加 (Chinese character) 加/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Hong-Kong not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese particles", "Chinese proper nouns", "Chinese terms spelled with 加", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min particles", "Eastern Min proper nouns", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese particles", "Middle Chinese proper nouns", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min particles", "Northern Min proper nouns", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese particles", "Old Chinese proper nouns", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua particles", "Southern Pinghua proper nouns", "Southern Pinghua verbs", "zh:Canada", "zh:Countries in North America"], "derived": [{"word": "不加小心"}, {"roman": "bùjiāsīsuǒ", "word": "不加思索"}, {"roman": "wǔjiā", "word": "五加"}, {"roman": "wǔjiāpí", "word": "五加皮"}, {"word": "亞加狄亞"}, {"word": "亚加狄亚"}, {"roman": "Yàměilìjiā", "word": "亞美利加"}, {"roman": "Yàměilìjiā", "word": "亚美利加"}, {"roman": "jiāojiā", "word": "交加"}, {"roman": "yǐshǒujiā'é", "word": "以手加額"}, {"roman": "yǐshǒujiā'é", "word": "以手加额"}, {"roman": "fútèjiā", "word": "伏特加"}, {"roman": "Bǎojiālìyà", "word": "保加利亞"}, {"roman": "Bǎojiālìyà", "word": "保加利亚"}, {"word": "冥加"}, {"word": "冷加工"}, {"word": "利上加利"}, {"roman": "jiāyī", "word": "加一"}, {"word": "加二殷勤"}, {"word": "加人一等"}, {"roman": "jiāyǐ", "word": "加以"}, {"word": "加伏特"}, {"roman": "Jiāyī", "word": "加依"}, {"roman": "jiālún", "word": "加侖"}, {"roman": "jiālún", "word": "加仑"}, {"roman": "Jiāyītílèkè", "word": "加依提勒克"}, {"roman": "jiābèi", "word": "加倍"}, {"roman": "jiāfèng", "word": "加俸"}, {"word": "加倫河"}, {"word": 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{"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "馬齒加長"}, {"word": "马齿加长"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"roman": "Gāojiāsuǒ", "word": "高加索"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麥加"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麦加"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黃袍加身"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黄袍加身"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "strength", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": 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"name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": 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{"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "馬齒加長"}, {"word": "马齿加长"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"roman": "Gāojiāsuǒ", "word": "高加索"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麥加"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麦加"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黃袍加身"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黄袍加身"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "strength", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiā"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄚ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gá"}, {"zh-pron": "gă"}, {"zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kee"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gê¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "ge¹"}, 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{"ipa": "/ka²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕia¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gá"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gă"}, 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{"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "馬齒加長"}, {"word": "马齿加长"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"roman": "Gāojiāsuǒ", "word": "高加索"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麥加"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麦加"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黃袍加身"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黄袍加身"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "strength", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": 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{"ipa": "/ka²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕia¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gá"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gă"}, 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"name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiā"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄚ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gá"}, {"zh-pron": "gă"}, {"zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kee"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gê¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "ge¹"}, 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{"ipa": "/ka²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕia¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gá"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gă"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "ga"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaf"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kef"}, {"ipa": "/ke⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/ke³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kee"}, {"ipa": "/kɛ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kia"}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"ipa": "/kia³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"ipa": "/ke³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"zh-pron": "ge¹"}, {"ipa": "/kia³⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kɛ³⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Southern-Pinghua"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Southern-Pinghua"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹ka"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "ka^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ka⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɑ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɑ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɑ⁴⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ka⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹ko"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "ko^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ko⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ko⁵²/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ko⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹cia"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "cia^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹jia"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕia⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ciɑ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɑ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɑ⁴⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕia⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɑ³³⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕia⁵²/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹cio"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "cio^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕio⁵²/"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹kua; ¹cia"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kuɑ³³⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Wu"], "zh-pron": "/t͡ɕiɑ³³⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕi̯a̠³³/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kae"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*kˤraj/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": 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"word": "附益"}, {"sense": "to friend", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Hong-Kong"], "word": "add"}, {"roman": "Kǎnnádà", "tags": ["Canada", "obsolete"], "word": "坎拿大"}, {"tags": ["Canada"], "word": "加拿他"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "加拿大"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "Taiwan"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "加國"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "Taishan"}, {"alt": "N. Sixian", "sense": "to increase", "word": "Miaoli"}, {"sense": "to increase", "tags": ["Hailu", "Zhudong"], "word": "Hsinchu County"}, {"sense": "to increase", "tags": ["Dabu", "Dongshi"], "word": "Taichung"}, {"sense": "to increase", "tags": ["Qionglin", "Raoping"], "word": "Hsinchu County"}, {"sense": "to increase", "tags": ["Lunbei", "Zhao'an"], "word": "Yunlin"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "Xiamen"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "Quanzhou"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "Zhangzhou"}, {"sense": "to increase", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "word": "Manila"}], "wikipedia": ["Shuowen"], "word": "加"}
加 (Chinese character) 加/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Puxian-Min not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese particles", "Chinese proper nouns", "Chinese terms spelled with 加", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min particles", "Eastern Min proper nouns", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese particles", "Middle Chinese proper nouns", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min particles", "Northern Min proper nouns", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese particles", "Old Chinese proper nouns", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua particles", "Southern Pinghua proper 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{"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "馬齒加長"}, {"word": "马齿加长"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"roman": "Gāojiāsuǒ", "word": "高加索"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麥加"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麦加"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黃袍加身"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黄袍加身"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "strength", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, 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["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": 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"name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": 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{"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "馬齒加長"}, {"word": "马齿加长"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"roman": "Gāojiāsuǒ", "word": "高加索"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麥加"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麦加"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黃袍加身"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黄袍加身"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "strength", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiā"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄚ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gá"}, {"zh-pron": "gă"}, {"zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kee"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gê¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "ge¹"}, 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{"ipa": "/ka²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕia¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gá"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gă"}, 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{"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "馬齒加長"}, {"word": "马齿加长"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"roman": "Gāojiāsuǒ", "word": "高加索"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麥加"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麦加"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黃袍加身"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黄袍加身"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "strength", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiā"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄚ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gá"}, {"zh-pron": "gă"}, {"zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kee"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gê¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "ge¹"}, 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{"ipa": "/ka²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕia¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gá"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gă"}, 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"name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiā"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄚ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gá"}, {"zh-pron": "gă"}, {"zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kee"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gê¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "ge¹"}, 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{"ipa": "/ka²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕia¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gá"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gă"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "ga"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kaf"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kef"}, {"ipa": "/ke⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/ke³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kee"}, {"ipa": "/kɛ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kia"}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"ipa": "/kia³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"ipa": "/ke³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"zh-pron": "ge¹"}, {"ipa": "/kia³⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kɛ³⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Southern-Pinghua"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Southern-Pinghua"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹ka"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "ka^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ka⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɑ⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɑ⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kɑ⁴⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ka⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹ko"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "ko^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ko⁵⁵/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ko⁵²/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/ko⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹cia"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "cia^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], 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"word": "附益"}, {"sense": "to friend", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Hong-Kong"], "word": "add"}, {"roman": "Kǎnnádà", "tags": ["Canada", "obsolete"], "word": "坎拿大"}, {"tags": ["Canada"], "word": "加拿他"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "加拿大"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "Taiwan"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "加國"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "Hong Kong"}, {"sense": "to increase", "word": "Taishan"}, {"alt": "N. 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加 (Chinese character) 加/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Baxter-Sagart not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese particles", "Chinese proper nouns", "Chinese terms spelled with 加", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min particles", "Eastern Min proper nouns", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese particles", "Middle Chinese proper nouns", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min particles", "Northern Min proper nouns", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese particles", "Old Chinese proper nouns", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 5 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua particles", "Southern Pinghua 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"name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage 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["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": 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"name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": 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{"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "風雨交加"}, {"roman": "fēngyǔjiāojiā", "word": "风雨交加"}, {"word": "馬齒加長"}, {"word": "马齿加长"}, {"word": "驚喜交加"}, {"word": "惊喜交加"}, {"roman": "Gāojiāsuǒ", "word": "高加索"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麥加"}, {"roman": "Màijiā", "word": "麦加"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黃袍加身"}, {"roman": "huángpáojiāshēn", "word": "黄袍加身"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "strength", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "1", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "力", "2": "口", "ls": "ic", "nocap": "1", "t1": "plowing", "t2": "mouth"}, "expansion": "ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "駕", "2": "to yoke"}, "expansion": "駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "加", "2": "to add; to attach"}, "expansion": "加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Schuessler, 2007"}, "expansion": "Schuessler, 2007", "name": "zh-ref"}, {"args": {"1": "bo", "2": "ཁྲལ", "3": "", "4": "to impose a tax"}, "expansion": "Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”)", "name": "cog"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ကြား", "t": "between"}, "expansion": "Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Shuowen: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“strength”) + 口 (“mouth”) — exaggerate; slander.\nSun Changxu: ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 力 (“plowing”) + 口 (“mouth”) — to put more effort. 口 here indicates exclamations or breath associated with the effort.\n駕 (OC *kraːls, “to yoke”) is the exopassive of 加 (OC *kraːl, “to add; to attach”) (Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Tibetan ཁྲལ (khral, “to impose a tax”), Burmese ကြား (kra:, “between”).", "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "加", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"glosses": ["to put on top of another object"], "links": [["put", "put"], ["top", "top"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加鹽", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add salt", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiā yán", "text": "加盐", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to add; to put in"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["put", "put"]]}, {"glosses": ["to increase; to raise"], "links": [["increase", "increase"], ["raise", "raise"]]}, {"glosses": ["to impose; to foist; to grant"], "links": [["impose", "impose"], ["foist", "foist"], ["grant", "grant"]]}, {"glosses": ["placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more"], "links": [["more", "more"]]}, {"antonyms": [{"word": "減"}], "categories": ["zh:Arithmetic"], "glosses": ["to add"], "links": [["arithmetic", "arithmetic"], ["add", "add"]], "raw_glosses": ["(arithmetic) to add"], "topics": ["arithmetic"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Social media"], "examples": [{"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "掃碼加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "scan the QR code to friend me", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "sǎomǎ jiā wǒ", "text": "扫码加我", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to add your WeChat", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiā nǐ Wēixìn", "text": "加你微信", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to friend"], "links": [["social media", "social media"], ["friend", "friend#Verb"]], "qualifier": "social media", "raw_glosses": ["(social media) to friend"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Gabon", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāpéng", "text": "加蓬", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bangladesh", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Mèngjiālā", "text": "孟加拉", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地帶", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Gaza Strip", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiāshā dìdài", "text": "加沙地带", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亞", "type": "example"}, {"english": "California", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālìfúníyà", "text": "加利福尼亚", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加羅爾", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Bengaluru", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bāngjiāluó'ěr", "text": "邦加罗尔", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Caracas", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiālājiāsī", "text": "加拉加斯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Archangel Gabriel", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Jiābǎiliè", "text": "加百列", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "貢扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "House of Gonzaga", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Gòngzhājiā", "text": "贡扎加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "維加鳥科", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Vegaviidae", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wéijiā niǎokē", "text": "维加鸟科", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription."]}, {"alt_of": [{"extra": "Jiānádà, “Canada”", "word": "加拿大"}], "categories": ["Chinese short forms", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加邊界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada-United States border", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Měi Jiā biānjiè", "text": "美加边界", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加國", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jiāguó", "text": "加国", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "訪加", "type": "example"}, {"english": "(formal) to visit Canada", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "fǎng jiā", "text": "访加", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Used in transcription.", "Short for 加拿大 (Jiānádà, “Canada”)."], "links": [["加拿大", "加拿大#Chinese"], ["Canada", "Canada"]], "tags": ["abbreviation", "alt-of"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jiā"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄐㄧㄚ"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gaa¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gá"}, {"zh-pron": "gă"}, {"zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ka"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "ke"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kee"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "gê¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "gia¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "ge¹"}, 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{"ipa": "/ka²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kâ"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "ga¹"}, {"ipa": "/ka²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "ga^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/ka⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "jia¹"}, {"ipa": "/t͡ɕia¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "gá"}, {"ipa": "/ka⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "gă"}, 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This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-26 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (ce0be54 and f2e72e5). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.