fogantyú

emelő (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: emelő

emelő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: emelő

emelőrúd (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: emelőrúd

zenebona (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: zenebona

tövű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tövű

meccse (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: meccse

mérkőzése (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: mérkőzése

csatája (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: csatája

ősellenség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ősellenség

öntés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: öntés

ejtés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ejtés

eltérítés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: eltérítés

gyermektelenség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: gyermektelenség

szelep (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szelep

idevágó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: idevágó

kilencszög (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kilencszög

tizenkétszög (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tizenkétszög

szarkaláb (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szarkaláb

ránctalan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ránctalan

szülinap (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szülinap

ülep (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ülep

tűzeset (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tűzeset

alárendelő (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: alárendelő

mákvirág (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: mákvirág

sorozatszám (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: sorozatszám

szériaszám (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szériaszám

versenypálya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: versenypálya

igazságtalanság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: igazságtalanság

kollaboráns (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kollaboráns

öntapadós (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: öntapadós

öntapadó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: öntapadó

lelkű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lelkű

rendű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rendű

titkosügynök (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: titkosügynök

linzer (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: linzer

pezsgőtabletta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: pezsgőtabletta

relapszus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: relapszus

Cserba (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Cserba

ügyirat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ügyirat

főd (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: főd

főd (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: főd

Imri (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Imri

megalázás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: megalázás

testvérváros (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: testvérváros

revizionizmus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: revizionizmus

Ódor (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ódor

feka (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: feka

feka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: feka

kapué (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kapué

kapuké (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kapuké

egyetértő (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: egyetértő

rétem (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rétem

segítőtárs (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: segítőtárs

éggömb (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: éggömb

rettent (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rettent

magház (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: magház

természethű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: természethű

agyunk (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: agyunk

agyatok (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: agyatok

lépcsős (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lépcsős

célzó (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: célzó

célzó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: célzó

tájfutás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tájfutás

hegyetlen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hegyetlen

hegyezés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hegyezés

hegyező (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hegyező

ívás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ívás

majomhimlő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: majomhimlő

e-könyv (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: e-könyv

tájékozódási (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tájékozódási

földbirtok (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: földbirtok

legnagyobbik (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: legnagyobbik

ejtése (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ejtése

kiejtése (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kiejtése

jutalomfalat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: jutalomfalat

szlalom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szlalom

ábécérend (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ábécérend

betűrend (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: betűrend

ábécésorrend (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ábécésorrend

elvonulta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: elvonulta

bikafuttatás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: bikafuttatás

futtatás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: futtatás

közeledte (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: közeledte

elkészülte (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: elkészülte

léhűtő (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: léhűtő

léhűtő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: léhűtő

különbsége (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: különbsége

különbözete (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: különbözete

hántológyalu (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hántológyalu

kánikula (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kánikula

törvénygyűjtemény (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: törvénygyűjtemény

semmitmondó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: semmitmondó

időutazó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: időutazó

születésnapos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: születésnapos

születésnapos (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: születésnapos

államminiszter (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: államminiszter

elmúlta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: elmúlta

jobbkéz-szabály (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: jobbkéz-szabály

Bulcsú (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bulcsú

felmentés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: felmentés

kihágás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kihágás

beszedés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: beszedés

szerelt (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szerelt

hajszálnyi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hajszálnyi

öltözék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: öltözék

szerszámkészlet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szerszámkészlet

szárítókötél (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szárítókötél

banalitás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: banalitás

kötélzet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kötélzet

apróbojtorján (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: apróbojtorján

nadálytő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nadálytő

diófalevél (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: diófalevél

arcüreggyulladás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: arcüreggyulladás

nadály (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nadály

szűzpecsenye (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szűzpecsenye

bélszín (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: bélszín

növényhatározó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: növényhatározó

Fjodor (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Fjodor

kínzókamra (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kínzókamra

jácint (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: jácint

muskátli (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: muskátli

árvácska (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: árvácska

kardvirág (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kardvirág

prológus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: prológus

legnemesb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: legnemesb

hogylét (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hogylét

ocsú (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ocsú

hetvenegyedik (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hetvenegyedik

kilencvenegyedik (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kilencvenegyedik

nyolcvanegyedik (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nyolcvanegyedik

hetvennegyedik (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hetvennegyedik

nyolcvannegyedik (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nyolcvannegyedik

kilencvennegyedik (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kilencvennegyedik

jégkása (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: jégkása

szelés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szelés

betöltetlen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: betöltetlen

lefoglalt (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lefoglalt

magasságú (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: magasságú

nyúló (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nyúló

nyúló (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: nyúló

fizetőeszköz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fizetőeszköz

pénzeszköz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: pénzeszköz

szárítógép (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szárítógép

többsejtű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: többsejtű

többsejtű (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: többsejtű

egysejtű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: egysejtű

egysejtű (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: egysejtű

protekció (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: protekció

csicsóka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: csicsóka

mikrobiom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: mikrobiom

Tímea (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tímea

Gyöngyi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyöngyi

Gyöngyi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyöngyi

stagfláció (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: stagfláció

Fruzsina (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Fruzsina

benzinkutas (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: benzinkutas

Munkács (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Munkács

Beregszász (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Beregszász

Sajó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sajó

Zagyva (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zagyva

Körös (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Körös

Bodrog (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bodrog

Őrség (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Őrség

Őriszentpéter (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Őriszentpéter

kökörcsin (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: kökörcsin

rajzfilm (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rajzfilm

képregény (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: képregény

Ráckeresztúr (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ráckeresztúr

Martonvásár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Martonvásár

Ercsi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ercsi

Kápolnásnyék (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kápolnásnyék

Gárdony (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gárdony

Agárd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Agárd

Sukoró (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sukoró

Pákozd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pákozd

Csabdi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csabdi

Bicske (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bicske

Felcsút (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Felcsút

Sárbogárd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sárbogárd

Polgárdi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Polgárdi

Enying (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Enying

einstand (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: einstand

Balatonvilágos (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonvilágos

Balatonlelle (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonlelle

Balatonfenyves (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonfenyves

Marcali (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Marcali

Szántód (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szántód

Nagyatád (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagyatád

Fonyód (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Fonyód

Barcs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Barcs

Csurgó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csurgó

Lengyeltóti (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lengyeltóti

hozzávaló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: hozzávaló

Balatonszárszó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonszárszó

Ordacsehi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ordacsehi

szögesdrót (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szögesdrót

Zselickisfalud (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zselickisfalud

Mesztegnyő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mesztegnyő

Gálosfa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gálosfa

Simonfa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Simonfa

Patca (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Patca

Szilvásszentmárton (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szilvásszentmárton

Szenna (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szenna

Újvárfalva (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Újvárfalva

Somogysárd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Somogysárd

Kaposmérő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kaposmérő

Abaliget (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Abaliget

Csebény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csebény

Szágy (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szágy

Sásd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sásd

Komló (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Komló

Szigetvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szigetvár

Szentlőrinc (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szentlőrinc

Siklós (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Siklós

Pécsvárad (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pécsvárad

Sellye (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sellye

Pilisvörösvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pilisvörösvár

Gödöllő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gödöllő

Aszód (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Aszód

Budakeszi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Budakeszi

Monor (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Monor

Vecsés (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vecsés

Rétság (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Rétság

Balassagyarmat (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balassagyarmat

Dunakeszi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dunakeszi

Tamási (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tamási

Oroszlány (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Oroszlány

Orosháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Orosháza

Balatonfüred (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonfüred

Letenye (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Letenye

Ráckeve (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ráckeve

Zalaszentgrót (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zalaszentgrót

Szob (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szob

Kistelek (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kistelek

Várpalota (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Várpalota

Kalocsa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kalocsa

Kiskunfélegyháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kiskunfélegyháza

Gyomaendrőd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyomaendrőd

Dombóvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dombóvár

Lenti (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lenti

Szentgotthárd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szentgotthárd

Sátoraljaújhely (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sátoraljaújhely

Encs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Encs

Putnok (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Putnok

Szerencs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szerencs

Mátészalka (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mátészalka

Sárospatak (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sárospatak

Záhony (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Záhony

Cegléd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Cegléd

Dabas (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dabas

ziccer (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: ziccer

félvezető (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: félvezető

félvezető (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: félvezető

sodrony (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: sodrony

Bonyhád (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bonyhád

Bátaszék (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bátaszék

Simontornya (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Simontornya

Dunaföldvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dunaföldvár

Bátaapáti (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bátaapáti

Gyönk (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyönk

Nagymányok (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagymányok

elődöntő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: elődöntő

negyeddöntő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: negyeddöntő

fémszál (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fémszál

Érsekcsanád (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Érsekcsanád

Sükösd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sükösd

Hajós (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hajós

Bácsalmás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bácsalmás

Kiskunhalas (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kiskunhalas

Kiskunmajsa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kiskunmajsa

Jánoshalma (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Jánoshalma

Kunszentmiklós (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kunszentmiklós

Tiszakécske (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tiszakécske

Szabadszállás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szabadszállás

Izsák (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Izsák

Izsák (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Izsák

Lajosmizse (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lajosmizse

Dunavecse (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dunavecse

Kecel (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kecel

Kerekegyháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kerekegyháza

Kiskőrös (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kiskőrös

Soltvadkert (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Soltvadkert

Mélykút (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mélykút

Lakitelek (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lakitelek

Ladánybene (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ladánybene

Hercegszántó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hercegszántó

Rém (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Rém

Akasztó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Akasztó

Bátya (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bátya

Ordas (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ordas

Tabdi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tabdi

Baán (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Baán

fogszám (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fogszám

Battonya (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Battonya

Mezőhegyes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mezőhegyes

Vésztő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vésztő

Csorvás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csorvás

Dévaványa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dévaványa

Füzesgyarmat (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Füzesgyarmat

Kondoros (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kondoros

Körösladány (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Körösladány

Medgyesegyháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Medgyesegyháza

Mezőberény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mezőberény

Mezőkovácsháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mezőkovácsháza

Sarkad (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sarkad

Tótkomlós (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tótkomlós

Szeghalom (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szeghalom

Újkígyós (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Újkígyós

Szarvas (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szarvas

Pusztamonostor (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pusztamonostor

Kisújszállás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kisújszállás

Újszász (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Újszász

Túrkeve (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Túrkeve

Törökszentmiklós (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Törökszentmiklós

Tiszafüred (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tiszafüred

Tiszaföldvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tiszaföldvár

Rákóczifalva (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Rákóczifalva

Mezőtúr (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mezőtúr

Martfű (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Martfű

Kunszentmárton (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kunszentmárton

Kunhegyes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kunhegyes

Kenderes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kenderes

Abádszalók (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Abádszalók

Besenyszög (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Besenyszög

Fegyvernek (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Fegyvernek

Jászapáti (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Jászapáti

Jászárokszállás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Jászárokszállás

Karcag (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Karcag

Jászkisér (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Jászkisér

Jászfényszaru (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Jászfényszaru

Jászberény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Jászberény

Istenmezeje (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Istenmezeje

Bükkszenterzsébet (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bükkszenterzsébet

Bélapátfalva (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bélapátfalva

Füzesabony (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Füzesabony

Gyöngyöspata (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyöngyöspata

Kisköre (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kisköre

Gyöngyös (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyöngyös

Pétervására (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pétervására

Verpelét (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Verpelét

Abony (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Abony

Albertirsa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Albertirsa

Biatorbágy (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Biatorbágy

Budakalász (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Budakalász

Budaörs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Budaörs

Dunaharaszti (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dunaharaszti

Dunavarsány (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dunavarsány

Fót (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Fót

Gyömrő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyömrő

Zsámbék (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zsámbék

Halásztelek (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Halásztelek

Kerepes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kerepes

Isaszeg (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Isaszeg

Piliscsaba (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Piliscsaba

Kistarcsa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kistarcsa

Maglód (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Maglód

Nagykáta (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagykáta

Nagykőrös (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagykőrös

Pécel (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pécel

Nagymaros (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagymaros

Ócsa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ócsa

Őrbottyán (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Őrbottyán

Pomáz (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pomáz

Százhalombatta (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Százhalombatta

Szigethalom (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szigethalom

Sülysáp (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sülysáp

Szigetszentmiklós (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szigetszentmiklós

Törökbálint (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Törökbálint

Tápiószele (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tápiószele

Tököl (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tököl

Újhartyán (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Újhartyán

Veresegyház (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Veresegyház

Kardoskút (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kardoskút

Gyoma (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyoma

Tormás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tormás

Füle (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Füle

Magyarhertelend (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Magyarhertelend

Mindszent (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mindszent

Nagyszénás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagyszénás

Dóc (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dóc

Baks (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Baks

Kiskorpád (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kiskorpád

Etyek (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Etyek

Kőszárhegy (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kőszárhegy

Mórágy (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mórágy

Üllés (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Üllés

Algyő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Algyő

Felgyő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Felgyő

Zákányszék (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zákányszék

Szálka (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szálka

Bőszénfa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bőszénfa

Ásotthalom (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ásotthalom

Mórahalom (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mórahalom

Pörböly (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pörböly

Orfű (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Orfű

Alsónémedi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Alsónémedi

Bercel (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bercel

Nagymágocs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagymágocs

Eperjes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Eperjes

Verőce (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Verőce

Pilisszentlászló (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pilisszentlászló

Pilisszentiván (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pilisszentiván

Alsópetény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Alsópetény

Felsőpetény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Felsőpetény

Nőtincs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nőtincs

Pilismarót (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pilismarót

Sándorfalva (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sándorfalva

Zalalövő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zalalövő

Mosonmagyaróvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mosonmagyaróvár

Tapolca (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tapolca

Dorog (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dorog

Kisbér (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kisbér

Onga (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Onga

Fertőd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Fertőd

Badacsonytomaj (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Badacsonytomaj

Balatonföldvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonföldvár

Üllő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Üllő

Zirc (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zirc

Zalakaros (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zalakaros

Zamárdi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zamárdi

Kőszeg (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kőszeg

Fertőszentmiklós (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Fertőszentmiklós

Hévíz (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hévíz

Pannonhalma (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pannonhalma

Balatonboglár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonboglár

Pilis (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pilis

Balatonalmádi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonalmádi

Bátonyterenye (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bátonyterenye

Biharkeresztes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Biharkeresztes

Nyergesújfalu (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nyergesújfalu

Balatonfűzfő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonfűzfő

Sárvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sárvár

Hajdúdorog (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hajdúdorog

Hajdúnánás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hajdúnánás

Hajdúböszörmény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hajdúböszörmény

Hajdúszoboszló (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hajdúszoboszló

Berettyóújfalu (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Berettyóújfalu

Csákvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csákvár

Bodajk (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bodajk

Vasvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vasvár

Balatonkenese (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonkenese

Borsodnádasd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Borsodnádasd

Pusztaszabolcs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pusztaszabolcs

Kozármisleny (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kozármisleny

Máriapócs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Máriapócs

Nyíradony (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nyíradony

Nyírbátor (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nyírbátor

Nyírtelek (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nyírtelek

Ajak (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ajak

Rakamaz (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Rakamaz

Nagykálló (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagykálló

Baktalórántháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Baktalórántháza

Balkány (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balkány

Csenger (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csenger

Demecser (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Demecser

Dombrád (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Dombrád

Fehérgyarmat (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Fehérgyarmat

Ibrány (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ibrány

Kemecse (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kemecse

Kisvárda (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kisvárda

Mándok (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mándok

Nagyecsed (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagyecsed

Nagyhalász (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagyhalász

Nyírlugos (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nyírlugos

Tiszalök (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tiszalök

Tiszavasvári (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tiszavasvári

Újfehértó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Újfehértó

Vaja (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vaja

Vásárosnamény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vásárosnamény

Kapuvár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kapuvár

Hajdúsámson (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hajdúsámson

Sümeg (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sümeg

Abaújszántó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Abaújszántó

Pálháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pálháza

Kazincbarcika (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kazincbarcika

Sajószentpéter (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sajószentpéter

Rudabánya (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Rudabánya

Sajóbábony (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sajóbábony

Felsőzsolca (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Felsőzsolca

Tiszaújváros (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tiszaújváros

Balmazújváros (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balmazújváros

Hajdúhadház (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hajdúhadház

Derecske (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Derecske

Komádi (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Komádi

Létavértes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Létavértes

Püspökladány (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Püspökladány

Nádudvar (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nádudvar

Téglás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Téglás

Vámospércs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vámospércs

Tiszacsege (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tiszacsege

Devecser (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Devecser

Mezőkeresztes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mezőkeresztes

Mezőcsát (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mezőcsát

Körmend (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Körmend

Csorna (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csorna

Jánossomorja (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Jánossomorja

Beled (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Beled

Tét (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tét

Lébény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lébény

Harkány (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Harkány

Berhida (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Berhida

Kadarkút (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kadarkút

Szendrő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szendrő

Herend (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Herend

Csepreg (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csepreg

Tát (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tát

Nyékládháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nyékládháza

Alsózsolca (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Alsózsolca

Cigánd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Cigánd

Adony (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Adony

Adony (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Adony

Szikszó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szikszó

Emőd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Emőd

Emőd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Emőd

Igal (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Igal

Örkény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Örkény

Gönc (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gönc

Bük (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bük

Pásztó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pásztó

Jánosháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Jánosháza

Nagybajom (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagybajom

Répcelak (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Répcelak

Mágocs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mágocs

Ács (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ács

Lábatlan (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lábatlan

Pacsa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pacsa

Edelény (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Edelény

Lőrinci (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lőrinci

Herceghalom (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Herceghalom

főkolompos (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: főkolompos

bandavezér (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: bandavezér

Gyúró (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyúró

Tordas (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Tordas

Kajászó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kajászó

Baracska (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Baracska

Pázmánd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pázmánd

rúgó (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rúgó

tetterő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: tetterő

Nadap (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nadap

Vereb (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vereb

Seregélyes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Seregélyes

Fehérvárcsurgó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Fehérvárcsurgó

Alcsútdoboz (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Alcsútdoboz

Szabadbattyán (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szabadbattyán

Bakonycsernye (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bakonycsernye

Beloiannisz (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Beloiannisz

Lajoskomárom (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lajoskomárom

Sárszentmihály (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sárszentmihály

Iszkaszentgyörgy (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Iszkaszentgyörgy

Úrhida (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Úrhida

Kulcs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kulcs

Szár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szár

Moha (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Moha

Csősz (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csősz

Balatonfőkajár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonfőkajár

Balatonakarattya (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonakarattya

Balatonszepezd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonszepezd

Nemesvámos (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nemesvámos

Csopak (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csopak

Alsóörs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Alsóörs

Balatonakali (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonakali

Balatonederics (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonederics

Balatonszőlős (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonszőlős

Ábrahámhegy (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ábrahámhegy

Balatoncsicsó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatoncsicsó

Révfülöp (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Révfülöp

Balatonudvari (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonudvari

Balatonhenye (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonhenye

Balatonrendes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Balatonrendes

Pétfürdő (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pétfürdő

Felsőörs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Felsőörs

Hajmáskér (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hajmáskér

Kővágóörs (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kővágóörs

Öskü (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Öskü

Szentkirályszabadja (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szentkirályszabadja

Szentbékkálla (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szentbékkálla

Taliándörögd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Taliándörögd

Uzsa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Uzsa

Vigántpetend (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vigántpetend

szentáldozás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szentáldozás

áldozás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: áldozás

úrvacsora (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: úrvacsora

lövő (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: lövő

fejőgép (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: fejőgép

vezércsel (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: vezércsel

furfang (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: furfang

cafrang (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: cafrang

szükséglet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szükséglet

mísz (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: mísz

rosszaság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rosszaság

egylet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: egylet

szakkör (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: szakkör

mesebeszéd (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: mesebeszéd

világtáj (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: világtáj

értéktárgy (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: értéktárgy

rojt (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: rojt

Bázakerettye (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Bázakerettye

Gyenesdiás (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gyenesdiás

Vonyarcvashegy (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vonyarcvashegy

Zalakomár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zalakomár

Zalaapáti (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zalaapáti

Becsehely (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Becsehely

Becsvölgye (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Becsvölgye

Garabonc (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Garabonc

Kehidakustány (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kehidakustány

Kistolmács (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kistolmács

Lasztonya (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lasztonya

Felsőszenterzsébet (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Felsőszenterzsébet

Gutorfölde (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Gutorfölde

Homokkomárom (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Homokkomárom

Hottó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Hottó

Kányavár (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kányavár

Galambok (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Galambok

Kerkakutas (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kerkakutas

Boncodfölde (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Boncodfölde

Eszteregnye (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Eszteregnye

Lispeszentadorján (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Lispeszentadorján

Kozmadombja (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kozmadombja

Mikekarácsonyfa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Mikekarácsonyfa

Kerkafalva (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kerkafalva

Zalamerenye (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Zalamerenye

Vállus (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Vállus

Valkonya (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Valkonya

Teskánd (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Teskánd

Szepetnek (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szepetnek

Nagylengyel (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagylengyel

Felsőpáhok (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Felsőpáhok

Ormándlak (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ormándlak

Nagybakónak (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Nagybakónak

Rigyác (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Rigyác

Pölöske (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pölöske

Pókaszepetk (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Pókaszepetk

Sármellék (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Sármellék

Szentgyörgyvölgy (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szentgyörgyvölgy

Csonkahegyhát (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csonkahegyhát

Kustánszeg (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Kustánszeg

Ozmánbük (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ozmánbük

Rédics (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Rédics

Ramocsa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Ramocsa

Szentkozmadombja (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Szentkozmadombja

Borsfa (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Borsfa

Csömödér (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csömödér

Csöde (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Csöde

Murakeresztúr (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – plural' Path: Murakeresztúr

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (7c21d10 and f2e72e5). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.