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"旧识新交"}, {"roman": "mònìzhījiāo", "word": "莫逆之交"}, {"word": "莫逆交"}, {"word": "萍水相交"}, {"word": "蘭交"}, {"word": "兰交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "親交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "亲交"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥籌交舉"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥筹交举"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥籌交錯"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥筹交错"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "訂交"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "订交"}, {"word": "託交"}, {"word": "托交"}, {"word": "討交情"}, {"word": "讨交情"}, {"word": "講交情"}, {"word": "讲交情"}, {"word": "證交稅"}, {"word": "证交税"}, {"word": "豕交獸畜"}, {"word": "豕交兽畜"}, {"word": "貧病交攻"}, {"word": "贫病交攻"}, {"word": "貧病交迫"}, {"word": "贫病交迫"}, {"word": "貧賤之交"}, {"word": "贫贱之交"}, {"word": "貧賤交"}, {"word": "贫贱交"}, {"word": "賣交"}, {"word": "卖交"}, {"roman": "diējiāo", "word": "跌交"}, {"word": "身心交病"}, {"word": "身心交瘁"}, {"word": "軌道交點"}, {"word": "轨道交点"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "轉交"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "转交"}, {"word": "轉帳交易"}, {"word": "转帐交易"}, {"roman": "sòngjiāo", "word": "送交"}, {"word": "違約交割"}, {"word": "违约交割"}, {"word": "道義交"}, {"word": "道义交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "遞交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "递交"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "遠交近攻"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "远交近攻"}, {"roman": "bāngjiāo", "word": "邦交"}, {"word": "金圓外交"}, {"word": "金圆外交"}, {"word": "金石交"}, {"word": "金石至交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金蘭之交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金兰之交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "開交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "开交"}, {"word": "降交點"}, {"word": "降交点"}, {"word": "陰陽交錯"}, {"word": "阴阳交错"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "雜交"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "杂交"}, {"word": "零股交易"}, {"word": "雷雨交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷電交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷电交加"}, {"word": "露水交道"}, {"roman": "miànjiāo", "word": "面交"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "飢凍交切"}, {"word": "饥冻交切"}, {"word": "飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; 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交 (Chinese character) 交/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese conjunctions", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese prepositions", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 交", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Requests for native script for Chepang terms"], "derived": [{"word": "一交"}, {"word": "一人之交"}, {"word": "一言定交"}, {"word": "一言訂交"}, {"word": "一言订交"}, {"roman": "yīmiànzhījiāo", "word": "一面之交"}, {"word": "上下交困"}, {"word": "下交"}, {"word": "三陽交泰"}, {"word": "三阳交泰"}, {"word": 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"飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiao"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "jyāu"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiau"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "цзяо"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "czjao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "giao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gāau"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gău"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaw"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaf"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kah"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "ciau^平; kau^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹jiau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kaew"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*[k]ˤraw/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*kreːw/"}, {"other": "/ ka /"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"other": "[k]"}, {"other": "/*kreːw/"}], "wikipedia": ["Mienic languages"], "word": "交"}
交 (Chinese character) 交/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese conjunctions", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese prepositions", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 交", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Requests for native script for Chepang terms"], "derived": [{"word": "一交"}, {"word": "一人之交"}, {"word": "一言定交"}, {"word": "一言訂交"}, {"word": "一言订交"}, {"roman": "yīmiànzhījiāo", "word": "一面之交"}, {"word": "上下交困"}, {"word": "下交"}, {"word": "三陽交泰"}, {"word": "三阳交泰"}, {"word": 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"旧识新交"}, {"roman": "mònìzhījiāo", "word": "莫逆之交"}, {"word": "莫逆交"}, {"word": "萍水相交"}, {"word": "蘭交"}, {"word": "兰交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "親交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "亲交"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥籌交舉"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥筹交举"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥籌交錯"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥筹交错"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "訂交"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "订交"}, {"word": "託交"}, {"word": "托交"}, {"word": "討交情"}, {"word": "讨交情"}, {"word": "講交情"}, {"word": "讲交情"}, {"word": "證交稅"}, {"word": "证交税"}, {"word": "豕交獸畜"}, {"word": "豕交兽畜"}, {"word": "貧病交攻"}, {"word": "贫病交攻"}, {"word": "貧病交迫"}, {"word": "贫病交迫"}, {"word": "貧賤之交"}, {"word": "贫贱之交"}, {"word": "貧賤交"}, {"word": "贫贱交"}, {"word": "賣交"}, {"word": "卖交"}, {"roman": "diējiāo", "word": "跌交"}, {"word": "身心交病"}, {"word": "身心交瘁"}, {"word": "軌道交點"}, {"word": "轨道交点"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "轉交"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "转交"}, {"word": "轉帳交易"}, {"word": "转帐交易"}, {"roman": "sòngjiāo", "word": "送交"}, {"word": "違約交割"}, {"word": "违约交割"}, {"word": "道義交"}, {"word": "道义交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "遞交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "递交"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "遠交近攻"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "远交近攻"}, {"roman": "bāngjiāo", "word": "邦交"}, {"word": "金圓外交"}, {"word": "金圆外交"}, {"word": "金石交"}, {"word": "金石至交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金蘭之交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金兰之交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "開交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "开交"}, {"word": "降交點"}, {"word": "降交点"}, {"word": "陰陽交錯"}, {"word": "阴阳交错"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "雜交"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "杂交"}, {"word": "零股交易"}, {"word": "雷雨交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷電交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷电交加"}, {"word": "露水交道"}, {"roman": "miànjiāo", "word": "面交"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "飢凍交切"}, {"word": "饥冻交切"}, {"word": "飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; 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交 (Chinese character) 交/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese conjunctions", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese prepositions", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 交", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Requests for native script for Chepang terms"], "derived": [{"word": "一交"}, {"word": "一人之交"}, {"word": "一言定交"}, {"word": "一言訂交"}, {"word": "一言订交"}, {"roman": "yīmiànzhījiāo", "word": "一面之交"}, {"word": "上下交困"}, {"word": "下交"}, {"word": "三陽交泰"}, {"word": "三阳交泰"}, {"word": 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"飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiao"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "jyāu"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiau"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "цзяо"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "czjao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "giao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gāau"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gău"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaw"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaf"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kah"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "ciau^平; kau^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹jiau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kaew"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*[k]ˤraw/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*kreːw/"}, {"other": "/ ka /"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"other": "[k]"}, {"other": "/*kreːw/"}], "wikipedia": ["Mienic languages"], "word": "交"}
交 (Chinese character) 交/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese conjunctions", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese prepositions", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 交", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Requests for native script for Chepang terms"], "derived": [{"word": "一交"}, {"word": "一人之交"}, {"word": "一言定交"}, {"word": "一言訂交"}, {"word": "一言订交"}, {"roman": "yīmiànzhījiāo", "word": "一面之交"}, {"word": "上下交困"}, {"word": "下交"}, {"word": "三陽交泰"}, {"word": "三阳交泰"}, {"word": 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"旧识新交"}, {"roman": "mònìzhījiāo", "word": "莫逆之交"}, {"word": "莫逆交"}, {"word": "萍水相交"}, {"word": "蘭交"}, {"word": "兰交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "親交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "亲交"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥籌交舉"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥筹交举"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥籌交錯"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥筹交错"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "訂交"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "订交"}, {"word": "託交"}, {"word": "托交"}, {"word": "討交情"}, {"word": "讨交情"}, {"word": "講交情"}, {"word": "讲交情"}, {"word": "證交稅"}, {"word": "证交税"}, {"word": "豕交獸畜"}, {"word": "豕交兽畜"}, {"word": "貧病交攻"}, {"word": "贫病交攻"}, {"word": "貧病交迫"}, {"word": "贫病交迫"}, {"word": "貧賤之交"}, {"word": "贫贱之交"}, {"word": "貧賤交"}, {"word": "贫贱交"}, {"word": "賣交"}, {"word": "卖交"}, {"roman": "diējiāo", "word": "跌交"}, {"word": "身心交病"}, {"word": "身心交瘁"}, {"word": "軌道交點"}, {"word": "轨道交点"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "轉交"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "转交"}, {"word": "轉帳交易"}, {"word": "转帐交易"}, {"roman": "sòngjiāo", "word": "送交"}, {"word": "違約交割"}, {"word": "违约交割"}, {"word": "道義交"}, {"word": "道义交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "遞交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "递交"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "遠交近攻"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "远交近攻"}, {"roman": "bāngjiāo", "word": "邦交"}, {"word": "金圓外交"}, {"word": "金圆外交"}, {"word": "金石交"}, {"word": "金石至交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金蘭之交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金兰之交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "開交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "开交"}, {"word": "降交點"}, {"word": "降交点"}, {"word": "陰陽交錯"}, {"word": "阴阳交错"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "雜交"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "杂交"}, {"word": "零股交易"}, {"word": "雷雨交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷電交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷电交加"}, {"word": "露水交道"}, {"roman": "miànjiāo", "word": "面交"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "飢凍交切"}, {"word": "饥冻交切"}, {"word": "飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; 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交 (Chinese character) 交/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Old-Chinese not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese conjunctions", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese prepositions", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 交", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Requests for native script for Chepang terms"], "derived": [{"word": "一交"}, {"word": "一人之交"}, {"word": "一言定交"}, {"word": "一言訂交"}, {"word": "一言订交"}, {"roman": "yīmiànzhījiāo", "word": "一面之交"}, {"word": "上下交困"}, {"word": "下交"}, {"word": "三陽交泰"}, {"word": "三阳交泰"}, {"word": 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"飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiao"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "jyāu"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiau"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "цзяо"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "czjao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "giao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gāau"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gău"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaw"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaf"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kah"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "ciau^平; kau^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹jiau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kaew"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*[k]ˤraw/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*kreːw/"}, {"other": "/ ka /"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"other": "[k]"}, {"other": "/*kreːw/"}], "wikipedia": ["Mienic languages"], "word": "交"}
交 (Chinese character) 交/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Old-Chinese not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese conjunctions", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese prepositions", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 交", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Requests for native script for Chepang terms"], "derived": [{"word": "一交"}, {"word": "一人之交"}, {"word": "一言定交"}, {"word": "一言訂交"}, {"word": "一言订交"}, {"roman": "yīmiànzhījiāo", "word": "一面之交"}, {"word": "上下交困"}, {"word": "下交"}, {"word": "三陽交泰"}, {"word": "三阳交泰"}, {"word": 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"旧识新交"}, {"roman": "mònìzhījiāo", "word": "莫逆之交"}, {"word": "莫逆交"}, {"word": "萍水相交"}, {"word": "蘭交"}, {"word": "兰交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "親交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "亲交"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥籌交舉"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥筹交举"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥籌交錯"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥筹交错"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "訂交"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "订交"}, {"word": "託交"}, {"word": "托交"}, {"word": "討交情"}, {"word": "讨交情"}, {"word": "講交情"}, {"word": "讲交情"}, {"word": "證交稅"}, {"word": "证交税"}, {"word": "豕交獸畜"}, {"word": "豕交兽畜"}, {"word": "貧病交攻"}, {"word": "贫病交攻"}, {"word": "貧病交迫"}, {"word": "贫病交迫"}, {"word": "貧賤之交"}, {"word": "贫贱之交"}, {"word": "貧賤交"}, {"word": "贫贱交"}, {"word": "賣交"}, {"word": "卖交"}, {"roman": "diējiāo", "word": "跌交"}, {"word": "身心交病"}, {"word": "身心交瘁"}, {"word": "軌道交點"}, {"word": "轨道交点"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "轉交"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "转交"}, {"word": "轉帳交易"}, {"word": "转帐交易"}, {"roman": "sòngjiāo", "word": "送交"}, {"word": "違約交割"}, {"word": "违约交割"}, {"word": "道義交"}, {"word": "道义交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "遞交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "递交"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "遠交近攻"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "远交近攻"}, {"roman": "bāngjiāo", "word": "邦交"}, {"word": "金圓外交"}, {"word": "金圆外交"}, {"word": "金石交"}, {"word": "金石至交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金蘭之交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金兰之交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "開交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "开交"}, {"word": "降交點"}, {"word": "降交点"}, {"word": "陰陽交錯"}, {"word": "阴阳交错"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "雜交"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "杂交"}, {"word": "零股交易"}, {"word": "雷雨交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷電交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷电交加"}, {"word": "露水交道"}, {"roman": "miànjiāo", "word": "面交"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "飢凍交切"}, {"word": "饥冻交切"}, {"word": "飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; 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交 (Chinese character) 交/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Baxter-Sagart not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese conjunctions", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese prepositions", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 交", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Requests for native script for Chepang terms"], "derived": [{"word": "一交"}, {"word": "一人之交"}, {"word": "一言定交"}, {"word": "一言訂交"}, {"word": "一言订交"}, {"roman": "yīmiànzhījiāo", "word": "一面之交"}, {"word": "上下交困"}, {"word": "下交"}, {"word": "三陽交泰"}, {"word": "三阳交泰"}, {"word": 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"飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiao"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "jyāu"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiau"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "цзяо"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "czjao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "giao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gāau"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gău"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaw"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaf"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kah"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "ciau^平; kau^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹jiau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kaew"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*[k]ˤraw/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*kreːw/"}, {"other": "/ ka /"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"other": "[k]"}, {"other": "/*kreːw/"}], "wikipedia": ["Mienic languages"], "word": "交"}
交 (Chinese character) 交/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hanyu-Pinyin not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese conjunctions", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese prepositions", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 交", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Requests for native script for Chepang terms"], "derived": [{"word": "一交"}, {"word": "一人之交"}, {"word": "一言定交"}, {"word": "一言訂交"}, {"word": "一言订交"}, {"roman": "yīmiànzhījiāo", "word": "一面之交"}, {"word": "上下交困"}, {"word": "下交"}, {"word": "三陽交泰"}, {"word": "三阳交泰"}, {"word": 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"旧识新交"}, {"roman": "mònìzhījiāo", "word": "莫逆之交"}, {"word": "莫逆交"}, {"word": "萍水相交"}, {"word": "蘭交"}, {"word": "兰交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "親交"}, {"roman": "qīnjiāo", "word": "亲交"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥籌交舉"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāojǔ", "word": "觥筹交举"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥籌交錯"}, {"roman": "gōngchóujiāocuò", "word": "觥筹交错"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "訂交"}, {"roman": "dìngjiāo", "word": "订交"}, {"word": "託交"}, {"word": "托交"}, {"word": "討交情"}, {"word": "讨交情"}, {"word": "講交情"}, {"word": "讲交情"}, {"word": "證交稅"}, {"word": "证交税"}, {"word": "豕交獸畜"}, {"word": "豕交兽畜"}, {"word": "貧病交攻"}, {"word": "贫病交攻"}, {"word": "貧病交迫"}, {"word": "贫病交迫"}, {"word": "貧賤之交"}, {"word": "贫贱之交"}, {"word": "貧賤交"}, {"word": "贫贱交"}, {"word": "賣交"}, {"word": "卖交"}, {"roman": "diējiāo", "word": "跌交"}, {"word": "身心交病"}, {"word": "身心交瘁"}, {"word": "軌道交點"}, {"word": "轨道交点"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "轉交"}, {"roman": "zhuǎnjiāo", "word": "转交"}, {"word": "轉帳交易"}, {"word": "转帐交易"}, {"roman": "sòngjiāo", "word": "送交"}, {"word": "違約交割"}, {"word": "违约交割"}, {"word": "道義交"}, {"word": "道义交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "遞交"}, {"roman": "dìjiāo", "word": "递交"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "遠交近攻"}, {"roman": "yuǎnjiāojìngōng", "word": "远交近攻"}, {"roman": "bāngjiāo", "word": "邦交"}, {"word": "金圓外交"}, {"word": "金圆外交"}, {"word": "金石交"}, {"word": "金石至交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金蘭之交"}, {"roman": "jīnlánzhījiāo", "word": "金兰之交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "開交"}, {"roman": "kāijiāo", "word": "开交"}, {"word": "降交點"}, {"word": "降交点"}, {"word": "陰陽交錯"}, {"word": "阴阳交错"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "雜交"}, {"roman": "zájiāo", "word": "杂交"}, {"word": "零股交易"}, {"word": "雷雨交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷電交加"}, {"roman": "léidiànjiāojiā", "word": "雷电交加"}, {"word": "露水交道"}, {"roman": "miànjiāo", "word": "面交"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "飢凍交切"}, {"word": "饥冻交切"}, {"word": "飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; 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交 (Chinese character) 交/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Middle-Chinese not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese conjunctions", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese prepositions", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 交", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Requests for native script for Chepang terms"], "derived": [{"word": "一交"}, {"word": "一人之交"}, {"word": "一言定交"}, {"word": "一言訂交"}, {"word": "一言订交"}, {"roman": "yīmiànzhījiāo", "word": "一面之交"}, {"word": "上下交困"}, {"word": "下交"}, {"word": "三陽交泰"}, {"word": "三阳交泰"}, {"word": 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"飢寒交切"}, {"word": "饥寒交切"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "飢寒交迫"}, {"roman": "jīhánjiāopò", "word": "饥寒交迫"}, {"word": "飢渴交攻"}, {"word": "饥渴交攻"}, {"word": "飢渴交迫"}, {"word": "饥渴交迫"}, {"word": "餘額交割"}, {"word": "余额交割"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"word": "鳳友鸞交"}, {"word": "凤友鸾交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "點頭之交"}, {"roman": "diǎntóuzhījiāo", "word": "点头之交"}, {"word": "齧臂之交"}, {"word": "啮臂之交"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han pictograms"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "p"}, "expansion": "Pictogram (象形)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*rjaw", "4": "", "5": "mix"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”)", "name": "der"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ရော", "3": "", "4": "to mix"}, "expansion": "Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "kac", "2": "yau", "3": "", "4": "be mixed"}, "expansion": "Jingpho yau (“be mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "cdm", "t": "mixed", "tr": "ljawh-ʔo"}, "expansion": "Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Pictogram (象形) – a human with crossed legs. In today's writing, the upper part of the human is similar to 立, which in turn depicts a man standing. Unrelated to 父.\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *rjaw (“mix”); cognate with Burmese ရော (rau:, “to mix”), Jingpho yau (“be mixed”), kəjau (“to mix, intermix”), compare Chepang [script needed] (ljawh-ʔo, “mixed”) and Proto-Mienic *klaau³ (Schuessler, 2007).", "forms": [{"form": "胶"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "交", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to intersect", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "xiàngjiāo", "text": "相交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to meet with good fortune", "roman": "jiāo hǎoyùn", "text": "交好運/交好运"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "獸蹄鳥跡之道,交於中國。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The paths marked by the feet of beasts and prints of birds crossed one another throughout the Middle Kingdom.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE", "roman": "Shòu tí niǎo jì zhī dào, jiāo yú Zhōngguó.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "兽蹄鸟迹之道,交于中国。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to intersect; to cross"], "links": [["intersect", "intersect"], ["cross", "cross"]]}, {"glosses": ["to reach (a certain time)"], "links": [["reach", "reach"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "when springs changes into summer", "roman": "chūn xià zhī jiāo", "text": "春夏之交"}, {"english": "the turn of the century", "roman": "shìjì zhī jiāo", "text": "世紀之交/世纪之交"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地處豫晉兩省之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "located where the borders of Henan and Shanxi meet", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dìchù Yù Jìn liǎng shěnɡ zhī jiāo", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "地处豫晋两省之交", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["time or place where two things meet"], "links": [["time", "time"], ["place", "place"], ["meet", "meet"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with collocations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to hand over to the next shift", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāobān", "text": "交班", "type": "example"}, {"text": "交功課/交功课 [Cantonese] ― gaau¹ gung¹ fo³ [Jyutping] ― to turn in homework"}, {"english": "Have you paid rent?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gaau¹ zo² zou¹ mei⁶?", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "交咗租未?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "請把任務交給我吧!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Please assign me the task!", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Qǐng bǎ rènwù jiāo gěi wǒ ba!", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "请把任务交给我吧!", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to hand over; to turn in; to submit"], "links": [["hand over", "hand over"], ["turn in", "turn in"], ["submit", "submit"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to make a friend", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāo péngyǒu", "text": "交朋友", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to get a boyfriend", "roman": "jiāo nánpéngyǒu", "text": "交男朋友"}], "glosses": ["to make (friends)"], "links": [["make", "make"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "diplomatic relations", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "bāngjiāo", "text": "邦交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "acquaintance", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fànfànzhījiāo", "text": "泛泛之交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ", "text": "君子之交淡如水", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["friendship; relationship"], "links": [["friendship", "friendship"], ["relationship", "relationship"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to have anal sex", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "gāngjiāo", "text": "肛交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "雜交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to hybridize; to crossbreed", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "zájiāo", "text": "杂交", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鶡旦不鳴,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "The night bird ceases to sing. Tigers begin to pair.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Book of Rites, c. 4ᵗʰ – 2ⁿᵈ century BCE", "roman": "Hé dàn bù míng, hǔ shǐ jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "鹖旦不鸣,虎始交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to have sexual intercourse; to mate"], "links": [["sexual intercourse", "sexual intercourse"], ["mate", "mate"]]}, {"categories": ["Literary Chinese terms with quotations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交談", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to converse", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāotán", "text": "交谈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to trade", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāoyì", "text": "交易", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而國危矣。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered.", "raw_tags": ["Classical Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " Mencius, c. 4ᵗʰ century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version", "roman": "Shàng xià jiāo zhēng lì ér guó wēi yǐ.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "上下交征利而国危矣。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["mutually; reciprocally"], "links": [["mutually", "mutually"], ["reciprocally", "reciprocally"]]}, {"glosses": ["simultaneously; at the same time"], "links": [["simultaneously", "simultaneously"], ["at the same time", "at the same time"]]}, {"glosses": ["16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; \"contact\" (𝌕)"], "links": [["tetragram", "tetragram"], ["Taixuanjing", "Taixuanjing"], ["contact", "contact"], ["𝌕", "𝌕"]]}, {"alt_of": [{"word": "跤"}], "categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses", "Mandarin terms with quotations", "Requests for translations of Mandarin usage examples"], "examples": [{"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "剛到廂房中角門首,不防黑影裡拋出一條凳子來,把來旺兒絆了一交。", "type": "quote"}, {"raw_tags": ["Written Vernacular Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " The Plum in the Golden Vase, circa 1610 CE", "roman": "Gāng dào xiāngfáng zhōng jiǎomén shǒu, bùfáng hēiyǐng lǐ pāo chū yī tiáo dèngzǐ lái, bǎ Lái Wàng'ér bàn le yī jiāo.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "刚到厢房中角门首,不防黑影里抛出一条凳子来,把来旺儿绊了一交。", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["Alternative form of 跤"], "links": [["跤", "跤#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete) Alternative form of 跤"], "tags": ["alt-of", "alternative", "obsolete"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese dated terms", "Hokkien Chinese"], "examples": [{"text": "alt. forms: 郊 (jiāo)"}], "glosses": ["Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "links": [["private", "private#English"], ["wholesale", "wholesale#English"], ["trading", "trading#English"], ["company", "company#English"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien, dated) Used to refer to a private wholesale trading company"], "tags": ["Hokkien", "dated"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "jiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"zh-pron": "gău"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiāo"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄠ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiao"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chiao¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "jyāu"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jiau"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "цзяо"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "czjao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "giao"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gāau"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gaau¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "gao¹"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâu"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gau¹"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gau^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gáu"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gău"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaw"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaf"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka̍h"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kah"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kau"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹ciau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "ciau^平; kau^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹jiau; ¹kau"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kaew"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*[k]ˤraw/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*kreːw/"}, {"other": "/ ka /"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯ɑʊ̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kaːu̯⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau̯²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kau⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/"}, {"ipa": "/kaʔ²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kau³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiɔ⁵³/"}, {"ipa": "/kɔ⁵³/"}, {"other": "[k]"}, {"other": "/*kreːw/"}], "wikipedia": ["Mienic languages"], "word": "交"}
This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-22 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-02 using wiktextract (9e2b7d3 and f2e72e5). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.