All languages combined Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

unrecognized head form: European spelling

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unrecognized head form: European spelling

de facto (Portuguese adverb) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: de facto

República Checa (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República Checa

omni- (Portuguese prefix) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: omni-

Mar Jónico (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Mar Jónico

placa tectónica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: placa tectónica

ácido araquidónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: ácido araquidónico

República Helénica (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República Helénica

papel higiénico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: papel higiénico

núcleo atómico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: núcleo atómico

partícula subatómica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: partícula subatómica

-ónimo (Portuguese suffix) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: -ónimo

Vila Real de Santo António (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Vila Real de Santo António

di-hidrogénio (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: di-hidrogénio

Alcoólicos Anónimos (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Alcoólicos Anónimos

Grande Polónia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Grande Polónia

Grande Prémio (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Grande Prémio

Iémen do Sul (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Iémen do Sul

RSS da Arménia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: RSS da Arménia

República Socialista Federativa da Jugoslávia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República Socialista Federativa da Jugoslávia

Nova Caledónia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Nova Caledónia

Torres Gémeas (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Torres Gémeas

República da Arménia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República da Arménia

República da Letónia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República da Letónia

Ordem dos Cavaleiros Teutónicos (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Ordem dos Cavaleiros Teutónicos

agente mutagénico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: agente mutagénico

alívio cómico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: alívio cómico

Principado de Mónaco (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Principado de Mónaco

República da Macedónia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República da Macedónia

Mónaco-Ville (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Mónaco-Ville

Checo-Eslováquia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Checo-Eslováquia

Cooperação Económica da Ásia e do Pacífico (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Cooperação Económica da Ásia e do Pacífico

contacto imediato (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: contacto imediato

dicionário de sinónimos (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: dicionário de sinónimos

detetor de fumaça (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: detetor de fumaça

eslavónico eclesiástico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: eslavónico eclesiástico

água tónica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: água tónica

ácido crotónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: ácido crotónico

ónus da prova (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: ónus da prova

ácido carbónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: ácido carbónico

alma gémea (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: alma gémea

Região Autónoma dos Açores (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Região Autónoma dos Açores

anémona-do-mar (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: anémona-do-mar

anglo-saxónico (Portuguese adjective) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: anglo-saxónico

anglo-saxónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: anglo-saxónico

bomba de hidrogénio (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: bomba de hidrogénio

cabine telefónica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: cabine telefónica

camada de ozónio (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: camada de ozónio

caixa eletrónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: caixa eletrónico

catálogo telefónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: catálogo telefónico

central telefónica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: central telefónica

correio eletrónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: correio eletrónico

endereço eletrónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: endereço eletrónico

estrela de neutrões (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: estrela de neutrões

forma canónica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: forma canónica

camisa-de-vénus (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: camisa-de-vénus

gás carbónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: gás carbónico

gás lacrimogéneo (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: gás lacrimogéneo

insensibilidade congénita à dor (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: insensibilidade congénita à dor

lista telefónica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: lista telefónica

livro eletrónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: livro eletrónico

lixo eletrónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: lixo eletrónico

vitória pirrónica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: vitória pirrónica

onde há fumo, há fogo (Portuguese proverb) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: onde há fumo, há fogo

polinómio característico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: polinómio característico

prémio Nobel (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: prémio Nobel

peróxido de hidrogénio (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: peróxido de hidrogénio

Checo-Slováquia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Checo-Slováquia

pronome oblíquo tónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: pronome oblíquo tónico

secretária eletrónica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: secretária eletrónica

secção transversal (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: secção transversal

osteogénese imperfeita (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: osteogénese imperfeita

República Islâmica do Irão (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República Islâmica do Irão

quilómetro quadrado (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: quilómetro quadrado

sério-cómico (Portuguese adjective) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: sério-cómico

República Socialista do Vietname (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República Socialista do Vietname

ténis de mesa (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: ténis de mesa

caixa económica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: caixa económica

massa atómica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: massa atómica

monte de Vénus (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: monte de Vénus

microscópio eletrónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: microscópio eletrónico

RSS da Letónia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: RSS da Letónia

RSS da Estónia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: RSS da Estónia

cerimónia do chá (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: cerimónia do chá

relógio atómico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: relógio atómico

média harmónica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: média harmónica

arménio antigo (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: arménio antigo

arménio clássico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: arménio clássico

água-de-colónia (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: água-de-colónia

checo-eslovaco (Portuguese adjective) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: checo-eslovaco

checo-eslovaco (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: checo-eslovaco

posição anatómica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: posição anatómica

lémur-voador (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: lémur-voador

geómetra algébrico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: geómetra algébrico

tabaqueira anatómica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: tabaqueira anatómica

amarelo de antimónio (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: amarelo de antimónio

anti-hidrogénio (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: anti-hidrogénio

anti-hiperglicémico (Portuguese adjective) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: anti-hiperglicémico

anti-isquémico (Portuguese adjective) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: anti-isquémico

anti-hormona (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: anti-hormona

anti-hegemónico (Portuguese adjective) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: anti-hegemónico

aspas irónicas (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: aspas irónicas

hormona antidiurética (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: hormona antidiurética

variação antigénica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: variação antigénica

Baixa Saxónia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Baixa Saxónia

Igreja Apostólica Arménia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Igreja Apostólica Arménia

Questão Arménia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Questão Arménia

alfa e ómega (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: alfa e ómega

insónia familiar fatal (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: insónia familiar fatal

ácido arsénico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: ácido arsénico

gémeo siamês (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: gémeo siamês

República da Polónia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República da Polónia

República da Eslovénia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República da Eslovénia

República da Estónia (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República da Estónia

harmónica de vidro (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: harmónica de vidro

golo de consolação (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: golo de consolação

bug do milénio (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: bug do milénio

dióxido de nitrogénio (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: dióxido de nitrogénio

Nova Amesterdão (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Nova Amesterdão

-ómano (Portuguese suffix) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: -ómano

prémio de consolação (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: prémio de consolação

para-brisas (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: para-brisas

golo de ouro (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: golo de ouro

Organização Mundial de Saúde (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Organização Mundial de Saúde

pau para toda a obra (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: pau para toda a obra

Macedónia do Norte (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Macedónia do Norte

Principado do Mónaco (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Principado do Mónaco

secção eficaz (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: secção eficaz

refratómetro de Abbe (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: refratómetro de Abbe

Região Autónoma da Madeira (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: Região Autónoma da Madeira

pré-pandémico (Portuguese adjective) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: pré-pandémico

energia atómica (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: energia atómica

ponte de hidrogénio (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: ponte de hidrogénio

República da Macedónia do Norte (Portuguese proper noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: República da Macedónia do Norte

co-hipónimo (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: co-hipónimo

ácido glucónico (Portuguese noun) unrecognized head form: European spelling Path: ácido glucónico

This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-06-23 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-06-20 using wiktextract (1b9bfc5 and 0136956). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.