光 (Chinese character) 光/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Puxian-Min not in or uppercase_tags: {"antonyms": [{"roman": "àn", "sense": "antonym(s) of “bright”", "word": "暗"}, {"roman": "hēi", "sense": "antonym(s) of “bright”", "word": "黑"}], "categories": ["Chinese adjectives", "Chinese adverbs", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese particles", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 光", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min adverbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Eastern Min particles", "Eastern Min verbs", "Elementary Mandarin", "Intermediate Mandarin", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese adverbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Middle Chinese particles", "Middle Chinese 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"expansion": "光(こう) (kō)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "광(光)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 광(光) (gwang)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "quang", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "t": "", "tr": "光"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "光", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "光", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "光", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "光", "v": "光", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴²/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɒ̃¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"ipa": "/kuoŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuŋ⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɒŋ⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kngf"}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Kinmen", "Tainan", "Taipei", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Hui'an", "Jinjiang", "Lukang", "Nan'an", "Philippines", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kuinn"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kvuy"}, {"ipa": "/kuĩ³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Penang"]}, {"ipa": "/kuĩ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangpu"]}, {"ipa": "/kuĩ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Yilan", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kofng"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Hui'an", "Jinjiang", "Nan'an", "Philippines", "Quanzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Taipei", "Xiamen", "Zhangzhou"]}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Zhangpu"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kuang"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "koafng"}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kṳng"}, {"tags": ["POJ", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "kuang"}, {"ipa": "/kɯŋ³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ³³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Teochew"]}, {"zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ³⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Southern-Pinghua"], "zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʊŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Southern-Pinghua"]}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "kuaon^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹kuaan"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kuɑ̃⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kuɑ̃⁴⁴/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "kuan^平"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kuã⁵³/"}, {"tags": ["Northern", "Wu"], "zh-pron": "/kuæ̃³³⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯an³³/", "tags": ["Changsha", "Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"ipa": "/ku̯an⁴⁴⁵/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA", "Xiang"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kwang"}, {"tags": ["Baxter-Sagart", "Old-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "/*kʷˤaŋ/"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*kʷaːŋ/"}, {"other": "/ gng¹ /"}, {"other": "/ kuiⁿ /"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/"}, 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光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, 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"expansion": "光(こう) (kō)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "광(光)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 광(光) (gwang)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "quang", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "t": "", "tr": "光"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "光", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "光", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "光", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "光", "v": "光", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", 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光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴²/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɒ̃¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", 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"expansion": "光(こう) (kō)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "광(光)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 광(光) (gwang)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "quang", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "t": "", "tr": "光"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "光", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "光", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "光", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "光", "v": "光", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", 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光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴²/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɒ̃¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", 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"expansion": "光(こう) (kō)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "광(光)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 광(光) (gwang)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "quang", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "t": "", "tr": "光"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "光", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "光", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "光", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "光", "v": "光", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", 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光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴²/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɒ̃¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", 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"expansion": "光(こう) (kō)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "광(光)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 광(光) (gwang)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "quang", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "t": "", "tr": "光"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "光", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "光", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "光", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "光", "v": "光", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", 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光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴²/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɒ̃¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", 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"expansion": "光(こう) (kō)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "광(光)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 광(光) (gwang)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "quang", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "t": "", "tr": "光"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "光", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "光", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "光", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "光", "v": "光", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", 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光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴²/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɒ̃¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"ipa": "/kuoŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuŋ⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɒŋ⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kngf"}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Kinmen", "Tainan", "Taipei", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Hui'an", "Jinjiang", "Lukang", "Nan'an", "Philippines", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kuinn"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kvuy"}, {"ipa": "/kuĩ³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Penang"]}, {"ipa": "/kuĩ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", 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"expansion": "光(こう) (kō)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "광(光)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 광(光) (gwang)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "quang", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "t": "", "tr": "光"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "光", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "光", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "光", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "光", "v": "光", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", 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光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴²/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɒ̃¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", 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"expansion": "光(こう) (kō)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "광(光)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 광(光) (gwang)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "quang", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "t": "", "tr": "光"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "光", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "光", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "光", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "光", "v": "光", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", 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光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴²/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɒ̃¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"ipa": "/kuoŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuŋ⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɒŋ⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kngf"}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Kinmen", "Tainan", "Taipei", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Hui'an", "Jinjiang", "Lukang", "Nan'an", "Philippines", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kuinn"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kvuy"}, {"ipa": "/kuĩ³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Penang"]}, {"ipa": "/kuĩ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", 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"expansion": "光(こう) (kō)", "name": "ja-r"}, {"args": {"1": "ko", "2": "광(光)", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "id2": "", "id3": "", "id4": "", "t": "", "t2": "", "t3": "", "t4": ""}, "expansion": "→ Korean: 광(光) (gwang)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "vi", "2": "quang", "bor": "1", "id": "光", "t": "", "tr": "光"}, "expansion": "→ Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "desc"}, {"args": {"1": "光", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang", "5": "", "6": "", "h": "光", "j2": "", "j2t": "", "j3": "", "j3t": "", "j4": "", "j4t": "", "jdesc": "", "jje2": "", "jje2t": "", "jje3": "", "jje3t": "", "jje4": "", "jje4t": "", "jjedesc": "", "jjet": "", "jt": "", "k2": "", "k2t": "", "k3": "", "k3t": "", "k4": "", "k4t": "", "kdesc": "", "kt": "", "o": "光", "o2": "", "o2t": "", "o3": "", "o3t": "", "o4": "", "o4t": "", "odesc": "", "ot": "", "s": "光", "v": "光", "v2": "", "v2t": "", "v3": "", "v3t": "", "v4": "", "v4t": "", "vdesc": "", "vt": ""}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV/code"}, {"args": {"1": "", "2": "こう", "3": "광", "4": "quang"}, "expansion": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)", "name": "CJKV"}], "text": "Sino-Xenic (光):\n* → Japanese: 光(こう) (kō)\n* → Korean: 광(光) (gwang)\n* → Vietnamese: quang (光)"}], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "燈光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "lamplight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "dēngguāng", "text": "灯光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光燈", "type": "example"}, {"english": "spotlight", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "jùguāngdēng", "text": "聚光灯", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透過門縫射進來。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "A beam of light shone through the door.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Yī shù guāng tòuguò ménféng shè jìnlái.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "一束光透过门缝射进来。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese nouns classified by 束", "Chinese nouns classified by 條/条", "Chinese nouns classified by 道", "Mandarin terms with usage examples", "zh:Physics"], "glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "links": [["light", "light"], ["beam", "beam"], ["ray", "ray"], ["束", "束#Chinese"], ["道", "道#Chinese"], ["physics", "physics"], ["條", "條#Chinese"], ["条", "条#Chinese"]], "raw_glosses": ["light; beam; ray (Classifier: 束 m; 道 m)", "(specifically, physics) ray (Classifier: 條/条)"], "tags": ["specifically"], "topics": ["natural-sciences", "physical-sciences", "physics"]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with collocations", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光著腳走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "to walk barefoot", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "guāngzhe jiǎo zǒulù", "text": "光着脚走路", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光著呢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I'm not decent.", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ guāngzhe ne.", "text": "我光着呢。", "type": "example"}, {"text": "褪光光 [Hokkien] ― thǹg-kng-kng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī] ― to be naked; to be in the nude"}], "glosses": ["to make bare; to be naked"], "links": [["make", "make"], ["bare", "bare"], ["naked", "naked"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "別光吃肉,吃點蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Bié guāng chī ròu, chī diǎn shūcài ba.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "别光吃肉,吃点蔬菜吧。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["only; alone"], "links": [["only", "only"], ["alone", "alone"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "賣光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "completely sold out", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "mài guāng le", "text": "卖光了", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已經用光了所有的錢。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "I've already used up all of my money.", "raw_tags": ["MSC", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Wǒ yǐjīng yòngguāng le suǒyǒu de qián.", "tags": ["Pinyin"], "text": "我已经用光了所有的钱。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通將錢用甲光光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "Don't completely used up the money.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Lí m̄-thang chiong chîⁿ ēng kah kng kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "你毋通将钱用甲光光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion; until none is left"], "links": [["until", "until"], ["none", "none"], ["left", "left"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "landscape", "roman": "fēngguāng", "text": "風光/风光"}], "glosses": ["scenery; sight"], "links": [["scenery", "scenery"], ["sight", "sight"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "臺灣之光", "type": "example"}, {"english": "the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan", "raw_tags": ["Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Táiwān zhī guāng", "text": "台湾之光", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["glory; pride; honor"], "links": [["glory", "glory"], ["pride", "pride"], ["honor", "honor"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "the limited time available in a person's life", "roman": "guāngyīn", "text": "光陰/光阴"}, {"english": "the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past", "roman": "shíguāng", "text": "時光/时光"}], "glosses": ["time"], "links": [["time", "time"]]}, {"categories": ["Cantonese terms with usage examples", "Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "bright; shining", "roman": "guāngmíng", "text": "光明"}, {"english": "It's very bright here.", "raw_tags": ["Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "ni¹ dou⁶ hou² gwong¹.", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Jyutping"], "text": "呢度好光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "這間房間真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "This room is very bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chit keng pâng-keng chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "这间房间真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["bright"], "links": [["bright", "bright"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "luster; gloss; sheen", "roman": "guāngzé", "text": "光澤/光泽"}], "glosses": ["brightness; luster"], "links": [["brightness", "brightness"], ["luster", "luster"]]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien terms with usage examples", "Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "smooth; glossy; sleek", "roman": "guānghuá", "text": "光滑"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石頭磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The stone is polished smooth.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Chio̍h-thâu bôa kah chin kng.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "石头磨甲真光。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["smooth; glossy; polished; shiny; sleek"], "links": [["smooth", "smooth"], ["glossy", "glossy"], ["polished", "polished"], ["shiny", "shiny"], ["sleek", "sleek"]]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to benefit from an association with someone", "roman": "zhānguāng", "text": "沾光"}], "glosses": ["advantage; benefit; goodness"], "links": [["advantage", "advantage"], ["benefit", "benefit"], ["goodness", "goodness"]], "raw_glosses": ["(figurative) advantage; benefit; goodness"], "tags": ["figuratively"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "to bring honour to one's ancestors and clan", "roman": "guāngzōngyàozǔ", "text": "光宗耀祖"}], "glosses": ["to add honor to; to win honor for; to add luster on"], "links": [["add", "add"], ["win", "win"]]}, {"categories": ["Chinese literary terms"], "glosses": ["to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "links": [["glorify", "glorify"], ["bring", "bring"], ["exalt", "exalt"], ["make", "make"], ["conspicuous", "conspicuous"]], "raw_glosses": ["(literary) to glorify; to bring honor to; to exalt; to make conspicuous"], "tags": ["literary"]}, {"categories": ["Mandarin terms with collocations"], "examples": [{"english": "presence (polite)", "roman": "guānglín", "text": "光臨/光临"}, {"english": "to visit; to come; to patronize", "roman": "guānggù", "text": "光顧/光顾"}], "glosses": ["Used in polite expressions."]}, {"categories": ["Hokkien Chinese", "Hokkien terms with usage examples"], "examples": [{"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Traditional Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光囉。", "type": "example"}, {"english": "The sky has become bright.", "raw_tags": ["Pe̍h-ōe-jī", "Simplified Chinese"], "roman": "Thian kng lô.", "tags": ["Hokkien"], "text": "天光啰。", "type": "example"}], "glosses": ["to become bright; to brighten"], "links": [["become", "become"], ["bright", "bright"], ["brighten", "brighten"]], "raw_glosses": ["(Hokkien) to become bright; to brighten"], "tags": ["Hokkien"]}, {"categories": ["Chinese surnames"], "glosses": ["a surname"], "links": [["surname", "surname"]]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin", "standard"], "zh-pron": "guang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo", "standard"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Mandarin", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Nanjing"], "zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Mandarin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Jyutping"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Dongguan"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taishan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Yangjiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "PFS", "Sixian"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hailu", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"tags": ["Guangdong", "Hakka", "Meixian"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"tags": ["Changting", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kuiⁿ"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "kong"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "POJ"], "zh-pron": "koang"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "geng¹"}, {"tags": ["Peng'im", "Teochew"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Leizhou"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuaon"}, {"zh-pron": "¹kuan"}, {"tags": ["Changsha", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Loudi", "Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"tags": ["Wiktionary-specific", "Xiang"], "zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guāng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang¹"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwāng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guang"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˇ"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guǎng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang³"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwǎng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "goang"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ²¹⁴/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Pinyin", "Sichuanese"], "zh-pron": "guang¹"}, {"tags": ["Chengdu", "Latinxua-Sin-Wenz"], "zh-pron": "guong"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Chengdu", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"zh-pron": "guàn"}, {"zh-pron": "guan¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuã³¹/", "tags": ["Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "гуон"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon"}, {"tags": ["Cyrillic", "Dungan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "I"}, {"ipa": "/kuɑŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Dungan", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwōng"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangdong-Romanization", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔːŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Guangzhou", "Hong-Kong", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gwong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kʷɔŋ²¹³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese", "Taicheng", "Taishanese", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA", "Taicheng", "Taishanese"]}, {"tags": ["Cantonese"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Cantonese", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guong¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴²/", "tags": ["Gan", "Nanchang", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Phak-fa-su"], "zh-pron": "kông"}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˊ"}, {"tags": ["Hagfa-Pinyim", "Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gong¹"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ²⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka", "Hakka-Romanization-System"], "zh-pron": "gong^ˋ"}, {"ipa": "/koŋ⁵³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"ipa": "/kuɔŋ⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Meixian", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hakka"], "zh-pron": "gông¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɔŋ³³/", "tags": ["Hakka", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Jin", "Taiyuan", "Wiktionary-specific"], "zh-pron": "guon¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuɒ̃¹¹/", "tags": ["Jin", "Sinological-IPA", "Taiyuan"]}, {"tags": ["Jian'ou", "Kienning-Colloquial-Romanized"], "zh-pron": "guáng"}, {"ipa": "/kuaŋ⁵⁴/", "tags": ["Jian'ou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Foochow-Romanized", "Fuzhou"], "zh-pron": "guŏng"}, {"ipa": "/kuoŋ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Fuzhou", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gung¹"}, {"ipa": "/kuŋ⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gng¹"}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Puxian-Min"], "zh-pron": "gorng¹"}, {"ipa": "/kɒŋ⁵³³/", "tags": ["Puxian-Min", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kng"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kngf"}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍⁴⁴/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Kaohsiung", "Kinmen", "Tainan", "Taipei", "Xiamen"]}, {"ipa": "/kŋ̍³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Hui'an", "Jinjiang", "Lukang", "Nan'an", "Philippines", "Quanzhou"]}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Tai-lo"], "zh-pron": "kuinn"}, {"tags": ["Hokkien", "Phofsit-Daibuun"], "zh-pron": "kvuy"}, {"ipa": "/kuĩ³³/", "tags": ["Hokkien", "Penang"]}, {"ipa": "/kuĩ⁵⁵/", "tags": ["Hokkien", 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光 (Chinese character) 光/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Middle-Chinese not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Chinese adjectives", "Chinese adverbs", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese particles", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 光", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min adverbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Eastern Min particles", "Eastern Min verbs", "Elementary Mandarin", "Intermediate Mandarin", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese adverbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Middle Chinese particles", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min adverbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Northern Min particles", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese adverbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Old Chinese particles", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 7 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua adverbs", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua nouns", "Southern Pinghua particles", "Southern Pinghua verbs", "zh:Light"], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["to color"], "links": [["color", "color"]], "qualifier": "historical dictionaries only", "raw_glosses": ["(historical dictionaries only) to color"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guàng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˋ"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guàng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guàng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwàng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guanq"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kwangH"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*kʷaːŋs/"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵¹/"}, {"other": "/*kʷaːŋs/"}], "wikipedia": ["Shuowen"], "word": "光"}
光 (Chinese character) 光/Chinese/character: invalid uppercase tag Old-Chinese not in or uppercase_tags: {"categories": ["Chinese adjectives", "Chinese adverbs", "Chinese entries with incorrect language header", "Chinese hanzi", "Chinese lemmas", "Chinese nouns", "Chinese particles", "Chinese terms derived from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms inherited from Proto-Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese terms spelled with 光", "Chinese terms with IPA pronunciation", "Chinese verbs", "Eastern Min adjectives", "Eastern Min adverbs", "Eastern Min hanzi", "Eastern Min lemmas", "Eastern Min nouns", "Eastern Min particles", "Eastern Min verbs", "Elementary Mandarin", "Intermediate Mandarin", "Middle Chinese adjectives", "Middle Chinese adverbs", "Middle Chinese hanzi", "Middle Chinese lemmas", "Middle Chinese nouns", "Middle Chinese particles", "Middle Chinese verbs", "Northern Min adjectives", "Northern Min adverbs", "Northern Min hanzi", "Northern Min lemmas", "Northern Min nouns", "Northern Min particles", "Northern Min verbs", "Old Chinese adjectives", "Old Chinese adverbs", "Old Chinese hanzi", "Old Chinese lemmas", "Old Chinese nouns", "Old Chinese particles", "Old Chinese verbs", "Pages with 7 entries", "Pages with entries", "Southern Pinghua adjectives", "Southern Pinghua adverbs", "Southern Pinghua hanzi", "Southern Pinghua lemmas", "Southern Pinghua nouns", "Southern Pinghua particles", "Southern Pinghua verbs", "zh:Light"], "etymology_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "Han ideogrammic compounds"}, "expansion": "", "name": "categorize"}, {"args": {"1": "ic", "adj": "", "nocap": "", "pron": ""}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意)", "name": "liushu"}, {"args": {"1": "火", "2": "卩", "ls": "ic", "t1": "fire", "t2": "kneeling person"}, "expansion": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”)", "name": "Han compound"}, {"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "sit-pro", "3": "*hwaŋ", "4": "", "5": "shine; bright; yellow"}, "expansion": "Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”)", "name": "inh"}, {"args": {"1": "黃", "2": "yellow"}, "expansion": "黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "曠", "2": "bright; well-lit"}, "expansion": "曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”)", "name": "och-l"}, {"args": {"1": "my", "2": "ဝင်း", "3": "", "4": "bright"}, "expansion": "Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”)", "name": "cog"}], "etymology_text": "Ideogrammic compound (會意 /会意): 火 (“fire”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of light (Shuowen).\nFrom Proto-Sino-Tibetan *hwaŋ (“shine; bright; yellow”). Cognate with 黃 (OC *ɡʷaːŋ, “yellow”), 曠 (OC *kʰʷaːŋs, “bright; well-lit”), Burmese ဝင်း (wang:, “bright”).", "forms": [{"form": "㫕"}, {"form": "灮"}, {"form": "炗"}, {"form": "炚"}, {"form": "炛"}, {"form": "烡"}, {"form": "𠈑"}, {"form": "𤉭"}, {"form": "𤎫"}, {"form": "𤐥"}, {"form": "𰭧"}, {"form": "㶢"}], "head_templates": [{"args": {"1": "zh", "2": "hanzi"}, "expansion": "光", "name": "head"}], "lang": "Chinese", "lang_code": "zh", "pos": "character", "senses": [{"categories": ["Chinese terms with obsolete senses"], "glosses": ["to color"], "links": [["color", "color"]], "qualifier": "historical dictionaries only", "raw_glosses": ["(historical dictionaries only) to color"]}], "sounds": [{"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guàng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guang⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "bopomofo"], "zh-pron": "ㄍㄨㄤˋ"}, {"tags": ["Hanyu-Pinyin", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guàng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Tongyong-Pinyin"], "zh-pron": "guàng"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Wade-Giles"], "zh-pron": "kuang⁴"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Yale"], "zh-pron": "gwàng"}, {"tags": ["Gwoyeu-Romatsyh", "Mandarin"], "zh-pron": "guanq"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "гуан"}, {"tags": ["Mandarin", "Palladius"], "zh-pron": "guan"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵¹/", "tags": ["Mandarin", "Sinological-IPA"]}, {"tags": ["Middle-Chinese"], "zh-pron": "kwangH"}, {"tags": ["Old-Chinese", "Zhengzhang"], "zh-pron": "/*kʷaːŋs/"}, {"ipa": "/ku̯ɑŋ⁵¹/"}, {"other": "/*kʷaːŋs/"}], "wikipedia": ["Shuowen"], "word": "光"}
This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-12 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-02 using wiktextract (1c4b89b and 9dbd323). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.