JSON data structure browser

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Fields and tags index

The raw JSON data used to generate this site consists of individual JSON object for each separate word. The browser here is a union of all these objects combined into one, by recursively delving through each of them and adding newly found nodes in a parallel mapping.

"alt": alt seen in Ugaritic [English]; reached 4 times,
"english": english seen in A. [Latin]; reached 43 times,
"roman": roman seen in декалитр [Russian]; reached 117 times,
"sense": sense seen in seventeenth [English]; reached 47 times,
'abbreviation' seen in esclerose lateral amiotrófica [Portuguese]; reached 3 times,
'acronym' seen in синдром набутого імунодефіциту [Ukrainian]; reached 1 times,
'archaic' seen in คณะรัฐมนตรี [Thai]; reached 1 times,
'colloquial' seen in контрольная работа [Russian]; reached 1 times,
'feminine' seen in sexto [Spanish]; reached 3 times,
'initialism' seen in многоразовый транспортный космический корабль [Russian]; reached 1 times,
'masculine' seen in sexto [Spanish]; reached 7 times,
'nonstandard' seen in ผู้ปกครอง [Thai]; reached 1 times,
'proscribed' seen in มหาวิทยาลัย [Thai]; reached 1 times
[topics seen in Connecticut [English]; reached 6 times]
[urls seen in Ugaritic [English]; reached 2 times]
"word": word seen in seventeenth [English]; reached 394 times
"word": word seen in tag teamed [English]; reached 5 times
"alt": alt seen in security through obscurity [English]; reached 209 times,
"english": english seen in creative [English]; reached 4174 times,
[raw_tags seen in 頂点 [Japanese]; reached 5 times]
"roman": roman seen in dextrose [English]; reached 18296 times,
[ruby seen in 低落 [Japanese]; reached 4826 times]
"sense": sense seen in inlandish [English]; reached 8750 times,
"source": source seen in future [English]; reached 4494 times,
[topics seen in partial function [English]; reached 389 times]
"word": word seen in creative [English]; reached 57257 times
[categories seen in gastrokinetic [English]; reached 14580226 times]
"alt": alt seen in anglicism [English]; reached 3292 times,
"english": english seen in F/L [English]; reached 10702 times,
"qualifier": qualifier seen in Δ [Greek]; reached 409 times,
[raw_tags seen in fermion [English]; reached 59 times]
"roman": roman seen in MOP [English]; reached 101562 times,
[ruby seen in [Japanese]; reached 5670 times]
"sense": sense seen in interpreter [English]; reached 10315 times,
"source": source seen in rarely [English]; reached 271 times,
"taxonomic": taxonomic seen in garden chervil [English]; reached 37 times,
[topics seen in LaVeyan [English]; reached 4185 times]
[urls seen in LaVeyan [English]; reached 5255 times]
"word": word seen in Nintendrone [English]; reached 312491 times
"alt": alt seen in navelwort [English]; reached 33429 times,
"english": english seen in chase [English]; reached 160649 times,
"qualifier": qualifier seen in alphabet [English]; reached 677 times,
[raw_tags seen in obliterate [English]; reached 360 times]
"roman": roman seen in eV [English]; reached 688796 times,
[ruby seen in [Japanese]; reached 218722 times]
"sense": sense seen in Kabyle [English]; reached 37293 times,
"taxonomic": taxonomic seen in spotted woodpecker [English]; reached 13458 times,
[topics seen in butterfly [English]; reached 8491 times]
[urls seen in hard [English]; reached 145 times]
"word": word seen in Cape Cod and the Islands [English]; reached 2819099 times
"depth": depth seen in portfolio [English]; reached 835756 times,
{args: view content here}
"expansion": expansion seen in portfolio [English]; reached 807307 times,
"name": name seen in portfolio [English]; reached 807307 times
"text": text seen in portfolio [English]; reached 835756 times
"etymology_number": etymology_number seen in Brava [English]; reached 321947 times,
{args: view content here}
"expansion": expansion seen in gastrokinetic [English]; reached 4219792 times,
"name": name seen in gastrokinetic [English]; reached 4219792 times
"etymology_text": etymology_text seen in gastrokinetic [English]; reached 2405494 times,
"roman": roman seen in هما [Arabic]; reached 17 times,
"word": word seen in himself [English]; reached 2368 times
"form": form seen in gastrokinetic [English]; reached 87687225 times,
"head_nr": head_nr seen in xennial [English]; reached 22407 times,
"ipa": ipa seen in touffer [French]; reached 373664 times,
[raw_tags seen in Turkman [English]; reached 2606 times]
"roman": roman seen in 501(c)(3) [English]; reached 8062452 times,
[ruby seen in [Japanese]; reached 382466 times]
"source": source seen in wit [English]; reached 80875382 times,
[topics seen in idea [English]; reached 72 times]
{args: view content here}
"expansion": expansion seen in cunnilingues [English]; reached 10320696 times,
"name": name seen in cunnilingues [English]; reached 10320696 times
"alt": alt seen in Inuit [English]; reached 7 times,
"english": english seen in Inuit [English]; reached 253 times,
"qualifier": qualifier seen in upright [English]; reached 14 times,
[raw_tags seen in Jamajko [Esperanto]; reached 5 times]
"roman": roman seen in Inuit [English]; reached 97 times,
[ruby seen in あんきも [Japanese]; reached 10 times]
"sense": sense seen in client [English]; reached 141 times,
"source": source seen in dusk [English]; reached 1118 times,
[topics seen in rhombus [English]; reached 53 times]
"word": word seen in ultrafilter [English]; reached 2597 times
"alt": alt seen in SARS-CoV [English]; reached 163 times,
"english": english seen in HC [English]; reached 121733 times,
[raw_tags seen in Aborigine [English]; reached 12 times]
"roman": roman seen in Tethys [English]; reached 1123 times,
[ruby seen in 薄い本 [Japanese]; reached 636 times]
"sense": sense seen in dusk [English]; reached 125052 times,
"source": source seen in bend [English]; reached 2733 times,
"taxonomic": taxonomic seen in Gnathostomata [Translingual]; reached 10 times,
[topics seen in interpreter [English]; reached 886 times]
[urls seen in Glyceria [Translingual]; reached 14 times]
"word": word seen in chrysanthemin [English]; reached 144676 times
[hyphenation seen in didgeridoo [English]; reached 809687 times]
"alt": alt seen in milkvetch [English]; reached 2985 times,
"english": english seen in milkvetch [English]; reached 33749 times,
"qualifier": qualifier seen in abbreviation [English]; reached 16 times,
[raw_tags seen in Berberideae [Translingual]; reached 25 times]
"roman": roman seen in propylene glycol [English]; reached 3194 times,
[ruby seen in [Japanese]; reached 612 times]
"sense": sense seen in interpreter [English]; reached 57651 times,
"source": source seen in future [English]; reached 21942 times,
"taxonomic": taxonomic seen in barn owl [English]; reached 861 times,
[topics seen in interpreter [English]; reached 3011 times]
[urls seen in wrasse [English]; reached 1357 times]
"word": word seen in future [English]; reached 141893 times
{args: view content here}
"name": name seen in musty [English]; reached 2593218 times
"source": source seen in title [English]; reached 2086 times,
'Sikh' seen in god [English]; reached 1 times,
'UK' seen in foreigner [English]; reached 1 times,
'US' seen in drunkard [English]; reached 2 times,
'as a Mahayana deity' seen in god [English]; reached 1 times,
'derogatory' seen in foreigner [English]; reached 1 times,
'humorous' seen in spoilsport [English]; reached 1 times,
'informal' seen in foreigner [English]; reached 1 times,
'obsolete' seen in god [English]; reached 1 times,
'offensive' seen in god [English]; reached 1 times,
'slang' seen in god [English]; reached 1 times
"word": word seen in title [English]; reached 2086 times
"lang": lang seen in cunnilingues [English]; reached 9464796 times,
"lang_code": lang_code seen in cunnilingues [English]; reached 9464796 times,
"alt": alt seen in Inuit [English]; reached 79 times,
"english": english seen in H [English]; reached 441 times,
[raw_tags seen in Romanisch [German]; reached 3 times]
"roman": roman seen in Romance [English]; reached 275 times,
[ruby seen in 論集 [Japanese]; reached 64 times]
"sense": sense seen in H [English]; reached 942 times,
"source": source seen in guise [English]; reached 3226 times,
"taxonomic": taxonomic seen in kinnikinnick [English]; reached 6 times,
[topics seen in twilight [English]; reached 144 times]
[urls seen in Usono [Esperanto]; reached 50 times]
"word": word seen in diencephalon [English]; reached 7563 times
"original_title": original_title seen in `num` [English]; reached 36722 times,
"pos": pos seen in cunnilingues [English]; reached 9464796 times,
"alt": alt seen in 帰る [Japanese]; reached 8 times,
"english": english seen in mons [Latin]; reached 64 times,
"roman": roman seen in 太刀 [Japanese]; reached 386 times,
[ruby seen in 太刀 [Japanese]; reached 3226 times]
['literally' seen in mons [Latin]; reached 10 times]
"word": word seen in mons [Latin]; reached 428 times
[redirects seen in かく [Japanese]; reached 7593 times]
"alt": alt seen in HC [English]; reached 13077 times,
"english": english seen in AHRS [English]; reached 118526 times,
"qualifier": qualifier seen in dubs [English]; reached 27313 times,
[raw_tags seen in -er [English]; reached 501 times]
"roman": roman seen in multiplier [English]; reached 430174 times,
[ruby seen in wasei kango [English]; reached 53898 times]
"sense": sense seen in Balochistan [English]; reached 90316 times,
"source": source seen in future [English]; reached 8815 times,
"taxonomic": taxonomic seen in sharksucker [English]; reached 256 times,
[topics seen in RCM [English]; reached 23668 times]
[urls seen in dusk [English]; reached 23485 times]
"word": word seen in gastrokinetic [English]; reached 2383412 times
{_list_: view content here}
"audio": audio seen in didgeridoo [English]; reached 724136 times,
"audio-ipa": audio-ipa seen in said [English]; reached 533 times,
"enpr": enpr seen in didgeridoo [English]; reached 14974 times,
"form": form seen in amara [Latin]; reached 13579 times,
"homophone": homophone seen in Flynt [English]; reached 176273 times,
"ipa": ipa seen in gleanings [English]; reached 5849929 times,
"mp3_url": mp3_url seen in didgeridoo [English]; reached 724136 times,
"note": note seen in Wojak [English]; reached 428715 times,
"ogg_url": ogg_url seen in didgeridoo [English]; reached 724136 times,
"other": other seen in Palawan [English]; reached 135778 times,
"rhymes": rhymes seen in Owen [English]; reached 819784 times,
"text": text seen in didgeridoo [English]; reached 717220 times,
[topics seen in provost [English]; reached 379 times]
"zh-pron": zh-pron seen in [Chinese]; reached 2714153 times
"source": source seen in person of color [English]; reached 287 times,
"alt": alt seen in long drop [English]; reached 10392 times,
"english": english seen in hopak [English]; reached 59739 times,
"qualifier": qualifier seen in [English]; reached 8851 times,
[raw_tags seen in noonday [English]; reached 2417 times]
"roman": roman seen in Uelen [English]; reached 570689 times,
[ruby seen in 浮き世 [Japanese]; reached 26662 times]
"sense": sense seen in punch card [English]; reached 119586 times,
"source": source seen in future [English]; reached 41639 times,
"taxonomic": taxonomic seen in bush pig [English]; reached 46 times,
[topics seen in interpreter [English]; reached 42036 times]
[urls seen in anglicism [English]; reached 265 times]
"word": word seen in gastrokinetic [English]; reached 4828844 times
[topics seen in pres [Albanian]; reached 4 times]
"alt": alt seen in nihilism [English]; reached 49534 times,
"code": code seen in gleanings [English]; reached 3172952 times,
"english": english seen in future [English]; reached 30228 times,
"lang": lang seen in gleanings [English]; reached 3173002 times,
"note": note seen in venialness [English]; reached 14882 times,
[raw_tags seen in Tokyo [English]; reached 1847 times]
"roman": roman seen in gleanings [English]; reached 976941 times,
"sense": sense seen in gleanings [English]; reached 3162504 times,
"taxonomic": taxonomic seen in Champions League [English]; reached 216 times,
[topics seen in portfolio [English]; reached 8292 times]
"word": word seen in gleanings [English]; reached 3167900 times
"english": english seen in surfi [Esperanto]; reached 21 times,
"roman": roman seen in 礼をする [Japanese]; reached 25 times,
[ruby seen in 礼をする [Japanese]; reached 62 times]
"sense": sense seen in sale [English]; reached 28 times,
"source": source seen in look [English]; reached 6 times,
'inchoative' seen in alszik [Hungarian]; reached 6 times,
'poetic' seen in alszik [Hungarian]; reached 1 times
[topics seen in closure [English]; reached 8 times]
"word": word seen in steal [English]; reached 150 times
[wikidata seen in deconstructivist [English]; reached 2 times]
[wikipedia seen in didgeridoo [English]; reached 136322 times]
"word": word seen in cunnilingues [English]; reached 9464796 times

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-05-27 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-05-02 using wiktextract (bb24e0f and c7ea76d). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.