吃 (character) 吃/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese links with manual fragments", "Chinese terms spelled with 吃", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries"], "derived": [{"word": "一雞三吃"}, {"word": "一鸡三吃"}, {"word": "一魚兩吃"}, {"word": "一鱼两吃"}, {"word": "不吃虧"}, {"word": "不吃亏"}, {"word": "中吃"}, {"word": "倒吃甘蔗"}, {"roman": "tōuchī", "word": "偷吃"}, {"word": "叫吃"}, {"roman": "chī yī qiàn, zhǎng yī zhì", "word": "吃一塹,長一智 / 吃一堑,长一智"}, {"word": "吃一看二"}, {"roman": "chīyījīng", "word": "吃一驚"}, {"roman": "chīyījīng", "word": "吃一惊"}, {"word": "吃不下"}, {"word": "吃不上"}, {"word": "吃不了"}, {"roman": "chī bùliǎo dōu zhe zǒu", "word": "吃不了,兜著走"}, {"roman": "chībùzhù", "word": "吃不住"}, {"roman": "chībulái", "word": "吃不來"}, {"roman": "chībulái", "word": "吃不来"}, {"word": "吃不到"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, 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"expansion": "吃(チー) (chī)", "name": "ja-r"}], "text": "→ Japanese: 吃(チー) (chī)"}], "etymology_number": 1, "etymology_templates": [{"args": {}, "expansion": "", "name": "zh-wp"}], "etymology_text": "Phono-semantic compound 形聲 /形声 (xíngshēng): semantic 口 (kǒu) + phonetic 乞 (OC *kʰɯds, *kʰɯd).\nIts original meaning is \"to stutter\", hence, the phonetic component could add part of the meaning since it has the phonetically borrowed meaning of \"begging\" (i.e., trying to talk but with difficulties).\nAccording to folk etymologies, 乞 in this character indicates that, while stuttering, less air comes from the mouth (compare 气, which has more traits). However, 乞 is simply a variant of 气, it originally meant \"air\" and was later borrowed to indicate \"begging\", therefore it didn't mean \"less air; to stutter\" or similar words and expressions.", "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations", "Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Chinese links with redundant alt parameters", "Chinese links with redundant wikilinks", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "Wu terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜歡吃飯。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He loves to eat.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn.", "text": "他很喜欢吃饭。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃飯了嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chīfàn le ma?", "text": "你吃饭了吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃過飯嗎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Nǐ chī guò fàn ma?", "text": "你吃过饭吗?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "儂飯吃過了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Have you eaten? (also a greeting)", "raw_tags": ["Wugniu", "Shanghainese", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "⁶non ⁶ve ⁷chiq-ku-leq-vaq", "text": "侬饭吃过了𠲎?", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Let's sit together and eat fruits.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": " 《排排坐》, traditional children's song", "roman": "paai⁴ paai⁴ co⁵, hek³ gwo² gwo².", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "排排坐,吃果果。", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "喫屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Eat shit!", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jaak³ si² laa¹ nei⁵!", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "吃屎啦你!", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "誰願意將來餐餐喫白菜", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "Who wishes to eat cabbage every meal for the rest of their life?", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "1978, “應該要自愛”, in 許冠傑, 黎彼得 (lyrics), 賣身契 (màishēnqì), performed by 許冠傑:", "roman": "seoi⁴ jyun⁶ ji³ zoeng¹ loi⁴ caan¹ caan¹ jaak³ baak⁶ coi³", "tags": ["Jyutping", "Cantonese"], "text": "谁愿意将来餐餐吃白菜", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to eat; to consume"], "links": [["eat", "eat"], ["consume", "consume"]]}, {"glosses": ["to live on"], "links": [["live on", "live on"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to endure hardship", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkǔ", "text": "吃苦", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃虧", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "chīkuī", "text": "吃亏", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一槍。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "He took a bullet in the chest.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Tā xiōngkǒu chī le yī qiāng.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "他胸口吃了一枪。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to suffer; to endure; to bear"], "links": [["suffer", "suffer"], ["endure", "endure"], ["bear", "bear"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃內存。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Chrome is a memory hog.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chrome chī nèicún.", "text": "Chrome吃内存。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to exhaust; to be a strain"], "links": [["exhaust", "exhaust"], ["be", "be"], ["strain", "strain"]]}, {"glosses": ["to drink"], "links": [["drink", "drink"]]}, {"categories": ["zh:Board games"], "glosses": ["to capture"], "links": [["board game", "board game"], ["capture", "capture"]], "qualifier": "board games", "raw_glosses": ["(board games) to capture"]}, {"categories": ["zh:Mahjong"], "glosses": ["to chow"], "links": [["mahjong", "mahjong"], ["chow", "chow#Etymology 3"]], "raw_glosses": ["(mahjong) to chow"], "topics": ["board-games", "games", "mahjong"]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with quotations"], "examples": [{"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Traditional Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年輕一輩 如果只吃前人預設那一套 再沒前路", "type": "quote"}, {"english": "If the younger generation simply accepts the default methods of those who came before, there will be no more future ahead", "raw_tags": ["Literary Cantonese", "Simplified Chinese"], "ref": "2023, “我的世界地圖”, 黃偉文 [Wyman Wong] (lyrics), 王菀之 [Ivana Wong] (music)performed by 魏浚笙 [Jeffrey Ngai]:", "roman": "nin⁴ hing¹ jat¹ bui³, jyu⁴ gwo² zi² hek³ cin⁴ jan⁴ jyu⁶ cit³ naa⁵ jat¹ tou³, zoi³ mut⁶ cin⁴ lou⁶", "tags": ["Jyutping"], "text": "年轻一辈 如果只吃前人预设那一套 再没前路", "type": "quote"}], "glosses": ["to accept"], "links": [["accept", "accept"]]}, {"categories": ["Wu Chinese"], "glosses": ["because"], "links": [["because", "because"]], "qualifier": "early modern Wu", "raw_glosses": ["(early modern Wu) because"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "chi¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "ci²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Xi'an"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "чы"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "čɨ"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "jaak³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "cêd⁵"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khek"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngeg⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "c"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chǐ"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chii̊q"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chiiq⁵"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "yaak"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jaak⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "yag³"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "hiak¹"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "qiah⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ceh⁴"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khit"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qid"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khik"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qeg"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "khiak"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "qiag"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ngṳk"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chih^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴qiq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷chioq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "chioh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qia⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"other": "/ khek /"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰz̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²¹/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩ʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩²⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/jaːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/hiak̚³³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiaʔ⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰɛt̚¹/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡sʰəʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰit̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiɪk̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/kʰiak̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ŋɯk̚²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰiɪʔ⁴³/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰioʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi̯a̠²⁴/"}], "synonyms": [{"roman": "shíyòng", "sense": "to eat", "word": "食用"}, {"word": "食1"}, {"word": "Beijing"}, {"word": "Taiwan"}, {"word": "Harbin"}, {"word": "𠯪"}, {"word": "Malaysia"}, {"word": "Singapore"}, {"alt": "Mikhaylovka", "word": "Olginsky"}, {"word": "Jinan"}, {"tags": ["Muping"], "word": "Yantai"}, {"word": "Wanrong"}, {"word": "Xi'an"}, {"word": "Ürümqi"}, {"word": "Chengdu"}, {"word": "Chongqing"}, {"word": "Wuhan"}, {"word": "Guilin"}, {"word": "𠯪 dated"}, {"word": "Liuzhou"}, {"word": "Nanjing"}, {"word": "Yangzhou"}, {"word": "Hefei"}, {"word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "San Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Kam Tin; Weitou", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Ting Kok", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"alt": "Tung Ping Chau", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"word": "Macau"}, {"tags": ["Panyu"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Huadu", "Huashan"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Conghua"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"tags": ["Zengcheng"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Nanhai", "Shatou"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shunde"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Sanshui"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Gaoming", "Mingcheng"], "word": "Foshan"}, {"tags": ["Shiqi"], "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Xiangzhou", "tags": ["Qianshan"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"alt": "Shangheng, Doumen; Tanka", "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Doumen"], "word": "Zhuhai"}, {"tags": ["Baisha"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"tags": ["Xinhui"], "word": "Jiangmen"}, {"word": "Taishan"}, {"tags": ["Chikan"], "word": "Kaiping"}, {"tags": ["Niujiang"], "word": "Enping"}, {"tags": ["Yayao"], "word": "Heshan"}, {"word": "Dongguan"}, {"tags": ["Bao'an", "Shajing"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Dapeng", "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"word": "Qingyuan"}, {"word": "Fogang"}, {"alt": "Hanguang", "word": "Yingde"}, {"word": "Yangshan"}, {"alt": "Butian", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"alt": "Qingshui; Sihui", "word": "Lianzhou"}, {"word": "Shaoguan"}, {"alt": "Qujiang", "word": "Shaoguan"}, {"word": "Renhua"}, {"word": "Lechang"}, {"alt": "Gaoyao", "word": "Zhaoqing"}, {"word": "Sihui"}, {"word": "Guangning"}, {"word": "Deqing"}, {"word": "Huaiji"}, {"alt": "Nanfeng", "word": "Fengkai"}, {"word": "Yunfu"}, {"word": "Xinxing"}, {"word": "Luoding"}, {"alt": "Pingtai", "word": "Yunan"}, {"word": "Yangjiang"}, {"word": "Xinyi"}, {"alt": "Xinpo", "word": "Maoming"}, {"word": "Lianjiang"}, {"alt": "Wuyang", "word": "Wuchuan"}, {"word": "Nanning"}, {"word": "Wuzhou"}, {"word": "Yulin"}, {"alt": "Lianzhou", "word": "Hepu"}, {"alt": "Shatian", "word": "Hepu"}, {"word": "Guiping"}, {"tags": ["Xihe"], "word": "Mengshan"}, {"alt": "Nanjiang", "word": "Guigang"}, {"alt": "Tangliao", "word": "Beiliu"}, {"word": "Baise"}, {"word": "Bobai"}, {"word": "Lingshan"}, {"word": "Pubei"}, {"word": "Qinzhou"}, {"alt": "Xiniujiao", "word": "Qinzhou"}, {"word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Nankang", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Yingpan", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cô Tô", "word": "Beihai"}, {"alt": "Qiaogang - Cát Bà", "word": "Beihai"}, {"word": "Ningming"}, {"word": "Hengzhou"}, {"alt": "Pumen, Babu", "word": "Hezhou"}, {"alt": "Fangcheng", "word": "Fangchenggang"}, {"word": "Danzhou"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Kuala Lumpur"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Penang"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Singapore"}, {"tags": ["Guangfu"], "word": "Ho Chi Minh City"}, {"word": "Móng Cái"}, {"word": "Nanchang"}, {"word": "Pingxiang"}, {"word": "Meixian"}, {"word": "Xingning"}, {"alt": "Huicheng; Bendihua", "word": "Huizhou"}, {"word": "Huiyang"}, {"english": "Daling", "word": "Huidong"}, {"tags": ["Qingxi"], "word": "Dongguan"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Boluo"}, {"tags": ["Shatoujiao"], "word": "Shenzhen"}, {"alt": "Wuguishan", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Nanlang Heshui", "word": "Zhongshan"}, {"alt": "Huacheng", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Meilin", "word": "Wuhua"}, {"alt": "Bendihua", "word": "Heyuan"}, {"word": "Zijin"}, {"alt": "Tuocheng; Bendihua", "word": "Longchuan"}, {"alt": "Linzhai; Bendihua", "word": "Heping"}, {"alt": "Longjie; Bendihua", "word": "Lianping"}, {"word": "Wengyuan"}, {"alt": "Xiaosanjiang", "word": "Lianshan"}, {"word": "Liannan"}, {"tags": ["Conghua", "Lütian"], "word": "Guangzhou"}, {"word": "Jiexi"}, {"word": "Luhe"}, {"tags": ["Xiuzhuan"], "word": "Zhao'an"}, {"word": "Changting"}, {"word": "Wuping"}, {"tags": ["Yanqian"], "word": "Wuping"}, {"alt": "Pingyu", "word": "Wuping"}, {"word": "Liancheng"}, {"word": "Ninghua"}, {"word": "Yudu"}, {"word": "Ruijin"}, {"word": "Shicheng"}, {"alt": "Shexi", "word": "Shangyou"}, {"tags": ["Sandu"], "word": "Tonggu"}, {"tags": ["Panlong"], "word": "Ganzhou"}, {"word": "Dayu"}, {"alt": "N. 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吃 (character) 吃/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Old-Chinese not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese terms spelled with 吃", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries"], "derived": [{"roman": "kǒuchī", "word": "口吃"}, {"word": "吃口令"}, {"word": "吃子"}, {"word": "蹇吃"}, {"word": "鄧艾吃"}, {"word": "邓艾吃"}], "etymology_number": 2, "forms": [{"form": "喫", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"]}, {"form": "吔", "raw_tags": ["Cantonese:jaak3"]}, {"form": "㰟"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "吃", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to stammer, to stutter", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "kǒuchī", "text": "口吃", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to stammer; to stutter; to falter"], "links": [["stammer", "stammer"], ["stutter", "stutter"], ["falter", "falter"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jí"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄔ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧˊ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gat¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "gut"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geh⁴"}, {"zh-pron": "⁷ciq; ⁷keq"}, {"zh-pron": "qi⁶"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chī"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "chih"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chʻih¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "chr̄"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "chy"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "чи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "či"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jí"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jí"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "chi²"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "jí"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "jyi"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "цзи"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "czi"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi³⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "hek³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gat¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "hek"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gāt"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "hek⁸"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gat⁷"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "hég³"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "ged¹"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kɐt̚⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "gut"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "gud"}, {"ipa": "/ɡut̚³²/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/ɡut̚⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kṳh"}, {"ipa": "/kɯʔ²/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁷ciq; ⁷keq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "cih^入; keh^入"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "⁴jiq; ⁴keq"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kəʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "qi⁶"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi²⁴/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kj+t"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*kɯd/"}, {"ipa": "/ʈ͡ʂʰʐ̩⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi³⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/hɛːk̚³/"}, {"ipa": "/kɐt̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ɡut̚³²/"}, {"ipa": "/ɡut̚⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kɯʔ²/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕiɪʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kəʔ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕʰi²⁴/"}, {"other": "/*kɯd/"}], "word": "吃"}
This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Chinese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-12 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-02 using wiktextract (1c4b89b and 9dbd323). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.