"ඛෙම" meaning in Pali

See ඛෙම in All languages combined, or Wiktionary


Head templates: {{pi-adj}} ඛෙම Inflection templates: {{pi-decl-adj|f=ඛෙමා}}, {{pi-decl-noun|ඛෙම|g=m}}, {{pi-decl-noun|ඛෙමා|g=f}}, {{pi-decl-noun|ඛෙම|g=n}} Forms: masculine [table-tags], ඛෙමො [nominative, singular], ඛෙමා [nominative, plural], ඛෙමං [accusative, singular], ඛෙමෙ [accusative, plural], ඛෙමෙන [instrumental, singular], ඛෙමෙහි [instrumental, plural], ඛෙමෙභි [instrumental, plural], ඛෙමස්ස [dative, singular], ඛෙමාය [dative, singular], ඛෙමත්ථං [dative, singular], ඛෙමානං [dative, plural], ඛෙමස්මා [ablative, singular], ඛෙමම්හා [ablative, singular], ඛෙමා [ablative, singular], ඛෙමෙහි [ablative, plural], ඛෙමෙභි [ablative, plural], ඛෙමස්ස [genitive, singular], ඛෙමානං [genitive, plural], ඛෙමස්මිං [locative, singular], ඛෙමම්හි [locative, singular], ඛෙමෙ [locative, singular], ඛෙමෙසු [locative, plural], ඛෙම [singular, vocative], ඛෙමා [plural, vocative], feminine [table-tags], ඛෙමා [nominative, singular], ඛෙමායො [nominative, plural], ඛෙමා [nominative, plural], ඛෙමං [accusative, singular], ඛෙමායො [accusative, plural], ඛෙමා [accusative, plural], ඛෙමාය [instrumental, singular], ඛෙමාහි [instrumental, plural], ඛෙමාභි [instrumental, plural], ඛෙමාය [dative, singular], ඛෙමානං [dative, plural], ඛෙමාය [ablative, singular], ඛෙමාහි [ablative, plural], ඛෙමාභි [ablative, plural], ඛෙමාය [genitive, singular], ඛෙමානං [genitive, plural], ඛෙමාය [locative, singular], ඛෙමායං [locative, singular], ඛෙමාසු [locative, plural], ඛෙමෙ [singular, vocative], ඛෙමායො [plural, vocative], ඛෙමා [plural, vocative], neuter [table-tags], ඛෙමං [nominative, singular], ඛෙමානි [nominative, plural], ඛෙමං [accusative, singular], ඛෙමානි [accusative, plural], ඛෙමෙන [instrumental, singular], ඛෙමෙහි [instrumental, plural], ඛෙමෙභි [instrumental, plural], ඛෙමස්ස [dative, singular], ඛෙමාය [dative, singular], ඛෙමත්ථං [dative, singular], ඛෙමානං [dative, plural], ඛෙමස්මා [ablative, singular], ඛෙමම්හා [ablative, singular], ඛෙමා [ablative, singular], ඛෙමෙහි [ablative, plural], ඛෙමෙභි [ablative, plural], ඛෙමස්ස [genitive, singular], ඛෙමානං [genitive, plural], ඛෙමස්මිං [locative, singular], ඛෙමම්හි [locative, singular], ඛෙමෙ [locative, singular], ඛෙමෙසු [locative, plural], ඛෙම [singular, vocative], ඛෙමානි [plural, vocative]
  1. Sinhala script form of khema (“safe”)
  "forms": [
      "form": "masculine",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "pi-decl-adj",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමො",
      "roman": "khemo",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමං",
      "roman": "khemaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙ",
      "roman": "kheme",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙන",
      "roman": "khemena",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙහි",
      "roman": "khemehi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙභි",
      "roman": "khemebhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්ස",
      "roman": "khemassa",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාය",
      "roman": "khemāya",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමත්ථං",
      "roman": "khematthaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානං",
      "roman": "khemānaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්මා",
      "roman": "khemasmā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමම්හා",
      "roman": "khemamhā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙහි",
      "roman": "khemehi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙභි",
      "roman": "khemebhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්ස",
      "roman": "khemassa",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානං",
      "roman": "khemānaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්මිං",
      "roman": "khemasmiṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමම්හි",
      "roman": "khemamhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙ",
      "roman": "kheme",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙසු",
      "roman": "khemesu",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙම",
      "roman": "khema",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "feminine",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "pi-decl-adj",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමායො",
      "roman": "khemāyo",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමං",
      "roman": "khemaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමායො",
      "roman": "khemāyo",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාය",
      "roman": "khemāya",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාහි",
      "roman": "khemāhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාභි",
      "roman": "khemābhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාය",
      "roman": "khemāya",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානං",
      "roman": "khemānaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාය",
      "roman": "khemāya",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාහි",
      "roman": "khemāhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාභි",
      "roman": "khemābhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාය",
      "roman": "khemāya",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානං",
      "roman": "khemānaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාය",
      "roman": "khemāya",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමායං",
      "roman": "khemāyaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාසු",
      "roman": "khemāsu",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙ",
      "roman": "kheme",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමායො",
      "roman": "khemāyo",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "neuter",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "pi-decl-adj",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමං",
      "roman": "khemaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානි",
      "roman": "khemāni",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමං",
      "roman": "khemaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානි",
      "roman": "khemāni",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙන",
      "roman": "khemena",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙහි",
      "roman": "khemehi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙභි",
      "roman": "khemebhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්ස",
      "roman": "khemassa",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාය",
      "roman": "khemāya",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමත්ථං",
      "roman": "khematthaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානං",
      "roman": "khemānaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්මා",
      "roman": "khemasmā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමම්හා",
      "roman": "khemamhā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙහි",
      "roman": "khemehi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙභි",
      "roman": "khemebhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්ස",
      "roman": "khemassa",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානං",
      "roman": "khemānaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්මිං",
      "roman": "khemasmiṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමම්හි",
      "roman": "khemamhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙ",
      "roman": "kheme",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙසු",
      "roman": "khemesu",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙම",
      "roman": "khema",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානි",
      "roman": "khemāni",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
  "head_templates": [
      "args": {},
      "expansion": "ඛෙම",
      "name": "pi-adj"
  "inflection_templates": [
      "args": {
        "f": "ඛෙමා"
      "name": "pi-decl-adj"
      "args": {
        "1": "ඛෙම",
        "g": "m"
      "name": "pi-decl-noun"
      "args": {
        "1": "ඛෙමා",
        "g": "f"
      "name": "pi-decl-noun"
      "args": {
        "1": "ඛෙම",
        "g": "n"
      "name": "pi-decl-noun"
  "lang": "Pali",
  "lang_code": "pi",
  "pos": "adj",
  "senses": [
      "categories": [
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Pages with 1 entry",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Pages with entries",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Pali adjectives in Sinhalese script",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Pali entries with incorrect language header",
          "parents": [
            "Entries with incorrect language header",
            "Entry maintenance"
          "source": "w"
          "kind": "other",
          "name": "Sinhalese script",
          "parents": [],
          "source": "w"
      "examples": [
          "english": "Suppose, brethren, there was a person traveling along the road. They’d see a large deluge, whose near shore was dubious and perilous, while the far shore was a sanctuary free of peril. But there was no ferryboat or bridge for crossing over.",
          "ref": "2006, The Fourth Book in the Suttanta-Pitaka: Majjhimanikāya (I), page 336:",
          "roman": "25. Seyyathāpi bhikkhave puriso addhānamaggapaṭipanno - so passeyya mahantaṃ udakaṇṇavaṃ, orimaṃ tīraṃ sāsaṅkaṃ sappaṭibhayaṃ, pārimaṃ tīraṃ khemaṃ appaṭibhayaṃ, na cassa nāvā santāraṇī uttarasetu vā apārāpāraṃ gamanāya;",
          "text": "25. සෙය්යථාපි භික්ඛවෙ පුරිසො අද්ධානමග්ගපටිපන්නො - සො පස්සෙය්ය මහන්තං උදකණ්ණවං, ඔරිමං තීරං සාසඞ්කං සප්පටිභයං, පාරිමං තීරං ඛෙමං අප්පටිභයං, න චස්ස නාවා සන්තාරණී උත්තරසෙතු වා අපාරාපාරං ගමනාය;",
          "type": "quote"
      "glosses": [
        "Sinhala script form of khema (“safe”)"
      "id": "en-ඛෙම-pi-adj-ux04EHi7",
      "links": [
  "word": "ඛෙම"
  "forms": [
      "form": "masculine",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "pi-decl-adj",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමො",
      "roman": "khemo",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමං",
      "roman": "khemaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙ",
      "roman": "kheme",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙන",
      "roman": "khemena",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙහි",
      "roman": "khemehi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙභි",
      "roman": "khemebhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්ස",
      "roman": "khemassa",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමාය",
      "roman": "khemāya",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමත්ථං",
      "roman": "khematthaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානං",
      "roman": "khemānaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්මා",
      "roman": "khemasmā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමම්හා",
      "roman": "khemamhā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමා",
      "roman": "khemā",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙහි",
      "roman": "khemehi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙභි",
      "roman": "khemebhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්ස",
      "roman": "khemassa",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
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      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
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      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙ",
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      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමායො",
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      "tags": [
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      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "neuter",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "pi-decl-adj",
      "source": "declension",
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      "form": "ඛෙමං",
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      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානි",
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      "form": "ඛෙමානි",
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      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙන",
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      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙභි",
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      "tags": [
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      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙභි",
      "roman": "khemebhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්ස",
      "roman": "khemassa",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානං",
      "roman": "khemānaṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමස්මිං",
      "roman": "khemasmiṃ",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමම්හි",
      "roman": "khemamhi",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙ",
      "roman": "kheme",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමෙසු",
      "roman": "khemesu",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙම",
      "roman": "khema",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ඛෙමානි",
      "roman": "khemāni",
      "source": "declension",
      "tags": [
  "head_templates": [
      "args": {},
      "expansion": "ඛෙම",
      "name": "pi-adj"
  "inflection_templates": [
      "args": {
        "f": "ඛෙමා"
      "name": "pi-decl-adj"
      "args": {
        "1": "ඛෙම",
        "g": "m"
      "name": "pi-decl-noun"
      "args": {
        "1": "ඛෙමා",
        "g": "f"
      "name": "pi-decl-noun"
      "args": {
        "1": "ඛෙම",
        "g": "n"
      "name": "pi-decl-noun"
  "lang": "Pali",
  "lang_code": "pi",
  "pos": "adj",
  "senses": [
      "categories": [
        "Pages with 1 entry",
        "Pages with entries",
        "Pali adjectives",
        "Pali adjectives in Sinhalese script",
        "Pali entries with incorrect language header",
        "Pali lemmas",
        "Pali terms with quotations",
        "Sinhalese script"
      "examples": [
          "english": "Suppose, brethren, there was a person traveling along the road. They’d see a large deluge, whose near shore was dubious and perilous, while the far shore was a sanctuary free of peril. But there was no ferryboat or bridge for crossing over.",
          "ref": "2006, The Fourth Book in the Suttanta-Pitaka: Majjhimanikāya (I), page 336:",
          "roman": "25. Seyyathāpi bhikkhave puriso addhānamaggapaṭipanno - so passeyya mahantaṃ udakaṇṇavaṃ, orimaṃ tīraṃ sāsaṅkaṃ sappaṭibhayaṃ, pārimaṃ tīraṃ khemaṃ appaṭibhayaṃ, na cassa nāvā santāraṇī uttarasetu vā apārāpāraṃ gamanāya;",
          "text": "25. සෙය්යථාපි භික්ඛවෙ පුරිසො අද්ධානමග්ගපටිපන්නො - සො පස්සෙය්ය මහන්තං උදකණ්ණවං, ඔරිමං තීරං සාසඞ්කං සප්පටිභයං, පාරිමං තීරං ඛෙමං අප්පටිභයං, න චස්ස නාවා සන්තාරණී උත්තරසෙතු වා අපාරාපාරං ගමනාය;",
          "type": "quote"
      "glosses": [
        "Sinhala script form of khema (“safe”)"
      "links": [
  "word": "ඛෙම"

Download raw JSONL data for ඛෙම meaning in Pali (9.8kB)

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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Pali dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (b81b832 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.