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unrecognized head form: Benin

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unrecognized head form: Benin

ce (Gun determiner) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ce

akɔta (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akɔta

xɔ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xɔ

xɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xɔ

kpe (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpe

kpe (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpe

xu (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xu

xu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xu

xu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xu

ato (Fon noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ato

xo (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xo

xo (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xo

xa (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xa

aca (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: aca

xia (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xia

Mawu (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Mawu

afɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: afɔ

gbeɖe (Gun adverb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: gbeɖe

ɖa (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖa

ɖa (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖa

vinyɔnu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: vinyɔnu

nɔ (Gun particle) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nɔ

nɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nɔ

ayi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ayi

ayi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ayi

nyɔnu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nyɔnu

xoxo (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xoxo

sɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: sɔ

sɔ (Gun adverb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: sɔ

sɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: sɔ

sɔ (Gun adverb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: sɔ

civi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: civi

hwe (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hwe

wɛ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: wɛ

kɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kɔ

Sika (Fon proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Sika

xoto (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xoto

nuɖuɖu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nuɖuɖu

kpa (Gun preposition) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpa

kpa (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpa

kpa (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpa

xwe (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xwe

xwe (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xwe

kɛkɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kɛkɛ

ɖi (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖi

ɖi (Gun preposition) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖi

-tɔ (Gun suffix) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: -tɔ

kpo (Gun conjunction) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpo

gbɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: gbɛ

kpakpa (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpakpa

wexɔmɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: wexɔmɛ

hwevi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hwevi

gbɛtɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: gbɛtɔ

hɔn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hɔn

akwɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akwɛ

ɖaxo (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖaxo

ɖɔxo (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖɔxo

ɖɔ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖɔ

otɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: otɔ

otɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: otɔ

kplɔn (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kplɔn

kpɔn (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpɔn

kpɔn (Gun adverb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpɔn

mitɔn (Gun determiner) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: mitɔn

mitɔn (Gun determiner) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: mitɔn

zɛ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: zɛ

oɖɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: oɖɛ

tɔju (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: tɔju

yetɔn (Gun determiner) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: yetɔn

nyɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nyɛ

nyɛ (Gun pronoun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nyɛ

etɔn (Gun determiner) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: etɔn

amɔ (Gun conjunction) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: amɔ

akɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akɔ

lɛblanu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: lɛblanu

axɔsi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: axɔsi

lanmɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: lanmɛ

ɖu (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖu

axɔlu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: axɔlu

aximɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: aximɛ

Ayɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Ayɔ

Ayɔnu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Ayɔnu

yovozɛn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: yovozɛn

kpataki (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpataki

kpataki (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpataki

hwlɛ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hwlɛ

kpodo (Gun preposition) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpodo

xwlakɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xwlakɔ

agɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: agɔ

ajotɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ajotɔ

alɔvi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: alɔvi

avɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: avɔ

alɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: alɔ

Glɛnsigbe (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Glɛnsigbe

xɔntɔn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xɔntɔn

Glɛnsi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Glɛnsi

hwenuxo (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hwenuxo

cigba (Gun conjunction) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: cigba

axɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: axɔ

ɖu axɔ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖu axɔ

ɖu xwe (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖu xwe

ɖu kwɛ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖu kwɛ

ɖu gbɛ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖu gbɛ

ɖu gan (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖu gan

Zangbetɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Zangbetɔ

anɔsin (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: anɔsin

afɔgodo (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: afɔgodo

nusɔnu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nusɔnu

azɔn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: azɔn

miɔngban (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: miɔngban

kpotin (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpotin

akpotin (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akpotin

Xɔgbonu (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Xɔgbonu

Kutɔnu (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Kutɔnu

Ajacɛ (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Ajacɛ

Awɔnlin (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Awɔnlin

ɖu winya (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖu winya

winya (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: winya

yɔkpɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: yɔkpɔ

hɛn (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hɛn

akɔgbe (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akɔgbe

lɛsi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: lɛsi

afɔvi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: afɔvi

osɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: osɔ

osɔ (Gun adverb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: osɔ

afɔvi lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: afɔvi lɛ

afɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: afɔ lɛ

agasa lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: agasa lɛ

agɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: agɔ lɛ

yɔkpɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: yɔkpɔ lɛ

koklo lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: koklo lɛ

alɔvi lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: alɔvi lɛ

ajotɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ajotɔ lɛ

aximɛ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: aximɛ lɛ

akwekwe lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akwekwe lɛ

ovi lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ovi lɛ

akwɛ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akwɛ lɛ

akpotin lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akpotin lɛ

osɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: osɔ lɛ

xɔntɔn lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xɔntɔn lɛ

gbɛtɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: gbɛtɔ lɛ

gbɛ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: gbɛ lɛ

nyɛ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nyɛ lɛ

fɛnnyɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: fɛnnyɛ

fɛnnyɛ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: fɛnnyɛ lɛ

civi lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: civi lɛ

hanjitɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hanjitɔ lɛ

hanjitɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hanjitɔ

aɖu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: aɖu

kan biɔ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kan biɔ

biɔ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: biɔ

tɛ kan (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: tɛ kan

ɖu we (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖu we

hanjinu okannɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hanjinu okannɔ lɛ

hanjinu okannɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hanjinu okannɔ

hanjinu lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hanjinu lɛ

oɖɛ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: oɖɛ lɛ

hlɔnhlɔn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hlɔnhlɔn

oxwe (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: oxwe

oxwe (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: oxwe

ayihundatɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ayihundatɔ

alɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: alɔ lɛ

akla lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akla lɛ

ayihundatɔ lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ayihundatɔ lɛ

atin lɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: atin lɛ

hɔnmɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hɔnmɛ

nukplɔntɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nukplɔntɔ

ɖagbe (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖagbe

xɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xɛ

ganxixo (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ganxixo

haɖokpolɔ (Gun adverb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: haɖokpolɔ

Yovotomɛ (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Yovotomɛ

xlan (Gun preposition) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xlan

cɔci (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: cɔci

ajɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ajɔ

nyikɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nyikɔ

yrɔ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: yrɔ

mɛkpɔnnu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: mɛkpɔnnu

ɖo to (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖo to

ɖo (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖo

kɛɖɛ (Gun adverb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kɛɖɛ

tɔjihun (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: tɔjihun

jrɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: jrɛ

akpa (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: akpa

ɖɔ jrɛ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖɔ jrɛ

kpɛɖe (Gun adjective) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpɛɖe

afɔnnu (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: afɔnnu

hwemɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hwemɛ

hwejayi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hwejayi

ayigba (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ayigba

jayi (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: jayi

ayiɖohwɛɖo (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ayiɖohwɛɖo

ɖokpo (Gun numeral) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖokpo

ɖokpo (Gun adjective) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖokpo

hɔnhungan (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hɔnhungan

xomɛbibiɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: xomɛbibiɔ

voɖutɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: voɖutɔ

voɖetɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: voɖetɔ

Abɔxusun (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Abɔxusun

lɔ (Gun determiner) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: lɔ

tokpɛvi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: tokpɛvi

toɖaxo (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: toɖaxo

zrɔn (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: zrɔn

Misɛnmawu (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Misɛnmawu

sɛn (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: sɛn

mɛkplɔntɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: mɛkplɔntɔ

hunkuntɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hunkuntɔ

ohunxotɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ohunxotɔ

satɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: satɔ

Xwla (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Xwla

ahwan (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ahwan

osɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: osɛ

ahwanfuntɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ahwanfuntɔ

jeyi (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: jeyi

oklunɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: oklunɔ

yelɛ (Gun pronoun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: yelɛ

milɛ (Gun pronoun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: milɛ

milɛ (Gun pronoun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: milɛ

sokpɛn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: sokpɛn

ɖu ya (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɖu ya

linlinxiatɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: linlinxiatɔ

onyi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: onyi

linlinwekantɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: linlinwekantɔ

owesɛdotɛn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: owesɛdotɛn

avɔnyatɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: avɔnyatɔ

ayimatɛn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ayimatɛn

Glexwe (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Glexwe

ayimatɛn-gan (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ayimatɛn-gan

toxɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: toxɔ

jɛ (Gun pronoun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: jɛ

ɛnɛ (Gun numeral) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɛnɛ

ɛnɛ (Gun adjective) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ɛnɛ

atɔn (Gun numeral) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: atɔn

atɔn (Gun adjective) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: atɔn

atɔn (Gun numeral) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: atɔn

atɔn (Gun adjective) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: atɔn

ciɖokpo (Gun numeral) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ciɖokpo

ciɖokpo (Gun adjective) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ciɖokpo

cinawe (Gun numeral) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: cinawe

cinawe (Gun adjective) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: cinawe

kpatakpata (Gun adverb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpatakpata

adɔvi (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: adɔvi

mɔlikun (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: mɔlikun

wenywɛtɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: wenywɛtɔ

lɛngbɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: lɛngbɔ

gbɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: gbɔ

Gbɛnanyɔ (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Gbɛnanyɔ

Sɔnanyɔ (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Sɔnanyɔ

nyɔ (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: nyɔ

afɔɖayitɛn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: afɔɖayitɛn

ojɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ojɛ

ojɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ojɛ

sukpɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: sukpɔ

alikplitɛn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: alikplitɛn

alikpa (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: alikpa

Lɛgba (Gun proper noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: Lɛgba

wekanxlanmɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: wekanxlanmɛ

wekantɛn (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: wekantɛn

fiɖe (Gun adverb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: fiɖe

mɛɖe (Gun pronoun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: mɛɖe

kɛtɛkɛtɛ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kɛtɛkɛtɛ

ayigbanɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: ayigbanɔ

azɔnnywɛtɔ (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: azɔnnywɛtɔ

azɔnxwe (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: azɔnxwe

eɔ (Gun pronoun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: eɔ

hɔngbo (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: hɔngbo

kpaca (Gun noun) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpaca

kpaca (Gun verb) unrecognized head form: Benin Path: kpaca

This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-09-22 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-09-20 using wiktextract (af5c55c and 66545a6). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.