"schwarzmalen" meaning in All languages combined

See schwarzmalen on Wiktionary

Verb [Deutsch]

IPA: ˈʃvaʁt͡sˌmaːlən Audio: De-schwarzmalen.ogg
Etymology: gebildet aus dem Adjektiv schwarz als Verbzusatz und dem Verb malen Forms: ich male schwarz [present], du malst schwarz [present], er malt schwarz [present], sie malt schwarz [present], es malt schwarz [present], ich malte schwarz [past], ich malte schwarz [subjunctive-ii], mal schwarz! [imperative, singular], male schwarz! [imperative, singular], malt schwarz! [imperative, plural], schwarzgemalt [participle-2, perfect], haben [auxiliary, perfect], schwarzmalen [active, infinitive, present], schwarzgemalt haben [active, infinitive, perfect], schwarzgemalt werden [processual-passive, infinitive, present], schwarzgemalt worden sein [processual-passive, infinitive, perfect], schwarzgemalt sein [statal-passive, infinitive, present], schwarzgemalt gewesen sein [statal-passive, infinitive, perfect], schwarzzumalen [active, extended, infinitive], schwarzgemalt zu haben [active, extended, infinitive], schwarzgemalt zu werden [processual-passive, extended, infinitive], schwarzgemalt worden zu sein [processual-passive, extended, infinitive], schwarzgemalt zu sein [statal-passive, extended, infinitive], schwarzgemalt gewesen zu sein [statal-passive, extended, infinitive], schwarzmalend [participle, present, active], schwarzgemalt [participle, perfect, passive], schwarzzumalender [participle, gerundive], schwarzzumalende [participle, gerundive], schwarzzumalendes … [participle, gerundive], mal schwarz! [imperative, second-person, singular, present, active], male schwarz! [imperative, second-person, singular, present, active], habe schwarzgemalt! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, singular, perfect, active], malt schwarz! [imperative, second-person, plural, present, active], habt schwarzgemalt! [imperative, uncommon, second-person, plural, perfect, active], malen Sie schwarz! [imperative, honorific, present, active], haben Sie schwarzgemalt! [imperative, uncommon, honorific, perfect, active], ich male schwarz [first-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, indicative], ich male schwarz [first-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], ich schwarzmale [first-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ich schwarzmale [first-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], du malst schwarz [second-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, indicative], du malest schwarz [second-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], du schwarzmalst [second-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], du schwarzmalest [second-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es malt schwarz [third-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, indicative], er/sie/es male schwarz [third-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es schwarzmalt [third-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], er/sie/es schwarzmale [third-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es wird schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, present, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, present, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es ist schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, present, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es sei schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, present, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], wir malen schwarz [first-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, indicative], wir malen schwarz [first-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], wir schwarzmalen [first-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], wir schwarzmalen [first-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], ihr malt schwarz [second-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, indicative], ihr malet schwarz [second-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], ihr schwarzmalt [second-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ihr schwarzmalet [second-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], sie malen schwarz [third-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, indicative], sie malen schwarz [third-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], sie schwarzmalen [third-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], sie schwarzmalen [third-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], sie werden schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, present, processual-passive, indicative], sie werden schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, present, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], sie sind schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, present, statal-passive, indicative], sie seien schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, present, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ich malte schwarz [first-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, indicative], ich malte schwarz [first-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], ich schwarzmalte [first-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ich schwarzmalte [first-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], du maltest schwarz [second-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, indicative], du maltest schwarz [second-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], du schwarzmaltest [second-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], du schwarzmaltest [second-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es malte schwarz [third-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, indicative], er/sie/es malte schwarz [third-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es schwarzmalte [third-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], er/sie/es schwarzmalte [third-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wurde schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, past, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es würde schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, past, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es war schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, past, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es wäre schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir malten schwarz [first-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, indicative], wir malten schwarz [first-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], wir schwarzmalten [first-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], wir schwarzmalten [first-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], ihr maltet schwarz [second-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, indicative], ihr maltet schwarz [second-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], ihr schwarzmaltet [second-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ihr schwarzmaltet [second-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], sie malten schwarz [third-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, indicative], sie malten schwarz [third-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], sie schwarzmalten [third-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], sie schwarzmalten [third-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], sie wurden schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, past, processual-passive, indicative], sie würden schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, past, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie waren schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, past, statal-passive, indicative], sie wären schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, past, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich habe schwarzgemalt [first-person, singular, perfect, active, indicative], ich habe schwarzgemalt [first-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], du hast schwarzgemalt [second-person, singular, perfect, active, indicative], du habest schwarzgemalt [second-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es hat schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, perfect, active, indicative], er/sie/es habe schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es ist schwarzgemalt worden [third-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es sei schwarzgemalt worden [third-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es ist schwarzgemalt gewesen [third-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es sei schwarzgemalt gewesen [third-person, singular, perfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], wir haben schwarzgemalt [first-person, plural, perfect, active, indicative], wir haben schwarzgemalt [first-person, plural, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], ihr habt schwarzgemalt [second-person, plural, perfect, active, indicative], ihr habet schwarzgemalt [second-person, plural, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], sie haben schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, perfect, active, indicative], sie haben schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], sie sind schwarzgemalt worden [third-person, plural, perfect, processual-passive, indicative], sie seien schwarzgemalt worden [third-person, plural, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], sie sind schwarzgemalt gewesen [third-person, plural, perfect, statal-passive, indicative], sie seien schwarzgemalt gewesen [third-person, plural, perfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], ich hatte schwarzgemalt [first-person, singular, pluperfect, active, indicative], ich hätte schwarzgemalt [first-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], du hattest schwarzgemalt [second-person, singular, pluperfect, active, indicative], du hättest schwarzgemalt [second-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es hatte schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, pluperfect, active, indicative], er/sie/es hätte schwarzgemalt [third-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es war schwarzgemalt worden [third-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es wäre schwarzgemalt worden [third-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es war schwarzgemalt gewesen [third-person, singular, pluperfect, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es wäre schwarzgemalt gewesen [third-person, singular, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir hatten schwarzgemalt [first-person, plural, pluperfect, active, indicative], wir hätten schwarzgemalt [first-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr hattet schwarzgemalt [second-person, plural, pluperfect, active, indicative], ihr hättet schwarzgemalt [second-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], sie hatten schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, pluperfect, active, indicative], sie hätten schwarzgemalt [third-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], sie waren schwarzgemalt worden [third-person, plural, pluperfect, processual-passive, indicative], sie wären schwarzgemalt worden [third-person, plural, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie waren schwarzgemalt gewesen [third-person, plural, pluperfect, statal-passive, indicative], sie wären schwarzgemalt gewesen [third-person, plural, pluperfect, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich werde schwarzmalen [first-person, singular, future-i, active, indicative], ich werde schwarzmalen [first-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], ich würde schwarzmalen [first-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], du wirst schwarzmalen [second-person, singular, future-i, active, indicative], du werdest schwarzmalen [second-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], du würdest schwarzmalen [second-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird schwarzmalen [third-person, singular, future-i, active, indicative], er/sie/es werde schwarzmalen [third-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde schwarzmalen [third-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird schwarzgemalt werden [third-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde schwarzgemalt werden [third-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde schwarzgemalt werden [third-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird schwarzgemalt sein [third-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde schwarzgemalt sein [third-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde schwarzgemalt sein [third-person, singular, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir werden schwarzmalen [first-person, plural, future-i, active, indicative], wir werden schwarzmalen [first-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], wir würden schwarzmalen [first-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet schwarzmalen [second-person, plural, future-i, active, indicative], ihr werdet schwarzmalen [second-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet schwarzmalen [second-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], sie werden schwarzmalen [third-person, plural, future-i, active, indicative], sie werden schwarzmalen [third-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], sie würden schwarzmalen [third-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], sie werden schwarzgemalt werden [third-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, indicative], sie werden schwarzgemalt werden [third-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], sie würden schwarzgemalt werden [third-person, plural, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie werden schwarzgemalt sein [third-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, indicative], sie werden schwarzgemalt sein [third-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], sie würden schwarzgemalt sein [third-person, plural, future-i, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], ich werde schwarzgemalt haben [first-person, singular, future-ii, active, indicative], ich werde schwarzgemalt haben [first-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], ich würde schwarzgemalt haben [first-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], du wirst schwarzgemalt haben [second-person, singular, future-ii, active, indicative], du werdest schwarzgemalt haben [second-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], du würdest schwarzgemalt haben [second-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird schwarzgemalt haben [third-person, singular, future-ii, active, indicative], er/sie/es werde schwarzgemalt haben [third-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde schwarzgemalt haben [third-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird schwarzgemalt worden sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde schwarzgemalt worden sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde schwarzgemalt worden sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird schwarzgemalt gewesen sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, indicative], er/sie/es werde schwarzgemalt gewesen sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde schwarzgemalt gewesen sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir werden schwarzgemalt haben [first-person, plural, future-ii, active, indicative], wir werden schwarzgemalt haben [first-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], wir würden schwarzgemalt haben [first-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet schwarzgemalt haben [second-person, plural, future-ii, active, indicative], ihr werdet schwarzgemalt haben [second-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet schwarzgemalt haben [second-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], sie werden schwarzgemalt haben [third-person, plural, future-ii, active, indicative], sie werden schwarzgemalt haben [third-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], sie würden schwarzgemalt haben [third-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], sie werden schwarzgemalt worden sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, indicative], sie werden schwarzgemalt worden sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], sie würden schwarzgemalt worden sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], sie werden schwarzgemalt gewesen sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, indicative], sie werden schwarzgemalt gewesen sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-i], sie würden schwarzgemalt gewesen sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, statal-passive, subjunctive-ii]
  1. etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen Tags: intransitive, transitive
    Sense id: de-schwarzmalen-de-verb-7oEClLcC
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated
Synonyms: schwarzsehen, unken Hypernyms: darstellen, prognostizieren Derived forms: schwarzgemalt, Schwarzmalen, schwarzmalend, Schwarzmaler, Schwarzmalerei Translations (etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen): paint a gloomy picture (Englisch), voir tout en noir (Französisch), être pessimiste (Französisch), dipingere a tinte fosche (Italienisch)

Inflected forms

  "antonyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "schönfärben"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "romantisieren"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "schönreden"
  "categories": [
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Anagramm sortiert (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Deutsch",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Roter Audiolink",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Rückläufige Wörterliste (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Rückläufige Wörterliste Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Verb (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Wiktionary:Audio-Datei",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Siehe auch",
      "orig": "siehe auch",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
  "derived": [
      "raw_tags": [
      "word": "schwarzgemalt"
      "word": "Schwarzmalen"
      "word": "schwarzmalend"
      "raw_tags": [
      "word": "Schwarzmaler"
      "word": "Schwarzmalerei"
  "etymology_text": "gebildet aus dem Adjektiv schwarz als Verbzusatz und dem Verb malen",
  "forms": [
      "form": "ich male schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du malst schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er malt schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie malt schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es malt schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich malte schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich malte schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "mal schwarz!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "male schwarz!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "malt schwarz!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt",
      "tags": [
      "form": "haben",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzmalen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt werden",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt gewesen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzzumalen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt zu haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt zu werden",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt worden zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt gewesen zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzmalend",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzzumalender",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzzumalende",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzzumalendes …",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "mal schwarz!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "male schwarz!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "habe schwarzgemalt!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "malt schwarz!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "habt schwarzgemalt!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "malen Sie schwarz!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "haben Sie schwarzgemalt!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich male schwarz",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich male schwarz",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich schwarzmale",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich schwarzmale",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du malst schwarz",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du malest schwarz",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du schwarzmalst",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du schwarzmalest",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er/sie/es malt schwarz",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er/sie/es male schwarz",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
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      "tags": [
  "hypernyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "darstellen"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "prognostizieren"
  "hyphenation": "schwarz·ma·len",
  "lang": "Deutsch",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "verb",
  "pos_title": "Verb",
  "senses": [
      "examples": [
          "text": "Hört endlich auf, alles schwarzzumalen!"
          "ref": "Andrea Lehky: Das Andreas-Hofer-Gen. In: DiePresse.com. 17. Juli 2017, ISSN 1563-5449 (URL, abgerufen am 6. August 2020) .",
          "text": "Jetzt staunten alle, die schwarzgemalt hatten, Hammerle werde den Anschluss verpassen."
          "ref": "Carsten Eberts: Die Schleimhautfalte. In: sueddeutsche.de. 2. Oktober 2009, ISSN 0174-4917 (URL, abgerufen am 6. August 2020) .",
          "text": "Sein Trainer Louis van Gaal hatte noch mit der Möglichkeit eines Kreuzbandrisses schwarzgemalt."
          "accessdate": "2020-08-06",
          "author": "Birgit Böhm-Ritter",
          "collection": "BVT.at",
          "date": "28. Mai 2020",
          "ref": "Birgit Böhm-Ritter: Gestärkt aus der Krise. Kommentar. In: BVT.at. 28. Mai 2020 (Online, abgerufen am 6. August 2020) .",
          "text": "In Krisenzeiten neigen viele Menschen dazu, schwarzzumalen.",
          "title": "Gestärkt aus der Krise",
          "title_complement": "Kommentar",
          "url": "Online"
          "ref": "Bachblüte Nr. 12 Gentian. Das große deutsche Bach-Blüten-Portal, abgerufen am 6. August 2020.",
          "text": "Da er alles schwarzmalt, beraubt er sich der Fähigkeit, erfolgreich zu sein."
      "glosses": [
        "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen"
      "id": "de-schwarzmalen-de-verb-7oEClLcC",
      "raw_tags": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "tags": [
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "ˈʃvaʁt͡sˌmaːlən"
      "audio": "De-schwarzmalen.ogg",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/0/05/De-schwarzmalen.ogg/De-schwarzmalen.ogg.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/De-schwarzmalen.ogg"
  "synonyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "schwarzsehen"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "unken"
  "translations": [
      "lang": "Englisch",
      "lang_code": "en",
      "sense": "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "paint a gloomy picture"
      "lang": "Französisch",
      "lang_code": "fr",
      "sense": "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "voir tout en noir"
      "lang": "Französisch",
      "lang_code": "fr",
      "sense": "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "être pessimiste"
      "lang": "Italienisch",
      "lang_code": "it",
      "sense": "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "dipingere a tinte fosche"
  "word": "schwarzmalen"
  "antonyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "schönfärben"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "romantisieren"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "schönreden"
  "categories": [
    "Anagramm sortiert (Deutsch)",
    "Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
    "Roter Audiolink",
    "Rückläufige Wörterliste (Deutsch)",
    "Rückläufige Wörterliste Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
    "Verb (Deutsch)",
    "siehe auch"
  "derived": [
      "raw_tags": [
      "word": "schwarzgemalt"
      "word": "Schwarzmalen"
      "word": "schwarzmalend"
      "raw_tags": [
      "word": "Schwarzmaler"
      "word": "Schwarzmalerei"
  "etymology_text": "gebildet aus dem Adjektiv schwarz als Verbzusatz und dem Verb malen",
  "forms": [
      "form": "ich male schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du malst schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er malt schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie malt schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es malt schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich malte schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich malte schwarz",
      "tags": [
      "form": "mal schwarz!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "male schwarz!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "malt schwarz!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt",
      "tags": [
      "form": "haben",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzmalen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt werden",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt gewesen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzzumalen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt zu haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt zu werden",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt worden zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt gewesen zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzmalend",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzgemalt",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzzumalender",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzzumalende",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "schwarzzumalendes …",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "mal schwarz!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "male schwarz!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "habe schwarzgemalt!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
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      "form": "malt schwarz!",
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      "raw_tags": [
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      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
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      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "wir würden schwarzgemalt haben",
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        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
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      "form": "ihr werdet schwarzgemalt haben",
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        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ihr werdet schwarzgemalt haben",
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        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ihr würdet schwarzgemalt haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie werden schwarzgemalt haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie werden schwarzgemalt haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie würden schwarzgemalt haben",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie werden schwarzgemalt worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie werden schwarzgemalt worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie würden schwarzgemalt worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie werden schwarzgemalt gewesen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie werden schwarzgemalt gewesen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie würden schwarzgemalt gewesen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:schwarzmalen",
      "tags": [
  "hypernyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "darstellen"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "prognostizieren"
  "hyphenation": "schwarz·ma·len",
  "lang": "Deutsch",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "verb",
  "pos_title": "Verb",
  "senses": [
      "examples": [
          "text": "Hört endlich auf, alles schwarzzumalen!"
          "ref": "Andrea Lehky: Das Andreas-Hofer-Gen. In: DiePresse.com. 17. Juli 2017, ISSN 1563-5449 (URL, abgerufen am 6. August 2020) .",
          "text": "Jetzt staunten alle, die schwarzgemalt hatten, Hammerle werde den Anschluss verpassen."
          "ref": "Carsten Eberts: Die Schleimhautfalte. In: sueddeutsche.de. 2. Oktober 2009, ISSN 0174-4917 (URL, abgerufen am 6. August 2020) .",
          "text": "Sein Trainer Louis van Gaal hatte noch mit der Möglichkeit eines Kreuzbandrisses schwarzgemalt."
          "accessdate": "2020-08-06",
          "author": "Birgit Böhm-Ritter",
          "collection": "BVT.at",
          "date": "28. Mai 2020",
          "ref": "Birgit Böhm-Ritter: Gestärkt aus der Krise. Kommentar. In: BVT.at. 28. Mai 2020 (Online, abgerufen am 6. August 2020) .",
          "text": "In Krisenzeiten neigen viele Menschen dazu, schwarzzumalen.",
          "title": "Gestärkt aus der Krise",
          "title_complement": "Kommentar",
          "url": "Online"
          "ref": "Bachblüte Nr. 12 Gentian. Das große deutsche Bach-Blüten-Portal, abgerufen am 6. August 2020.",
          "text": "Da er alles schwarzmalt, beraubt er sich der Fähigkeit, erfolgreich zu sein."
      "glosses": [
        "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen"
      "raw_tags": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "tags": [
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "ˈʃvaʁt͡sˌmaːlən"
      "audio": "De-schwarzmalen.ogg",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/0/05/De-schwarzmalen.ogg/De-schwarzmalen.ogg.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/De-schwarzmalen.ogg"
  "synonyms": [
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "schwarzsehen"
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "unken"
  "translations": [
      "lang": "Englisch",
      "lang_code": "en",
      "sense": "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "paint a gloomy picture"
      "lang": "Französisch",
      "lang_code": "fr",
      "sense": "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "voir tout en noir"
      "lang": "Französisch",
      "lang_code": "fr",
      "sense": "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "être pessimiste"
      "lang": "Italienisch",
      "lang_code": "it",
      "sense": "etwas oder die Zukunft pessimistisch darstellen",
      "sense_index": "1",
      "word": "dipingere a tinte fosche"
  "word": "schwarzmalen"

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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-22 from the dewiktionary dump dated 2025-03-21 using wiktextract (fef8596 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.