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全 (Chinese character) 全/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Puxian-Min not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Beginning Mandarin", "Chinese adjectives", "Chinese adverbs", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese proper nouns", "Chinese terms spelled with 全", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min adverbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Eastern Min proper nouns", "Eastern Min verbs", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese adverbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Middle Chinese proper nouns", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min adverbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Northern Min proper nouns", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese adverbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese 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""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"desc"}, {"args": {"1": "全", "2": "ぜん", "gloss": ""}, "expansion": "全(ぜん) (zen)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "전(全)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "全", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 전(全) (jeon)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "toàn", "bor": "1", "id": "全", "t": "", "tr": "全"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "全", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "全", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "全", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "全", "v": "全", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"desc"}, {"args": {"1": "全", "2": "ぜん", "gloss": ""}, "expansion": "全(ぜん) (zen)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "전(全)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "全", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 전(全) (jeon)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "toàn", "bor": "1", "id": "全", "t": "", "tr": "全"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "全", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "全", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "全", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "全", "v": "全", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"desc"}, {"args": {"1": "全", "2": "ぜん", "gloss": ""}, "expansion": "全(ぜん) (zen)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "전(全)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "全", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 전(全) (jeon)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "toàn", "bor": "1", "id": "全", "t": "", "tr": "全"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "全", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "全", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "全", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "全", "v": "全", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"desc"}, {"args": {"1": "全", "2": "ぜん", "gloss": ""}, "expansion": "全(ぜん) (zen)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "전(全)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "全", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 전(全) (jeon)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "toàn", "bor": "1", "id": "全", "t": "", "tr": "全"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "全", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "全", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "全", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "全", "v": "全", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "ぜん", "3": "전", "4": "toàn"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (全):\n* → Japanese: 全(ぜん) (zen)\n* → Korean: 전(全) (jeon)\n* → Vietnamese: toàn (全)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "入", "2": "玉", "ls": "ic", "t2": "jade"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "痊", "2": "to become cured"}, "expansion": "痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "Karlgren, 1956"}, "expansion": "Karlgren, 1956", "name": "zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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"zh-ref"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 入 + 玉 (“jade”) – a whole piece of jade; pure jade.\nCognate with 痊 (OC *sʰlon, “to become cured”) (Karlgren, 1956).", "forms": [{"form": "㒰"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "全", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["pure jade"], "links": [["pure", "pure"], ["jade", "jade"]], "qualifier": "obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese", "raw_glosses": ["(obsolete on its own in Standard Chinese) pure jade"]}, {"glosses": ["complete; whole; entire"], "links": [["complete", "complete"], ["whole", "whole"], ["entire", "entire"]]}, {"glosses": ["completely; wholly"], "links": [["completely", "completely"], ["wholly", "wholly"]]}, {"glosses": ["everything; all"], "links": [["everything", "everything"], ["all", "all"]]}, {"glosses": ["perfect; flawless; faultless"], "links": 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This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-26 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (ce0be54 and f2e72e5). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.