"hinwegfliegen" meaning in All languages combined

See hinwegfliegen on Wiktionary

Verb [Deutsch]

IPA: hɪnˈvɛkˌfliːɡn̩ Audio: LL-Q188 (deu)-Mighty Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav
Etymology: gebildet aus der Partikel hinweg als Verbzusatz und dem Verb fliegen Forms: ich fliege hinweg [present], du fliegst hinweg [present], er fliegt hinweg [present], sie fliegt hinweg [present], es fliegt hinweg [present], ich flog hinweg [past], ich flöge hinweg [subjunctive-ii], fliege hinweg! [imperative, singular], flieg hinweg! [imperative, singular], fliegt hinweg! [imperative, plural], hinweggeflogen [participle-2, perfect], sein [auxiliary, perfect], hinwegfliegen [active, infinitive, present], hinweggeflogen sein [active, infinitive, perfect], hinwegzufliegen [active, extended, infinitive], hinweggeflogen zu sein [active, extended, infinitive], hinwegfliegend [participle, present, active], hinweggeflogen [participle, perfect, passive], flieg hinweg! [imperative, second-person, singular, present, active], fliege hinweg! [imperative, second-person, singular, present, active], sei hinweggeflogen! [imperative, second-person, singular, perfect, active], fliegt hinweg! [imperative, second-person, plural, present, active], seid hinweggeflogen! [imperative, second-person, plural, perfect, active], fliegen Sie hinweg! [imperative, honorific, present, active], seien Sie hinweggeflogen! [imperative, honorific, perfect, active], ich fliege hinweg [first-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, indicative], ich fliege hinweg [first-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], ich hinwegfliege [first-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ich hinwegfliege [first-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], du fliegst hinweg [second-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, indicative], du fliegest hinweg [second-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], du hinwegfliegst [second-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], du hinwegfliegest [second-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es fliegt hinweg [third-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, indicative], er/sie/es fliege hinweg [third-person, singular, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es hinwegfliegt [third-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], er/sie/es hinwegfliege [third-person, singular, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], es wird hinweggeflogen [third-person, singular, present, processual-passive, indicative], es werde hinweggeflogen [third-person, singular, present, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], wir fliegen hinweg [first-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, indicative], wir fliegen hinweg [first-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], wir hinwegfliegen [first-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], wir hinwegfliegen [first-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], ihr fliegt hinweg [second-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, indicative], ihr flieget hinweg [second-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], ihr hinwegfliegt [second-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ihr hinwegflieget [second-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], sie fliegen hinweg [third-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, indicative], sie fliegen hinweg [third-person, plural, present, active, main-clause, subjunctive-i], sie hinwegfliegen [third-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], sie hinwegfliegen [third-person, plural, present, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-i], ich flog hinweg [first-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, indicative], ich flöge hinweg [first-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], ich hinwegflog [first-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ich hinwegflöge [first-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], du flogst hinweg [second-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, indicative], du flögest hinweg [second-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], du flögst hinweg [second-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], du hinwegflogst [second-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], du hinwegflögest [second-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], du hinwegflögst [second-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es flog hinweg [third-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, indicative], er/sie/es flöge hinweg [third-person, singular, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es hinwegflog [third-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], er/sie/es hinwegflöge [third-person, singular, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], es wurde hinweggeflogen [third-person, singular, past, processual-passive, indicative], es würde hinweggeflogen [third-person, singular, past, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir flogen hinweg [first-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, indicative], wir flögen hinweg [first-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], wir hinwegflogen [first-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], wir hinwegflögen [first-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], ihr flogt hinweg [second-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, indicative], ihr flöget hinweg [second-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], ihr flögt hinweg [second-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], ihr hinwegflogt [second-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], ihr hinwegflöget [second-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], ihr hinwegflögt [second-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], sie flogen hinweg [third-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, indicative], sie flögen hinweg [third-person, plural, past, active, main-clause, subjunctive-ii], sie hinwegflogen [third-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, indicative], sie hinwegflögen [third-person, plural, past, active, subordinate-clause, subjunctive-ii], ich bin hinweggeflogen [first-person, singular, perfect, active, indicative], ich sei hinweggeflogen [first-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], du bist hinweggeflogen [second-person, singular, perfect, active, indicative], du seist hinweggeflogen [second-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], du seiest hinweggeflogen [second-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es ist hinweggeflogen [third-person, singular, perfect, active, indicative], er/sie/es sei hinweggeflogen [third-person, singular, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], es ist hinweggeflogen worden [third-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, indicative], es sei hinweggeflogen worden [third-person, singular, perfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], wir sind hinweggeflogen [first-person, plural, perfect, active, indicative], wir seien hinweggeflogen [first-person, plural, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], ihr seid hinweggeflogen [second-person, plural, perfect, active, indicative], ihr seiet hinweggeflogen [second-person, plural, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], sie sind hinweggeflogen [third-person, plural, perfect, active, indicative], sie seien hinweggeflogen [third-person, plural, perfect, active, subjunctive-i], ich war hinweggeflogen [first-person, singular, pluperfect, active, indicative], ich wäre hinweggeflogen [first-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], du warst hinweggeflogen [second-person, singular, pluperfect, active, indicative], du wärst hinweggeflogen [second-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], du wärest hinweggeflogen [second-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es war hinweggeflogen [third-person, singular, pluperfect, active, indicative], er/sie/es wäre hinweggeflogen [third-person, singular, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], es war hinweggeflogen worden [third-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, indicative], es wäre hinweggeflogen worden [third-person, singular, pluperfect, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir waren hinweggeflogen [first-person, plural, pluperfect, active, indicative], wir wären hinweggeflogen [first-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr wart hinweggeflogen [second-person, plural, pluperfect, active, indicative], ihr wärt hinweggeflogen [second-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr wäret hinweggeflogen [second-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], sie waren hinweggeflogen [third-person, plural, pluperfect, active, indicative], sie wären hinweggeflogen [third-person, plural, pluperfect, active, subjunctive-ii], ich werde hinwegfliegen [first-person, singular, future-i, active, indicative], ich werde hinwegfliegen [first-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], ich würde hinwegfliegen [first-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], du wirst hinwegfliegen [second-person, singular, future-i, active, indicative], du werdest hinwegfliegen [second-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], du würdest hinwegfliegen [second-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird hinwegfliegen [third-person, singular, future-i, active, indicative], er/sie/es werde hinwegfliegen [third-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde hinwegfliegen [third-person, singular, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], es wird hinweggeflogen werden [third-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, indicative], es werde hinweggeflogen werden [third-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], es würde hinweggeflogen werden [third-person, singular, future-i, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir werden hinwegfliegen [first-person, plural, future-i, active, indicative], wir werden hinwegfliegen [first-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], wir würden hinwegfliegen [first-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet hinwegfliegen [second-person, plural, future-i, active, indicative], ihr werdet hinwegfliegen [second-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet hinwegfliegen [second-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], sie werden hinwegfliegen [third-person, plural, future-i, active, indicative], sie werden hinwegfliegen [third-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-i], sie würden hinwegfliegen [third-person, plural, future-i, active, subjunctive-ii], ich werde hinweggeflogen sein [first-person, singular, future-ii, active, indicative], ich werde hinweggeflogen sein [first-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], ich würde hinweggeflogen sein [first-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], du wirst hinweggeflogen sein [second-person, singular, future-ii, active, indicative], du werdest hinweggeflogen sein [second-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], du würdest hinweggeflogen sein [second-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], er/sie/es wird hinweggeflogen sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, active, indicative], er/sie/es werde hinweggeflogen sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], er/sie/es würde hinweggeflogen sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], es wird hinweggeflogen worden sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, indicative], es werde hinweggeflogen worden sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-i], es würde hinweggeflogen worden sein [third-person, singular, future-ii, processual-passive, subjunctive-ii], wir werden hinweggeflogen sein [first-person, plural, future-ii, active, indicative], wir werden hinweggeflogen sein [first-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], wir würden hinweggeflogen sein [first-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], ihr werdet hinweggeflogen sein [second-person, plural, future-ii, active, indicative], ihr werdet hinweggeflogen sein [second-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], ihr würdet hinweggeflogen sein [second-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii], sie werden hinweggeflogen sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, active, indicative], sie werden hinweggeflogen sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-i], sie würden hinweggeflogen sein [third-person, plural, future-ii, active, subjunctive-ii]
  1. etwas fliegend überqueren
    Sense id: de-hinwegfliegen-de-verb-xiYfrN0n
The following are not (yet) sense-disambiguated

Inflected forms

  "categories": [
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Anagramm sortiert (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Deutsch",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Roter Audiolink",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Rückläufige Wörterliste (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Rückläufige Wörterliste Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Verb (Deutsch)",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Wiktionary:Audio-Datei",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
      "kind": "other",
      "name": "Siehe auch",
      "orig": "siehe auch",
      "parents": [],
      "source": "w"
  "etymology_text": "gebildet aus der Partikel hinweg als Verbzusatz und dem Verb fliegen",
  "forms": [
      "form": "ich fliege hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du fliegst hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er fliegt hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie fliegt hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es fliegt hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich flog hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich flöge hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "fliege hinweg!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "flieg hinweg!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "fliegt hinweg!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinweggeflogen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sein",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinwegfliegen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinwegzufliegen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinweggeflogen zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinwegfliegend",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinweggeflogen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "flieg hinweg!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "fliege hinweg!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sei hinweggeflogen!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "fliegt hinweg!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "seid hinweggeflogen!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "fliegen Sie hinweg!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "seien Sie hinweggeflogen!",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich fliege hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich fliege hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich hinwegfliege",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich hinwegfliege",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du fliegst hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du fliegest hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du hinwegfliegst",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du hinwegfliegest",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er/sie/es fliegt hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er/sie/es fliege hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er/sie/es hinwegfliegt",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er/sie/es hinwegfliege",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es wird hinweggeflogen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
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      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
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      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "wir fliegen hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "wir hinwegfliegen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "wir hinwegfliegen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ihr fliegt hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ihr flieget hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
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      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
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        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
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      "raw_tags": [
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        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
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      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie fliegen hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie hinwegfliegen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
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      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich flog hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich flöge hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
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      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
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        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich hinwegflöge",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du flogst hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du flögest hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du flögst hinweg",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du hinwegflogst",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du hinwegflögest",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du hinwegflögst",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
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      "raw_tags": [
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  "hyphenation": "hin·weg·flie·gen",
  "lang": "Deutsch",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "verb",
  "pos_title": "Verb",
  "senses": [
      "examples": [
          "author": "Ramsey Campbell",
          "collection": "Die Offenbarungen des Glaaki",
          "isbn": "978-3865522764",
          "pages": "84",
          "place": "Leipzig",
          "publisher": "Festa",
          "ref": "Ramsey Campbell: Die Insekten aus Shaggai. In: Die Offenbarungen des Glaaki. Festa, Leipzig 2014, ISBN 978-3865522764, Seite 84 .",
          "text": "„Obwohl das ekelhaft flache Gesicht sich noch vor einem Augenblick gegen meines gepresst hatte, glaubte ich, es sei ihm irgendwie gelungen, über mich hinwegzufliegen, denn ich spürte keinen Aufprall.“",
          "title": "Die Insekten aus Shaggai",
          "year": "2014"
      "glosses": [
        "etwas fliegend überqueren"
      "id": "de-hinwegfliegen-de-verb-xiYfrN0n",
      "sense_index": "1"
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "hɪnˈvɛkˌfliːɡn̩"
      "audio": "LL-Q188 (deu)-Mighty Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/e/ee/LL-Q188_(deu)-Mighty_Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav/LL-Q188_(deu)-Mighty_Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/e/ee/LL-Q188_(deu)-Mighty_Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav/LL-Q188_(deu)-Mighty_Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav.ogg",
      "wav_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/LL-Q188 (deu)-Mighty Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav"
  "word": "hinwegfliegen"
  "categories": [
    "Anagramm sortiert (Deutsch)",
    "Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
    "Roter Audiolink",
    "Rückläufige Wörterliste (Deutsch)",
    "Rückläufige Wörterliste Grundformeintrag (Deutsch)",
    "Verb (Deutsch)",
    "siehe auch"
  "etymology_text": "gebildet aus der Partikel hinweg als Verbzusatz und dem Verb fliegen",
  "forms": [
      "form": "ich fliege hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "du fliegst hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er fliegt hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie fliegt hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es fliegt hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich flog hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ich flöge hinweg",
      "tags": [
      "form": "fliege hinweg!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "flieg hinweg!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "fliegt hinweg!",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinweggeflogen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sein",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinwegfliegen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinwegzufliegen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinweggeflogen zu sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinwegfliegend",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "hinweggeflogen",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Infinitive und Partizipien"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
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      "form": "ich werde hinweggeflogen sein",
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      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
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      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
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        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er/sie/es werde hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "er/sie/es würde hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es wird hinweggeflogen worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es werde hinweggeflogen worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "es würde hinweggeflogen worden sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "wir werden hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "wir werden hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "wir würden hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ihr werdet hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ihr werdet hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "ihr würdet hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie werden hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie werden hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
      "form": "sie würden hinweggeflogen sein",
      "raw_tags": [
        "Finite Formen",
        "Indikativ und Konjunktiv"
      "source": "Flexion:hinwegfliegen",
      "tags": [
  "hyphenation": "hin·weg·flie·gen",
  "lang": "Deutsch",
  "lang_code": "de",
  "pos": "verb",
  "pos_title": "Verb",
  "senses": [
      "examples": [
          "author": "Ramsey Campbell",
          "collection": "Die Offenbarungen des Glaaki",
          "isbn": "978-3865522764",
          "pages": "84",
          "place": "Leipzig",
          "publisher": "Festa",
          "ref": "Ramsey Campbell: Die Insekten aus Shaggai. In: Die Offenbarungen des Glaaki. Festa, Leipzig 2014, ISBN 978-3865522764, Seite 84 .",
          "text": "„Obwohl das ekelhaft flache Gesicht sich noch vor einem Augenblick gegen meines gepresst hatte, glaubte ich, es sei ihm irgendwie gelungen, über mich hinwegzufliegen, denn ich spürte keinen Aufprall.“",
          "title": "Die Insekten aus Shaggai",
          "year": "2014"
      "glosses": [
        "etwas fliegend überqueren"
      "sense_index": "1"
  "sounds": [
      "ipa": "hɪnˈvɛkˌfliːɡn̩"
      "audio": "LL-Q188 (deu)-Mighty Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav",
      "mp3_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/e/ee/LL-Q188_(deu)-Mighty_Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav/LL-Q188_(deu)-Mighty_Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav.mp3",
      "ogg_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/e/ee/LL-Q188_(deu)-Mighty_Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav/LL-Q188_(deu)-Mighty_Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav.ogg",
      "wav_url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/LL-Q188 (deu)-Mighty Wire-hinwegfliegen.wav"
  "word": "hinwegfliegen"

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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-02 from the dewiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (7dd5d20 and 5a03470). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.