Translingual word senses marked with topical category "Sciences"
Subcategories: Aeronautics, Applied sciences, Archaeology, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer science, Earth sciences, Formal sciences, History of science, Interdisciplinary fields, Materials science, Oceanography, Paleontology, Physics, Pseudoscience, Social sciences, Systems, Systems theory
Total 4207 word senses
- A … AAV (36 senses)
- AAX … ACU (47 senses)
- ACV … ARY (51 senses)
- AT … A− (64 senses)
- B … BGJ (26 senses)
- BGK … B− (57 senses)
- C … CNY (41 senses)
- CO … Circovirus (46 senses)
- Cl … DFW (49 senses)
- DH … D− (42 senses)
- E … EΩ (53 senses)
- F … GIP (41 senses)
- GJ … Gδ (58 senses)
- H … H₃PO₄ (55 senses)
- I … Ithyphallus (29 senses)
- J … K⁺ (46 senses)
- L … L☉ (54 senses)
- M … MRU (42 senses)
- MS … M🜨 (61 senses)
- N … N₂O (45 senses)
- O … PES (41 senses)
- PF … Pavonis Mons (39 senses)
- Pb … RWF (56 senses)
- Ra … SDSO-1 (38 senses)
- SEA … Ser (47 senses)
- Sg … TMT (50 senses)
- TN … T₂ (47 senses)
- U … Wright Mons (49 senses)
- X … YER (43 senses)
- YF … ZBq (48 senses)
- ZC … Zz (53 senses)
- a … aΩ (56 senses)
- b … cV (30 senses)
- cW … d (47 senses)
- d- … det (57 senses)
- dg … fHz (38 senses)
- fJ … hHz (47 senses)
- hJ … kJ (46 senses)
- kK … l̃ (50 senses)
- m … mₑ (59 senses)
- n … nkat (32 senses)
- nl … pTyr (48 senses)
- pV … r̄ (51 senses)
- s … typus melancholicus (44 senses)
- u … yΩ (47 senses)
- z … ū (45 senses)
- ų … ẑ (47 senses)
- ₐ … 𝼞 (37 senses)
- ؈ (Character) used in Arabic script to indicate the radius of a circle
- ـ (Punctuation) A carrier for vowel diacritic, used to display the diacritic without a base letter.
- ٭ (Symbol) The Arabic star, used like an asterisk
- ⢀⣆ (Symbol) perpendicular, ⊥.
- ⢀⣔ (Symbol) angle, ∠.
- ⢚ (Symbol) a circle, ⟨○⟩
- ⢰⡆ (Symbol) parallel, ∥.
- ⢰⣄ (Symbol) triangle, ⊿.
- ⢰⣲ (Symbol) open square, ◻.
- 槿 (Character) a type of rose known as Chinese hibiscus, Chinese rose, Hawaiian hibiscus, shoeblackplant (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
- 濠 (Character) Australia (A country in Oceania comprising the islands of Australia, Tasmania and other smaller islands in the Pacific Ocean, as well as a former colony in the British Empire); Australia (a continent consisting of the islands of Australia, New Guinea and intervening islands)
- 灟 (Character) to perfuse
- ꙫ (Symbol) phonetic symbol for the "nasal-ingressive velar trill", an articulatory description of an inwards snort.
- ℂ (Symbol) The set of complex numbers.
- ℂ (Symbol) This set, equipped with any of its standard structure.
- ℍ (Symbol) The symbol for the set of quaternions.
- ℕ (Symbol) The set of natural numbers, which may either include zero or not.
- ℕ₀ (Symbol) The set of natural numbers, including zero.
- ℕ₊ (Symbol) The set of positive integers, i.e. natural numbers excluding zero.
- ℙ (Symbol) The set of prime numbers.
- ℙ (Symbol) A symbol used to denote the probability of an event.
- ℚ (Symbol) The set of rational numbers.
- ℝ (Noun) The set of real numbers.
- ℝ (Noun) This set, equipped with any of its standard structure; the real line.
- ℤ (Symbol) The set of integers.
- ℤ (Symbol) That set, with some usual structure.
- ℼ (Symbol) A double-struck lowercase Greek letter pi
- ℽ (Symbol) A double-struck lowercase Greek letter gamma
- ℾ (Symbol) A double-struck uppercase Greek letter gamma
- ℿ (Symbol) A double-struck uppercase Greek letter pi
- ⅅ (Symbol) A double-struck uppercase letter D in an italic typeface
- ⅆ (Symbol) A double-struck lowercase letter d in an italic typeface
- ⅇ (Symbol) A double-struck lowercase letter e in an italic typeface
- ⅈ (Symbol) A double-struck lowercase letter i in an italic typeface
- Β (Symbol) Beta function
- Γ (Symbol) the gamma function (usually written as Γ-function). An extension of the factorial to complex numbers
- Γ (Symbol) circulation
- Δ (Symbol) Alternative form of ∆: change in a variable
- Δ (Symbol) Used on the reaction arrow in a chemical equation, to show that energy in the form of heat is added to the reaction
- Δ (Symbol) Used to represent the symmetric difference (also known as the disjunctive union) of two sets
- Δ (Symbol) Used before a gene name as a modifier to denote a deletion mutation of that gene.
- Θ (Symbol) Θ, the ordinal number with the same cardinality as the smallest set larger than the real numbers; the smallest nonzero ordinal number such that there exists no surjection onto it from the real numbers.
- Θ (Symbol) A pentaquark.
- Λ (Symbol) the cosmological constant
- Λ (Symbol) the von Mangoldt function
- Λ (Symbol) the de Bruijn-Newman constant
- Λ (Symbol) a lambda particle
- Ξ (Symbol) Xi baryon; cascade particle
- Π (Symbol) Product over a set of like terms
- Π (Symbol) A class (in some hierarchy of formulae, like the arithmetical hierarchy or polynomial hierarchy) of those formulae whose outermost quantifiers are universal quantifiers.
- Σ (Symbol) Σ. Sum over a set of like terms
- Σ (Symbol) suspension or reduced suspension
- Σ (Symbol) A class (in the arithmetical hierarchy) of formulae whose outermost unbounded quantifiers are existential quantifiers
- Υ (Symbol) upsilon meson
- Υ (Symbol) mass-to-light ratio
- Φ (Symbol) an angle
- Φ (Symbol) golden ratio conjugate ≈ 0.618...
- Φ (Symbol) magnetic flux
- Φ (Symbol) A wildcard for a pharyngeal consonant
- Ψ (Symbol) Mercury.
- Ω (Symbol) The symbol for ohm, the unit of electrical resistance in the International System of Units.
- ά (Symbol) Temperature coefficient of resistance.
- α (Symbol) The fine structure constant.
- α (Symbol) The fine structure constant.; a value of approximately 1/137 = 0.0072973525
- α (Symbol) Represents angular acceleration.
- α (Symbol) Used in chemical nomenclature.
- α (Symbol) Alexandroff compactification.
- α (Symbol) independence number
- α (Noun) right ascension
- α CMa (Proper name) Abbreviation of Alpha Canis Majoris.
- α Canis Majoris (Proper name) Abbreviation of Alpha Canis Majoris.
- β (Symbol) Used in chemical nomenclature to refer to the second of several isomers, positions or variations.
- β (Symbol) Stone–Čech compactification
- β (Symbol) beta ray, beta particle, beta radiation
- β (Symbol) speed parameter, β=v/c
- β CMa (Proper name) Abbreviation of Beta Canis Majoris.
- β Canis Majoris (Proper name) Abbreviation of Beta Canis Majoris.
- γ (Symbol) the Euler-Mascheroni constant
- γ (Symbol) photon, gamma ray
- γ (Symbol) Lorentz factor
- γ (Symbol) a voiced velar fricative (IPA [ɣ]).
- δ (Symbol) A (path-dependent, inexact) differential.
- δ (Symbol) A small number, usually accompanied by ε.
- δ (Symbol) Kronecker delta or Dirac delta.
- δ (Noun) declination
- ε (Symbol) Emittance.
- ε (Symbol) True strain.
- ε (Symbol) Extinction coefficient.
- ε (Symbol) An arbitrarily small number, usually in the company of δ.
- ε (Symbol) The empty string.
- ε (Symbol) Machine epsilon.
- ε₀ (Symbol) vacuum permittivity
- ζ (Symbol) A mathematical function formally known as the Riemann zeta function.
- η (Symbol) The metric tensor in quantum field theory.
- η (Symbol) The coefficient of viscosity.
- η (Symbol) Efficiency in engineering.
- η (Symbol) Sommerfeld parameter.
- η (Symbol) Learning rate.
- θ (Symbol) A plane angle.
- ι (Symbol) sometimes used to write the imaginary unit
- ι (Symbol) the definite descriptor
- κ (Symbol) the compressibility of a compound
- κ (Symbol) A cardinal number.
- λ (Symbol) wavelength
- λ (Symbol) Half-life
- λ (Symbol) Lebesgue measure
- λ (Symbol) Lambda abstraction
- μ (Symbol) micro-
- μ (Symbol) population mean
- μ (Symbol) coefficient of friction
- μ (Symbol) magnetic permeability
- μ (Symbol) muon
- μ (Symbol) Standard gravitational parameter
- μ (Symbol) micron
- μA (Symbol) Symbol for microampere, an SI unit of electrical current equal to 10⁻⁶ amperes.
- μBTC (Symbol) microbitcoin
- μBq (Symbol) Symbol for microbecquerel, an SI unit of radioactivity equal to 10⁻⁶ becquerels.
- μC (Symbol) Symbol for microcoulomb, an SI unit of electric charge equal to 10⁻⁶ coulombs.
- μCi (Symbol) Symbol for microcurie, a non-SI unit of radioactivity equal to 10⁻⁶ curie.
- μF (Symbol) Symbol for microfarad, an SI unit of electrical capacitance equal to 10⁻⁶ farads.
- μGy (Symbol) Symbol for microgray, an SI unit of absorbed dose equal to 10⁻⁶ grays.
- μH (Symbol) Symbol for microhenry, an SI unit of electrical inductance equal to 10⁻⁶ henrys.
- μHz (Symbol) Symbol for microhertz, an SI unit of frequency equal to 10⁻⁶ hertz.
- μJ (Symbol) Symbol for microjoule, an SI unit of work or energy equal to 10⁻⁶ joules.
- μK (Symbol) Symbol for microkelvin, an SI unit of thermodynamic temperature equal to 10⁻⁶ kelvins.
- μL (Symbol) Symbol for microliter (microlitre), an SI unit of fluid measure equal to 10⁻⁶ liters (litres).
- μN (Symbol) Symbol for micronewton, an SI unit of force equal to 10⁻⁶ newtons.
- μPa (Symbol) Symbol for micropascal, an SI unit of pressure and stress equal to 10⁻⁶ pascals.
- μR (Symbol) Symbol for microroentgen (microröntgen), an SI unit of radiation exposure equal to 10⁻⁶ roentgens (röntgens).
- μS (Symbol) Symbol for microsiemens, an SI unit of electrical conductance equal to 10⁻⁶ siemens.
- μSv (Symbol) Symbol for microsievert, an SI unit of radiation dose equal to 10⁻⁶ sieverts.
- μT (Symbol) Symbol for microtesla, an SI unit of magnetic flux density equal to 10⁻⁶ teslas.
- μV (Symbol) Symbol for microvolt, an SI unit of electromotive force equal to 10⁻⁶ volts.
- μW (Symbol) Symbol for microwatt, an SI unit of power equal to 10⁻⁶ watts.
- μWb (Symbol) Symbol for microweber, an SI unit of magnetic flux equal to 10⁻⁶ webers.
- μcd (Symbol) Symbol for microcandela, an SI unit of luminous intensity equal to 10⁻⁶ candelas.
- μg (Symbol) Symbol for microgram, an SI unit of mass equal to 10⁻⁶ grams.
- μg (Symbol) Misspelling of µG (“microgauss”).
- μkat (Symbol) Symbol for microkatal, an SI unit of catalytic activity equal to 10⁻⁶ katals.
- μl (Symbol) Symbol for microliter (microlitre), an SI unit of fluid measure equal to 10⁻⁶ liters (litres).
- μlm (Symbol) Symbol for microlumen, an SI unit of luminous flux equal to 10⁻⁶ lumens.
- μlx (Symbol) Symbol for microlux, an SI unit of illumination equal to 10⁻⁶ lux.
- μm (Symbol) Symbol for micrometer (micrometre), an SI unit of length equal to 10⁻⁶ meters (metres).
- μmol (Symbol) Symbol for micromole, an SI unit of amount of substance equal to 10⁻⁶ moles.
- μs (Symbol) Symbol for microsecond, an SI unit of time equal to 10⁻⁶ seconds.
- μΩ (Symbol) Symbol for microohm, an SI unit of electrical resistance equal to 10⁻⁶ ohms.
- μ⁻ (Symbol) muon
- ν (Symbol) coefficient of kinematic viscosity, reluctivity (1/μ), etc.
- ν (Symbol) neutrino
- ν (Symbol) frequency
- ν (Symbol) Poisson's ratio
- ν (Symbol) an /n/ that elides before certain consonants, nasalizing the preceding vowel.
- ξ (Symbol) Extent of reaction
- ξ (Symbol) Gnarl
- π (Symbol) Pi, an irrational constant representing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter; approximately 3.14159265.
- π (Symbol) pion, pi meson
- π (Symbol) homotopy group
- π (Symbol) prime-counting function
- π (Symbol) A voiceless labiodental plosive (p̪).
- ρ (Symbol) density
- ρ (Symbol) Dickman function
- ρ (Symbol) 3π
- σ (Symbol) Standard deviation.
- σ (Symbol) Sum of divisors.
- σ (Symbol) Braid group algebra.
- σ (Symbol) Cross section.
- σ (Symbol) Tensile stress.
- σ (Symbol) Syllable.
- σ (Symbol) The Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
- σ (Symbol) A shielding constant.
- σ⃝ (Symbol) an unidentifiable/indeterminate syllable
- τ (Symbol) Torque.
- τ (Symbol) Shear stress.
- τ (Symbol) Optical depth.
- τ (Symbol) An irrational constant defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius, equal to the radian measure of a full turn; approximately 6.283185307 (equal to 2π, or twice the value of π).
- τ (Symbol) tauon
- φ (Symbol) The golden ratio, an irrational number with a value of approximately 1.618033988 which expresses the relationship that the sum of two quantities is to the larger quantity as the larger is to the smaller.
- φ (Symbol) Euler's totient function, an arithmetic function that counts totatives
- φ (Symbol) a voiceless labiodental fricative (IPA [ɸ]).
- χ (Symbol) characteristic function (any meaning) or characteristic polynomial
- ψ (Symbol) A wavefunction.
- ψ (Symbol) Electric flux.
- ψ (Symbol) Water potential in cells.
- ψ (Symbol) Neptune.
- ψ (Symbol) asteroid (16) Psyche (a stylized 𝜓)
- ψ (Symbol) a voiceless retroflex click, IPA ⟨k͜𝼊⟩.
- ω (Symbol) angular velocity
- ω (Symbol) acentric factor
- ω (Symbol) The first (countably) infinite ordinal number, its corresponding cardinal number ℵ₀ or the set of natural numbers (the latter of which are often defined to equal the former).
- ω₁ (Symbol) the first uncountable ordinal
- ϖ (Symbol) The lemniscate constant, a transcendental constant representing the ratio of the perimeter of Bernoulli's lemniscate to its diameter; approximately 2.62205755.
- ϖ (Symbol) diameter of a model κ-plane
- ϖ (Symbol) uniformizer of a localisation of a number ring at a regular prime ideal
- ϖ (Symbol) perihelion, etc.
- ϖ (Symbol) angular frequency of a wave
- ϵ (Symbol) A graphic variant of ⟨ɛ⟩.
- ϶ (Symbol) "such that"
- ꭥ (Character) A mid back round vowel between [o] and [ɔ] (IPA [o̞]).
- ꭥ (Character) A higher vowel, IPA [ʊ]).
- א (Symbol) ℵ (a transfinite cardinal number)
- よ (Symbol) Yoneda embedding
- ฿ (Symbol) An unofficial currency sign representing bitcoin, primarily used before its symbol (₿) was added to Unicode.
- ! … ) (24 senses)
- * … -ophyta (38 senses)
- -ops … 18º (24 senses)
- 2 … === (32 senses)
- ? … `vert` `vert` (34 senses)
- ~ … ˼ (27 senses)
- ᴮ … ⁅ ⁆ (32 senses)
- ⁆ … ℵ₁ (32 senses)
- ℶ … ↛ (29 senses)
- ↝ … ∐ (31 senses)
- ∑ … ∱ (31 senses)
- ∲ … ≝ (31 senses)
- ≞ … ⊘ (31 senses)
- ⊙ … ⊿ (31 senses)
- ⋀ … ⋴ (31 senses)
- ⋵ … ③ (31 senses)
- ④ … Ⓝ (31 senses)
- Ⓞ … ◌⃡ (42 senses)
- ◎ … ☕ (20 senses)
- ☘ … ♈ (31 senses)
- ♉ … ⚲ (31 senses)
- ⚳ … ⟕ (31 senses)
- ⟖ … ⫽ ⫽ (31 senses)
- ⬠ … ⯰ (31 senses)
- ⯱ … ㉝ (31 senses)
- ㉞ … ꟴ (31 senses)
- ꟸ … 🍌 (31 senses)
- 🍑 … 🙭 (31 senses)
- 🙼 … 🜔 (31 senses)
- 🜕 … 🜲 (31 senses)
- 🜳 … 🝒 (31 senses)
- 🝓 … 🪐 (43 senses)
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This page is a part of the machine-readable Translingual dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (7c21d10 and f2e72e5).
The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.